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vhawk01 11-06-2007 01:41 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Why would you interpret this literally?

[/ QUOTE ]

I interpret it as fiction. But many Christians interpret it literally. And many Christians are gleeful at the notion of people being tortured forever.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think a lot of Christians truly believe in Hell and hate the thought of it...which is why there's some Christians who spend their lives trying to "save" others, because they are sickened by the punishment, but believe it to be true.

I hope Hell doesn't exist. I hope we are supposed to read the parts in the Bible describing Hell allegorically and not literally. And that there will be no literal place of eternal torment. I can't even fathom how Heaven would be so perfect if one had the knowledge of others suffering in Hell.

But again...God makes the rules. If God exists and is in control, than all we can do is pray for His mercy.

[/ QUOTE ]

What POSSIBLE allegorical meaning to burning in fire for eternity could there be? I'm genuinely interested. It seems like some Christians just shout "Allegory!" or "METAPHOR!!!" whenever there is some horrible part of the Bible that they really dont like. What is the allegory here? What POSSIBLE reality could be depicted by this metaphor? Eternal seems to pretty much mean eternal...its not exactly a metaphor or euphemism.

Splendour 11-06-2007 01:54 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough in my post. I went off on a tangent. I wasn't addressing the hell question the OP posted. I was simply expressing my amazement at the lack of respect for the number of diverse elements that the bible has to deal with. Not to mention its time, space and prophetic dimensions as well as the various levels of intellects it addresses, not just IQ levels, not just cultures, but from kids to the elderly.

Btw, if you really did study the bible as thorougly as you contend how come you never arrived at the conclusion that arrogance could get in the way of understanding?

Arrogance often gets in the way of any study whether its a biblical or completely non-biblical one.

The ironic thing is that intelligent people have the better intellects to wrestle with the bible, but it appears many of them don't want to. Maybe God is even more concerned with our emotions than our intellects. He is all about spirit after all.

Its hard to impress God with brains since he already cornered the market on it, but he just might have made us for worship and companionship. That requires a better emotional being not an intellectual being.

twonine29 11-06-2007 02:01 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Simple question:

Do you believe that the god you worship sends people to a place where they are to suffer for eternity, or not?

[/ QUOTE ]

I believe in God, and i pray that He doesn't send anyone to suffer for eternity. but who am i? a nobody.

eh. i just wanted to know if any atheists ever had the slight fear of eternal Hell. I was agnostic/atheist till I was 19. Now I'm 23 and a Christian.

Even so, i still contemplate other possibilities, like what if everyone who didn't give their soul away gets to be "free" for eternity while those who gave their souls away are slaves.

i think the fact that there's even something instead of nothing at all is mind-blowing.

bluesbassman 11-06-2007 02:02 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
i know most atheists are confident in their belief that there is no God...especially the Christian God.

Does the thought of Hell ever worry you?

[/ QUOTE ]

Nowhere near the degree to which people who are worried about going to Hell, worry me.

Sephus 11-06-2007 02:11 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Btw, if you really did study the bible as thorougly as you contend how come you never arrived at the conclusion that arrogance could get in the way of understanding?

[/ QUOTE ]

arrogance is a much bigger obstacle to those of lower intelligence. while the more intelligent may "come off" with an air of superiority, they tend to have a much better understanding of their own competence.

The ironic thing is that intelligent people have the better intellects to wrestle with the bible, but it appears many of them don't want to.

[/ QUOTE ]

intelligent people have a better understanding of what sort of things are worth wrestling with.

Maybe God is even more concerned with our emotions than our intellects. He is all about spirit after all. Its hard to impress God with brains since he already cornered the market on it, but he just might have made us for worship and companionship. That requires a better emotional being not an intellectual being.

[/ QUOTE ]

if there weren't a corner for you to run to, we wouldn't be here.

tame_deuces 11-06-2007 02:12 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?

Btw, if you really did study the bible as thorougly as you contend how come you never arrived at the conclusion that arrogance could get in the way of understanding?

Arrogance often gets in the way of any study whether its a biblical or completely non-biblical one.

[/ QUOTE ]

I did, but that understanding went the other way. I understand and liked that good science is humble to the effect that it accepts alternate explanations and seeks to understand if they hold true.

Science doesn't claim the ultimate answer, so there isn't the calm security that religion offered - as many things will go unanswered. But the (good) bits of science are devoid of the religious arrogance of laying absolute claim to answers.

