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DontRaiseMeBro 11-11-2007 02:51 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
[x] coldcocked

[/ QUOTE ]

bottomset 11-11-2007 03:13 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
if the op was capable of punishing said woman beater without putting himself in serious danger

[/ QUOTE ]

the guy could easily have a knife

icheckcallu 11-11-2007 03:37 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
uhm u most likely could have tap the girl that nbight. Bad karma for that fuckling guy but no u badbeat youreself and let the guy get away HAHAHAHAHAHA

12ressiMorP 11-11-2007 03:42 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
as Bill Burr said "she picked 'em"

Seriously you did all you could. I might have called the cops regardless of what she said, but I'm not sure that is the correct move anyway.

RustedCorpse 11-11-2007 04:03 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
Am I the only person who doesn't try and fight the guy because she hit first? I hate double standards.

AlexM 11-11-2007 04:12 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
You did fine. It's not a big deal, girls love drama, they will be back together in no time.

[/ QUOTE ]

He wouldn't hit her if he didn't have strong feelings for her!

AlexM 11-11-2007 04:14 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
Am I the only person who doesn't try and fight the guy because she hit first? I hate double standards.

[/ QUOTE ]

I definitely agree that her hitting first means she got what she asked for. The guy's still a jerk though.

Thug Bubbles 11-11-2007 04:27 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
Am I the only person who doesn't try and fight the guy because she hit first? I hate double standards.

[/ QUOTE ]

I definitely agree that her hitting first means she got what she asked for. The guy's still a jerk though.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a matter of escalation. Plus, we don't know why she slapped him. If she slapped him without provocation, I still don't think she deserved a full punch from a large guy. It has less to do with her being a female, and more to do with acknowledging one's own physicality.

That being said, there's a special kind of hell for women who abuse their female status to:

1. Get away with punching/slapping/throwing-drinks-on guys.
2. Purposely get men to fight over them.

cosimaninja 11-11-2007 04:41 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
if the op was capable of punishing said woman beater without putting himself in serious danger

[/ QUOTE ]

the guy could easily have a knife

[/ QUOTE ]

???? then he would be putting himslef in serious danger. unless of course he was highly skilled in self defense(particuly weapons training) and could disarm the villian without much effort but like i said as played op did good.

offTopic 11-11-2007 04:45 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
if the op was capable of punishing said woman beater without putting himself in serious danger

[/ QUOTE ]

the guy could easily have a knife

[/ QUOTE ]

...or a baseball bat

wet work 11-11-2007 04:46 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
I don't think it's ever a good idea to get involved in these types of situations. Especially with complete strangers. You did more than enough.

samjjones 11-11-2007 05:17 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
jlocdog - Mind your own business next time.

And I better not catch you looking at my woman again, or I'll knock your teeth out, too.

Arito 11-11-2007 05:17 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
if the op was capable of punishing said woman beater without putting himself in serious danger

[/ QUOTE ]

the guy could easily have a knife

[/ QUOTE ]

...or a baseball bat

[/ QUOTE ]

Which would be better though...

traz 11-11-2007 05:20 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
if the op was capable of punishing said woman beater without putting himself in serious danger

[/ QUOTE ]

the guy could easily have a knife

[/ QUOTE ]

...or a baseball bat

[/ QUOTE ]

Which would be better though...

[/ QUOTE ]
you belong here

Borodog 11-11-2007 05:25 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
Was she about to eat a sandwich?

mbillie1 11-11-2007 05:27 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
wtf if she's knocked out and you helped her up you missed a perfectly good rape/robbery opportunity imo, bad play bro

By-Tor 11-11-2007 05:32 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
if the op was capable of punishing said woman beater without putting himself in serious danger

[/ QUOTE ]

the guy could easily have a knife

[/ QUOTE ]

...or a basketball

[/ QUOTE ]

cpitt398 11-11-2007 05:36 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
to everyone that says call the cops:

depending on which state you are in, one of two things are going to happen.

