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Kazuma 07-11-2007 03:22 AM

Re: FTP locks my account for excess transfers, refuse to answer emails
If these players aren't playing enough, then they should just make them play more until they have paid enough rake. I don't see why accounts have to be frozen. Seems pretty dumb.

frommagio 07-11-2007 03:45 AM

Re: FTP locks my account for excess transfers, refuse to answer emails
Tough situation, I hope it will work out. You asked the questions up front, and complied with the rules that they laid out. Assuming that everything checks out, you really should be OK after the investigation. But the silence must be extremely frustrating.

Antonio's email actually started out pretty well. It's informative and clearly written, which is much better than one would expect from FTP. It gives some hope that the investigation is rational, and that it might lead to a reasonable conclusion.

But then the frustrating part begins. The communications begin to break down, the content begins to disappear, and the investigation enters into the realm of FTP's trademark silent period. That's the part that seems unacceptable to me. It's a typical example of what I have often referred to on these forums as FTP's lack of respect for its customers.

In various "official FTP" threads, I have challenged FTPDoug and/or Sean to address their overall issues with customer support, which I believe clearly arise from a fundamental corporate lack of respect for their customers. There are numerous examples; yet they will not address the issue forthrightly.

For me, the lack of customer respect is a huge red flag. It's the sole issue preventing me from patronizing FTP.

None of us would accept this treatment from businesses that we deal with in other areas of our lives. Even though there are few choices available for online poker, we should still insist on a minimum level of corporate ethics. Markets work; if enough folks held to their normal standards, we would all have far more acceptable choices.

MicroBob 07-11-2007 04:08 AM

Re: FTP locks my account for excess transfers, refuse to answer emails
fundamental corporate lack of respect for their customers.

[/ QUOTE ]

4drugmoney 07-11-2007 04:38 AM

Re: FTP locks my account for excess transfers, refuse to answer emails
Wow sucks dude.

Synergistic Explosions 07-11-2007 04:50 AM

Re: FTP locks my account for excess transfers, refuse to answer emails
So they think you are the kingpin for a large money laundering operation?

Eleven days of silence after they hinted the investigation was nearing completion?

Good luck with those jokers.

kyleb 07-11-2007 04:52 AM

Re: FTP locks my account for excess transfers, refuse to answer emails
So they think you are the kingpin for a large money laundering operation?

Eleven days of silence after they hinted the investigation was nearing completion?

Good luck with those jokers.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't really know what they think, to be honest. They don't email me! Hah!

MaddyBerg 07-11-2007 05:48 AM

Re: FTP locks my account for excess transfers, refuse to answer emails
Hi Kyleb,

Feel free to question my credibility as I am new to the site, however here are my thoughts.

First of all, regardless of your innocence, by sending large sums of money to many, many accounts who play low limits then withdraw, you are obviously raising some flags. With soo much fraud in the industry, these types of things need to be thoroughly scrutinized and such things require long investigations. I experianced a similar length of time when my account was under investigation with pokerstars when I was acting as a payment processor for many of my friends (depositing large sums of money, sending them around the world, and some of these players withdrew funds immediately).

You must realize that with so much fraud occuring in the industry these investigations can take long periods of time indeed.

By the sounds of it, you have not excersized your patience. I think a post like this is a bad idea. Not only does upper management probably read such things and could probably delay the investigation, but if the funds arent fraudulent, then they are rightfully yours. You say that 10k is not a big hit for you, and I agree it probably isnt, But if thats the case, the least you can do is wait for them to officially deem your funds no-fraudulent and rightfully return them to you.

Based on your post, it sounds to me like you are very concerned that Full Tilt Poker will find something you dont want them to, thus you being paranoid and concerned that your funds are not being returned at this point in time.

I think your post bashing the site does not have a positive effect on the situation. If you are not commiting fraud, you should take a deep breath, and let pokersites thoroughly investigate the money you've transfered using their client as a conveniance.

kyleb 07-11-2007 05:53 AM

Re: FTP locks my account for excess transfers, refuse to answer emails
I wouldn't have made this post if they hadn't simply stopped responding to emails. When I worked for PokerStars, we never would have just flat-out ignored emails with regard to an ongoing investigation, and we did our best to keep the people in the loop.

Furthermore, I cleared it with an employee of FTP before I did anything and I still am running into problems. It's pretty ridiculous.

MaddyBerg 07-11-2007 06:00 AM

Re: FTP locks my account for excess transfers, refuse to answer emails
The fact that you have 10k locked up probably tells me that you arent exactly being patient, and I dont blame you. Its money, its stressful and lack of response isnt exactly comforting. You do however say you send them an email every second day asking for an update. Based on the emails you provided from FTP, they said they would contact you when the investigation is complete. Sending multiple emails a week not only creates more work, but seems irritating. Again based on the emails youve provided, 2 of the messages from Antonio and Kevin L almost say the exact same thing: We will contact you when WE are finished our investigation. FTP is one of the larger pokersites in the world and isnt just going to completely ignore you. I'm sure once again that this is from a lack of patience you've shown because you have a significant amount of money stuck on their website. I would be extremely suprised if you never hear from them again and if they do take your funds (considering you arent fradulent of course).

boohaa12 07-11-2007 06:23 AM

Re: FTP locks my account for excess transfers, refuse to answer emails
FTP is one of the larger pokersites in the world and isnt just going to completely ignore you.

[/ QUOTE ]
i didnt want to get involved in this post as they seem to be a dime a dozen (with FTP anyhow), not so much stars (sept the recent Druff incident (resolved in a day))...

but in reguards to OP not being patient noobie, there is a long history of this crap ftp pulls. This has been going on for 6 months. When FTPDoug use to comment on these threads from day to day, and some of them got very serious, FTP promissed to keep investigations to a 2-4week maximum and keep players informed along the way. Now i can see this may be rather large from the size of transaction in quantity and mass, but at the same time our respected admin Kyle has given them almost all the information he can scrounge up. If FTP has a problem with a player withdrawing funds after getting them, there needs to be rule set in place as to how much MRG needs to be generated before withdrawl. Oh wait there is (someone check TOS i have got this email before).. I think its 20% of transfer or 5% cant remmeber.
I have had withdraws in past cancled for this reason... I think most the blame lies here with FTP for their direct statement of ppl cashing out too quick, when they need to limit this more responsibly.
Sorry i lit you up new poster, but this has gone on for a long long time, and im always scared to keep what little cash i have on there. I get most of mydonking funds from my real life friend who only transfers to me, but hes got 10k+ in his account. Id feel terrible if something happened cause i wd too soon.

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