Brad1970 11-06-2007 02:25 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
I am confused about this hell. I have a bible with me, direct me to the passage that describes hell. Thanks.

[/ QUOTE ]
Any help here? You all seem to have intimate knowledge of this hell place. There must be some interesting passages in the bible that go into depth about this place.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know how to use Google right??

Also, aside from quoting a bunch of scripture that may or may not help you, try reading Luke 16:19-31.

Brad1970 11-06-2007 02:33 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Why would you interpret this literally?

[/ QUOTE ]

I interpret it as fiction. But many Christians interpret it literally. And many Christians are gleeful at the notion of people being tortured forever.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think a lot of Christians truly believe in Hell and hate the thought of it...which is why there's some Christians who spend their lives trying to "save" others, because they are sickened by the punishment, but believe it to be true.

I hope Hell doesn't exist. I hope we are supposed to read the parts in the Bible describing Hell allegorically and not literally. And that there will be no literal place of eternal torment. I can't even fathom how Heaven would be so perfect if one had the knowledge of others suffering in Hell.

But again...God makes the rules. If God exists and is in control, than all we can do is pray for His mercy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hell is a real place & you need to accept the fact that there will be people spending eternity there. Jesus taught more about hell than he did heaven.

Christians are not 'gleeful' about nonbelievers going there...why do you think we go through the effort of trying convert the rest of the world??

Splendour 11-06-2007 02:36 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
i know most atheists are confident in their belief that there is no God...especially the Christian God.

Does the thought of Hell ever worry you?

[/ QUOTE ]

Nowhere near the degree to which people who are worried about going to Hell, worry me.

[/ QUOTE ]

The ironic thing is I never heard this worry about hell come up among Christians as much as it does with the atheists on this forum. I'm sure Christians are bound to consider it, but most that I know focus on the love and redemption. I know I noticed hell but in a passing sort of way. It seems like its something that either non-Christians or non-believers obsess over. I always knew God was good so I focus on respecting him.

Are people focusing on hell because they fear something in their own lives? I know there's a hell. I just focus more on pleasing God and trying to understand what pleases him is enough to do without obsessing over hell.

Fearing hell so much that you refuse to believe in it? That prevents you from doing whats pleasing to God. It must be a trick of the devil.

An excerpt:

Satan’s opening volley was not a blistering attack on God; it was a simply a question that he wanted Eve to think about. “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’” (Genesis 3:1). Actually, God had said that she could eat of every tree but one. But Satan twisted the facts to suit his purposes and to lead Eve’s mind to the conclusion that God was not the generous God she had known Him to be, but rather a stingy, restrictive, joy killer. Once she had let her heart drift to the wrong conclusion, it was easy for her to believe Satan’s lie that God just wanted to keep her from being as knowledgeable as He is and that the threat of them dying was just God’s way of scaring them into compliance with His stingy ways.

Satan still sets us adrift by planting doubt about God’s Word and spinning the facts to his own evil advantage.

Once we begin to suspect God instead of trusting Him, we inevitably drift away from Him. So, beware! Your life is full of scenarios where Satan can put his deceitful twist on your experiences. He is the spin-doctor of hell, and as Jesus said, “When [Satan] lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” John 8:44

vhawk01 11-06-2007 02:41 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
i know most atheists are confident in their belief that there is no God...especially the Christian God.

Does the thought of Hell ever worry you?

[/ QUOTE ]

Nowhere near the degree to which people who are worried about going to Hell, worry me.

[/ QUOTE ]

The ironic thing is I never heard this worry about hell come up among Christians as much as it does with the atheists on this forum. I'm sure Christians are bound to consider it, but most that I know focus on the love and redemption. I know I noticed hell but in a passing sort of way. It seems like its something that either non-Christians or non-believers obsess over. I always knew God was good so I focus on respecting him.

Are people focusing on hell because they fear something in their own lives? I know there's a hell. I just focus more on pleasing God and trying to understand what pleases him is enough to do without obsessing over hell.

Fearing hell so much that you refuse to believe in it? That prevents you from doing whats pleasing to God. It must be a trick of the devil.

An excerpt:

Satan’s opening volley was not a blistering attack on God; it was a simply a question that he wanted Eve to think about. “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’” (Genesis 3:1). Actually, God had said that she could eat of every tree but one. But Satan twisted the facts to suit his purposes and to lead Eve’s mind to the conclusion that God was not the generous God she had known Him to be, but rather a stingy, restrictive, joy killer. Once she had let her heart drift to the wrong conclusion, it was easy for her to believe Satan’s lie that God just wanted to keep her from being as knowledgeable as He is and that the threat of them dying was just God’s way of scaring them into compliance with His stingy ways.