Absolutely nothing except you wasting your time or they are both going to go to jail.

pegusus 11-11-2007 05:50 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
Call the cops.

[/ QUOTE ]

M2d 11-11-2007 05:50 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...

b) she's an 8+ OOT

[/ QUOTE ]

pre or post smack upside the head?

jlocdog 11-11-2007 06:03 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...

I am not sure about the rest of you but I find a distinct difference between a girl slapping a guy and a guy throwing a right hook to a girls face. This is on the merits of an open vs. closed fist and a guy vs. a girl. Neither seems equal to its counterpart.

Oddly enough, after she slapped him, I might not have thought much if he grabbed her forcefully to contain the situation or even slapped her back. But the right hook seemed WAY out of line and should never happen. Even a slap back is uncalled for but an offense that does not deserve my intervention IMO.

Lastly, for those wondering, she was a 6.5 on the OOT scale. A typical upper east side looking girl for those that know what I mean. Not the look of one who regularly has brawl type drama on her saturday evening schedule.

miajag 11-11-2007 06:09 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
Is it just me or has this thread been made like 5 times before, and occurred in NYC each time?

Golden_Rhino 11-11-2007 06:10 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
I would have probably slugged the guy, but:

1. I am bigger than him.
2. I have a bit of a Batman complex.

I agree though, that the OP did the right thing. Even if OP could have beaten the guy to a pulp it would not have undone the dude punching the girl in the face.

OP, I think you handled the situation in a very classy way.

Michaelson 11-11-2007 06:15 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
Am I the only person who doesn't try and fight the guy because she hit first? I hate double standards.

[/ QUOTE ]

I definitely agree that her hitting first means she got what she asked for. The guy's still a jerk though.

[/ QUOTE ]

[censored] there are some disgusting views expressed in this thread, and others like it on 2+2 in general.

The facts as they are presented in OP: -animosity exists between guy and girl who are staring each other down.
-the guy, approximately 6'2" and 210 lbs, approaches the girl.
-she slaps him.
-he hits her with full force in the face and knocks her to the ground.
-he appears to contemplate kicking the crap out of her while she's on the ground.

Now, granted, there are a select few sets of cirumstances where the guy's actions might have been, if not excusable, somewhat understandable. Maybe she set about hitting on some raw nerve with him and he just snapped. It's possible. I think there's a far larger set of circumstances that involve the guy being a huge douchebag who likes to exercise the physical dominance he has over his woman, but you know, in principle it is at least possible that his actions are not deserving of blanket condemnation.

What is so horrid, though, is that there are people who think that because she supposedly innitiated it with a slap (even though OP states that she slapped him after he stepped towards her), that the guy is justified to respond by beating her down. It really is just sickening hearing that sentiment expressed.

By the way, jlocdog, I think you handled it well.

AntonHeat 11-11-2007 07:25 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
But you got her number right?

[/ QUOTE ]

rofl, no but really op this is +Karma for you at the least.

dragonystic 11-11-2007 08:05 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
i have little sympathy for women who put up with this kind of [censored]. especially if they are just bf/gf. makes me think they like getting hit.

sublime 11-11-2007 08:15 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
you did well except for paying for the cab.

kipin 11-11-2007 09:15 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
I'm pretty sure if I was drunk I would kick the [censored] out of the guy.

If I'm sober I probably do as you did, but probably call the police without her consent.

Nothing pisses me off more than seeing a woman hit by a man.

killsadie 11-11-2007 09:28 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
mind your own business next time

AlexM 11-11-2007 10:09 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
Am I the only person who doesn't try and fight the guy because she hit first? I hate double standards.

[/ QUOTE ]

I definitely agree that her hitting first means she got what she asked for. The guy's still a jerk though.

[/ QUOTE ]

[censored] there are some disgusting views expressed in this thread, and others like it on 2+2 in general.

The facts as they are presented in OP: -animosity exists between guy and girl who are staring each other down.
-the guy, approximately 6'2" and 210 lbs, approaches the girl.
-she slaps him.
-he hits her with full force in the face and knocks her to the ground.
-he appears to contemplate kicking the crap out of her while she's on the ground.

Now, granted, there are a select few sets of cirumstances where the guy's actions might have been, if not excusable, somewhat understandable. Maybe she set about hitting on some raw nerve with him and he just snapped. It's possible. I think there's a far larger set of circumstances that involve the guy being a huge douchebag who likes to exercise the physical dominance he has over his woman, but you know, in principle it is at least possible that his actions are not deserving of blanket condemnation.

What is so horrid, though, is that there are people who think that because she supposedly innitiated it with a slap (even though OP states that she slapped him after he stepped towards her), that the guy is justified to respond by beating her down. It really is just sickening hearing that sentiment expressed.

By the way, jlocdog, I think you handled it well.

[/ QUOTE ]

I never said the guy's behavior was remotely excusable, I was just saying that I don't have much sympathy for women who hit guys. I did very clearly say, "The guy's still a jerk though." Another way to phrase what I said would be, "Her behavior doesn't make me feel much sympathy, but the guy's behavior is inexcusable regardless."

yjbrewer 11-11-2007 10:18 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
You have no idea what she did. Sometimes a woman might deserve it. I aint for hitting women for no reason but no the whole truth be4 passing judgement. Let me make a list of things that a woman might deserve to get hit for.

1. She spends all of your money and leaves you with nothing

2. She screws another man in your house.

3. She repeatedly bites your wee wee head during oral sex

4. She molests your kids or does something cruel to them

Those are the only things I can think of that deserve an ass whoopin!

SNOWBALL 11-11-2007 10:18 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...

Now he is about 6'2, and 210lbs. I am 5'8 and 160. So I ask, WTF am I supposed to do here? He seemed adequately drunk and could almost definitely kick the crap outta me.

[/ QUOTE ]

When I was 15 a drunk adult who was much much bigger than me tried to KO me with a beer can. I blocked it, gave him an open palmed uppercut to the jaw, and then 1 second later, I had a full mount on him and I was grounding and pounding his face on the sidewalk.
I was just a skinny kid with very minimal fight training. Drunk people cannot fight worth a damn.

Shadowrun 11-11-2007 10:22 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
I agree being drunk does not help with fighting just pain it seems.

Last night some dude from knoxville, was in UofI for whatever reason and charged at me outside, i didnt even have to defend my self since he fell over himself and face planted on the pavement.

Thug Bubbles 11-11-2007 10:34 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
Am I the only person who doesn't try and fight the guy because she hit first? I hate double standards.

[/ QUOTE ]

I definitely agree that her hitting first means she got what she asked for. The guy's still a jerk though.

[/ QUOTE ]

[censored] there are some disgusting views expressed in this thread, and others like it on 2+2 in general.

The facts as they are presented in OP: -animosity exists between guy and girl who are staring each other down.
-the guy, approximately 6'2" and 210 lbs, approaches the girl.
-she slaps him.
-he hits her with full force in the face and knocks her to the ground.
-he appears to contemplate kicking the crap out of her while she's on the ground.

Now, granted, there are a select few sets of cirumstances where the guy's actions might have been, if not excusable, somewhat understandable. Maybe she set about hitting on some raw nerve with him and he just snapped. It's possible. I think there's a far larger set of circumstances that involve the guy being a huge douchebag who likes to exercise the physical dominance he has over his woman, but you know, in principle it is at least possible that his actions are not deserving of blanket condemnation.

What is so horrid, though, is that there are people who think that because she supposedly innitiated it with a slap (even though OP states that she slapped him after he stepped towards her), that the guy is justified to respond by beating her down. It really is just sickening hearing that sentiment expressed.

By the way, jlocdog, I think you handled it well.