Satan still sets us adrift by planting doubt about God’s Word and spinning the facts to his own evil advantage.

Once we begin to suspect God instead of trusting Him, we inevitably drift away from Him. So, beware! Your life is full of scenarios where Satan can put his deceitful twist on your experiences. He is the spin-doctor of hell, and as Jesus said, “When [Satan] lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” John 8:44

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, it is weird that a bunch of people who are obscenely sure they arent going to be the ones going to Hell dont worry so much about it, and the people who are constantly told that they WILL be going to Hell and burning there for eternity and that this is the most perfect, just, glorious thing imaginable, are more worried about it.

That is funny. Ha. Ha.

Splendour 11-06-2007 02:49 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?

Btw, if you really did study the bible as thorougly as you contend how come you never arrived at the conclusion that arrogance could get in the way of understanding?

Arrogance often gets in the way of any study whether its a biblical or completely non-biblical one.

[/ QUOTE ]

I did, but that understanding went the other way. I understand and liked that good science is humble to the effect that it accepts alternate explanations and seeks to understand if they hold true.

Science doesn't claim the ultimate answer, so there isn't the calm security that religion offered - as many things will go unanswered. But the (good) bits of science are devoid of the religious arrogance of laying absolute claim to answers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well be like Newton. Have your cake and eat it too. Don't set science up as your God. Keep them separate. God never said you couldn't have science. He lets us be the beneficiaries of science.

The problem a lot of scientists have is they stay too busy. Take Newton. Its said he couldn't rest until he'd solved a problem. He once solved a math problem in an afternoon that the rest of Europe had been wrestling with for months. Eventually he retired from from the math/science side to study prophecy more. He knew it was important. I mean this is the father of calculus putting God first. Its just sometimes we stay too busy. That's how you miss God in all the "to and fro" of the devil. The devil likes to keep us too busy to notice what's going on. I know talking about the devil is crazy, it took me years to get my mind around him.

hitch1978 11-06-2007 03:20 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Why would you interpret this literally?

[/ QUOTE ]

I interpret it as fiction. But many Christians interpret it literally. And many Christians are gleeful at the notion of people being tortured forever.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think a lot of Christians truly believe in Hell and hate the thought of it...which is why there's some Christians who spend their lives trying to "save" others, because they are sickened by the punishment, but believe it to be true.

I hope Hell doesn't exist. I hope we are supposed to read the parts in the Bible describing Hell allegorically and not literally. And that there will be no literal place of eternal torment. I can't even fathom how Heaven would be so perfect if one had the knowledge of others suffering in Hell.

But again...God makes the rules. If God exists and is in control, than all we can do is pray for His mercy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hell is NOT a real place & you need to accept the fact that there will NOT be people spending eternity there.

Christians are not 'gleeful' about being the only ones to believe such nonsense ...why do you think we go through the effort of trying convert the rest of the world??

[/ QUOTE ]


Mr_Moore 11-06-2007 03:22 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Just shout "ridiculous" and it disappears.

kurto 11-06-2007 03:22 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Its hard to impress God with brains since he already cornered the market on it, but he just might have made us for worship and companionship. That requires a better emotional being not an intellectual being.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is fantastic. Keep up the good work.

tame_deuces 11-06-2007 03:25 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Why would you interpret this literally?

[/ QUOTE ]

I interpret it as fiction. But many Christians interpret it literally. And many Christians are gleeful at the notion of people being tortured forever.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think a lot of Christians truly believe in Hell and hate the thought of it...which is why there's some Christians who spend their lives trying to "save" others, because they are sickened by the punishment, but believe it to be true.

I hope Hell doesn't exist. I hope we are supposed to read the parts in the Bible describing Hell allegorically and not literally. And that there will be no literal place of eternal torment. I can't even fathom how Heaven would be so perfect if one had the knowledge of others suffering in Hell.

But again...God makes the rules. If God exists and is in control, than all we can do is pray for His mercy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hell is NOT a real place & you need to accept the fact that there will NOT be people spending eternity there.

Christians are not 'gleeful' about being the only ones to believe such nonsense ...why do you think we go through the effort of trying convert the rest of the world??