[/ QUOTE ]

I never said the guy's behavior was remotely excusable, I was just saying that I don't have much sympathy for women who hit guys. I did very clearly say, "The guy's still a jerk though." Another way to phrase what I said would be, "Her behavior doesn't make me feel much sympathy, but the guy's behavior is inexcusable regardless."

[/ QUOTE ]

The problem is that you don't know if the guy is a jerk, or if she deserved it, but you assume that he didn't ask for a slap, and say that a punch is an appropriate reaction.

MC Chris 11-11-2007 10:36 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
i wanna try to fight snowball for some reason

yjbrewer 11-11-2007 10:38 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
If a woman dont wanna get hit she shouldnt put herself in a mans position.

AlexM 11-11-2007 10:58 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
Am I the only person who doesn't try and fight the guy because she hit first? I hate double standards.

[/ QUOTE ]

I definitely agree that her hitting first means she got what she asked for. The guy's still a jerk though.

[/ QUOTE ]

[censored] there are some disgusting views expressed in this thread, and others like it on 2+2 in general.

The facts as they are presented in OP: -animosity exists between guy and girl who are staring each other down.
-the guy, approximately 6'2" and 210 lbs, approaches the girl.
-she slaps him.
-he hits her with full force in the face and knocks her to the ground.
-he appears to contemplate kicking the crap out of her while she's on the ground.

Now, granted, there are a select few sets of cirumstances where the guy's actions might have been, if not excusable, somewhat understandable. Maybe she set about hitting on some raw nerve with him and he just snapped. It's possible. I think there's a far larger set of circumstances that involve the guy being a huge douchebag who likes to exercise the physical dominance he has over his woman, but you know, in principle it is at least possible that his actions are not deserving of blanket condemnation.

What is so horrid, though, is that there are people who think that because she supposedly innitiated it with a slap (even though OP states that she slapped him after he stepped towards her), that the guy is justified to respond by beating her down. It really is just sickening hearing that sentiment expressed.

By the way, jlocdog, I think you handled it well.

[/ QUOTE ]

I never said the guy's behavior was remotely excusable, I was just saying that I don't have much sympathy for women who hit guys. I did very clearly say, "The guy's still a jerk though." Another way to phrase what I said would be, "Her behavior doesn't make me feel much sympathy, but the guy's behavior is inexcusable regardless."

[/ QUOTE ]

The problem is that you don't know if the guy is a jerk, or if she deserved it, but you assume that he didn't ask for a slap, and say that a punch is an appropriate reaction.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I did not say that a punch was an appropriate reaction. Stop reading stuff into my post that I didn't say.

Jay Riall 11-11-2007 11:00 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
what if he just bitchslaps her back, does everyone think he's a POS that should die then? not knowing anything about the reason.

[/ QUOTE ]

No I'm all for bitchslapping women (assuming the bitchslapped first).

GTL 11-11-2007 11:55 PM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
i was in a similar situation this summer and ended up feeling [censored] about my lack of action as well. was walking down the street in Provincetown, Cape Cod which is a really small touristy type town. Lots of people on the streets and lots of drinking. A couple is having an argument and people are starting to pay attention. You can tell that the guy is about to hit the girl any second. I'm walking with 2 other guys, and if we had just moved toward them and spoke up we could have stopped him from hitting her. Instead I stopped and watched them fight some more before he finally slapped her. She fought back, slugged him a couple times in the face and he walked away.

Didn't call the cops, didn't stop it. Still feel [censored] about it because there was no chance of me getting my ass kicked. Was a crowded street and I had friends with me. Should have spoke up sooner.

In your case, there was nothing you could do. Calling the cops might be best, but it won't really change anything for either of them.

Adebisi 11-12-2007 12:09 AM

Re: WTF at a guy knocking out a girl right in front of me...
You did fine. Asking her if she needed help and paying for a cab was a nice gesture. Calling the cops would have been dumb. For many reasons, I think it's best to just mind your own business when you see two strangers in an altercation on the street.

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