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

And it is also cool to know that Brad forget to mention there are versions of Christianity that don't accept the existence of hell (as in the eternal torment thing at least).

Hopey 11-06-2007 03:27 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
The problem a lot of scientists have is they stay too busy.

[/ QUOTE ]

So scientists tend to be atheists...because they're too busy performing science?

The devil likes to keep us too busy to notice what's going on.

[/ QUOTE ]

And to think that we've always been told that "idle hands are the devil's playthings". Turns out we've been wrong all along. Splendour of the SMP forum has set us all straight.

kurto 11-06-2007 03:30 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Her trolling is tiresome.

The ironic thing is I never heard this worry about hell come up among Christians as much as it does with the atheists on this forum.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ummm... it was brought up by a Christian.

Second... the layers of delusion. Christianity use the threat of the stick. I was raised Christian (Lutheran). And we were all taught the implicit threat of hell. I must have had a really unique upbringing to feel that it was constantly reinforced in us that people who didn't follow were going to hell.

Are people focusing on hell because they fear something in their own lives?

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't count but I'd guess that most people in this thread pointed out that they don't focus on hell because they don't believe it. And that the concept is ridiculous.

Fearing hell so much that you refuse to believe in it? That prevents you from doing whats pleasing to God. It must be a trick of the devil.

[/ QUOTE ]

And then it turns comic.

kevin017 11-06-2007 03:34 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
the thought of hell never worries me. its not as though i sit around all day thinking about religion. i decided religion didn't do it for me, and now i rarely think about it at all unless asked.

to me, the weirder thing is, you really believe that you're going to exist eternally in some form that is totally unknowable to us? you're going to some eternal heaven where everything will be amazing, forever? i bet mr. francis would sell you a ticket there for a small money order. the idea of life after death in some alternate form is so bizzare and unknowable to me that entertaining the idea before i see it for myself just seems silly.

tame_deuces 11-06-2007 03:35 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?

Btw, if you really did study the bible as thorougly as you contend how come you never arrived at the conclusion that arrogance could get in the way of understanding?

Arrogance often gets in the way of any study whether its a biblical or completely non-biblical one.

[/ QUOTE ]

I did, but that understanding went the other way. I understand and liked that good science is humble to the effect that it accepts alternate explanations and seeks to understand if they hold true.

Science doesn't claim the ultimate answer, so there isn't the calm security that religion offered - as many things will go unanswered. But the (good) bits of science are devoid of the religious arrogance of laying absolute claim to answers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well be like Newton. Have your cake and eat it too. Don't set science up as your God. Keep them separate. God never said you couldn't have science. He lets us be the beneficiaries of science.

The problem a lot of scientists have is they stay too busy. Take Newton. Its said he couldn't rest until he'd solved a problem. He once solved a math problem in an afternoon that the rest of Europe had been wrestling with for months. Eventually he retired from from the math/science side to study prophecy more. He knew it was important. I mean this is the father of calculus putting God first. Its just sometimes we stay too busy. That's how you miss God in all the "to and fro" of the devil. The devil likes to keep us too busy to notice what's going on. I know talking about the devil is crazy, it took me years to get my mind around him.

[/ QUOTE ]

In the original scriptures that ultimately lead to modern day Christianity the devil is simply part of God's court and can't act alone - his task is simply to test the beliefs and practices of believers (the story of Job is the classic example), so I really question to what extent 'the devil' can be a important belief to grasp for a Christian.

As for being religious, I don't mind your comments, but I like being an atheist. Looking for answers and accepting the unknown seems more spiritual to me than having it all in a big black book.

Religion is intriguing to study and debate on ocassion, but I'm not follower material.

vhawk01 11-06-2007 03:41 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Its hard to impress God with brains since he already cornered the market on it, but he just might have made us for worship and companionship. That requires a better emotional being not an intellectual being.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is fantastic. Keep up the good work.

[/ QUOTE ]

God is clearly an emotional cripple.

hitch1978 11-06-2007 03:45 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Her trolling is tiresome.

[/ QUOTE ]

Serious question - How do we define Troll?

I ask because I genuinely think that Splendour is being (In her head) rational.

Splendour 11-06-2007 03:46 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
The problem a lot of scientists have is they stay too busy.

[/ QUOTE ]

So scientists tend to be atheists...because they're too busy performing science?

The devil likes to keep us too busy to notice what's going on.

[/ QUOTE ]

And to think that we've always been told that "idle hands are the devil's playthings". Turns out we've been wrong all along. Splendour of the SMP forum has set us all straight.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow nice thinking Hopester. There's hope for you yet (pun intended). You might just have discovered a parallel. If we're idle the devil plays us and if we don't take a day off for God.i.e. Sunday (to worship and pray) then we can't connect with God. You're a parallel genius!

Brad1970 11-06-2007 03:49 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Why would you interpret this literally?

[/ QUOTE ]

I interpret it as fiction. But many Christians interpret it literally. And many Christians are gleeful at the notion of people being tortured forever.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think a lot of Christians truly believe in Hell and hate the thought of it...which is why there's some Christians who spend their lives trying to "save" others, because they are sickened by the punishment, but believe it to be true.

I hope Hell doesn't exist. I hope we are supposed to read the parts in the Bible describing Hell allegorically and not literally. And that there will be no literal place of eternal torment. I can't even fathom how Heaven would be so perfect if one had the knowledge of others suffering in Hell.

But again...God makes the rules. If God exists and is in control, than all we can do is pray for His mercy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hell is NOT a real place & you need to accept the fact that there will NOT be people spending eternity there.

Christians are not 'gleeful' about being the only ones to believe such nonsense ...why do you think we go through the effort of trying convert the rest of the world??

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

And it is also cool to know that Brad forget to mention there are versions of Christianity that don't accept the existence of hell (as in the eternal torment thing at least).

[/ QUOTE ]

They're in for a surprise.

Hopey 11-06-2007 04:02 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Her trolling is tiresome.

[/ QUOTE ]

Serious question - How do we define Troll?

I ask because I genuinely think that Splendour is being (In her head) rational.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too. I think she just has too much time on her hands and thinks she's doing the "lord's work" by spreading the Good News on 2+2.

Hopey 11-06-2007 04:03 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
The problem a lot of scientists have is they stay too busy.

[/ QUOTE ]

So scientists tend to be atheists...because they're too busy performing science?

The devil likes to keep us too busy to notice what's going on.

[/ QUOTE ]

And to think that we've always been told that "idle hands are the devil's playthings". Turns out we've been wrong all along. Splendour of the SMP forum has set us all straight.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow nice thinking Hopester. There's hope for you yet (pun intended). You might just have discovered a parallel. If we're idle the devil plays us and if we don't take a day off for God.i.e. Sunday (to worship and pray) then we can't connect with God. You're a parallel genius!

[/ QUOTE ]

So we're damned if we do and damned if we don't. That about sums up Christianity, actually.

vhawk01 11-06-2007 04:04 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Why would you interpret this literally?

[/ QUOTE ]

I interpret it as fiction. But many Christians interpret it literally. And many Christians are gleeful at the notion of people being tortured forever.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think a lot of Christians truly believe in Hell and hate the thought of it...which is why there's some Christians who spend their lives trying to "save" others, because they are sickened by the punishment, but believe it to be true.

I hope Hell doesn't exist. I hope we are supposed to read the parts in the Bible describing Hell allegorically and not literally. And that there will be no literal place of eternal torment. I can't even fathom how Heaven would be so perfect if one had the knowledge of others suffering in Hell.

But again...God makes the rules. If God exists and is in control, than all we can do is pray for His mercy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hell is NOT a real place & you need to accept the fact that there will NOT be people spending eternity there.

Christians are not 'gleeful' about being the only ones to believe such nonsense ...why do you think we go through the effort of trying convert the rest of the world??

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

And it is also cool to know that Brad forget to mention there are versions of Christianity that don't accept the existence of hell (as in the eternal torment thing at least).

[/ QUOTE ]

They're in for a surprise.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which you cannot know. Cool.

Hopey 11-06-2007 04:06 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
They're in for a surprise.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, because your little religious sect is right, and the billions of humans that don't believe what you do are wrong. Sounds reasonable.

kurto 11-06-2007 04:16 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Her trolling is tiresome.

[/ QUOTE ]

Serious question - How do we define Troll?

I ask because I genuinely think that Splendour is being (In her head) rational.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think that what makes someone a troll is somewhat subjective. Some criteria- posting stuff just to annoy or get a reaction. Spamming.

Regarding her- I sometimes legitimately don't believe she can be serious about what she posts. She constantly posts huge text excerpts and links, but often refuses to discuss them. She goes off on weird tangents, (but recently asked others not to do the same thing to her thread.) She goes in ridiculous circles. She seems inconsistantly obtuse (she's obtuse when its convenient, I suppose). Though asked not to, it often seems everything is just an excuse to evangelize. She constantly misrepresents information in the thread she's in...

It certainly is possible that she's just some goofy meandering true believer... but I think she seems a little inconsistant. I really get the impression she's feigning ignorance at times.

Honestly, I think she's one of the worst (meaning senseless, infuriating) Christian apologists this forum has ever had. If someone wanted to make a caricature of a goofy theist it would look like her. She makes txag seem like a rocket scientist.

I HOPE she's a troll because that's actually more comforting a thought.

Sorry for the rant. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

Brad1970 11-06-2007 04:19 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
They're in for a surprise.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, because your little religious sect is right, and the billions of humans that don't believe what you do are wrong. Sounds reasonable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Matthew 7:13-15

13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

vhawk01 11-06-2007 04:24 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
They're in for a surprise.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, because your little religious sect is right, and the billions of humans that don't believe what you do are wrong. Sounds reasonable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Matthew 7:13-15

13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah I know, you are so boned.

tame_deuces 11-06-2007 04:27 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Why would you interpret this literally?

[/ QUOTE ]

I interpret it as fiction. But many Christians interpret it literally. And many Christians are gleeful at the notion of people being tortured forever.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think a lot of Christians truly believe in Hell and hate the thought of it...which is why there's some Christians who spend their lives trying to "save" others, because they are sickened by the punishment, but believe it to be true.

I hope Hell doesn't exist. I hope we are supposed to read the parts in the Bible describing Hell allegorically and not literally. And that there will be no literal place of eternal torment. I can't even fathom how Heaven would be so perfect if one had the knowledge of others suffering in Hell.

But again...God makes the rules. If God exists and is in control, than all we can do is pray for His mercy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hell is NOT a real place & you need to accept the fact that there will NOT be people spending eternity there.

Christians are not 'gleeful' about being the only ones to believe such nonsense ...why do you think we go through the effort of trying convert the rest of the world??

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

And it is also cool to know that Brad forget to mention there are versions of Christianity that don't accept the existence of hell (as in the eternal torment thing at least).

[/ QUOTE ]

They're in for a surprise.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you suggesting that it is necessary for a devout Christian to believe in hell in order to not go to hell?

kurto 11-06-2007 04:29 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Matthew 7:13-15

13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you are saying that God created a race where he knew the majority of them wouldn't follow his directions and they would be burned in eternal fire?

How is this a loving God? He sounds absolutely psychotic.

Hopey 11-06-2007 04:33 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
They're in for a surprise.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, because your little religious sect is right, and the billions of humans that don't believe what you do are wrong. Sounds reasonable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Matthew 7:13-15

13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

[/ QUOTE ]

But how can you be so sure that your sect has "found it"? You suffer from the same arrogance that most of the theists on this board suffer from -- you think that you are capable of deciphering what is required to curry favour with god -- and that billions of other humans on this planet are less capable than you are in this endeavour.

bocablkr 11-06-2007 04:33 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Not even for a 1/google of a second.

Brad1970 11-06-2007 04:37 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
They're in for a surprise.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, because your little religious sect is right, and the billions of humans that don't believe what you do are wrong. Sounds reasonable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Matthew 7:13-15

13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

[/ QUOTE ]

But how can you be so sure that your sect has "found it"? You suffer from the same arrogance that most of the theists on this board suffer from -- you think that you are capable of deciphering what is required to curry favour with god -- and that billions of other humans on this planet are less capable than you are in this endeavour.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I guess we're in agreement then, huh?

bluesbassman 11-06-2007 04:41 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Not even for a 1/google of a second.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's probably impossible to think about *anything* for that small a time period, considering that it's much less than one planck time.

bocablkr 11-06-2007 04:50 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
Not even for a 1/google of a second.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's probably impossible to think about *anything* for that small a time period, considering that it's much less than one planck time.

[/ QUOTE ]

My way of saying I have never thought about it at all.

CORed 11-06-2007 06:32 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
It doesn't worry me. I will be greatly surprised if there is any sort of afterlife. Besides, none of the descriptions of the Christian heaven I've read really sounds like a place where I'd want to spend eternity. The traditional Christian view of the afterlife strikes me as a choice between eternal torture and eternal boredom, so, If the Christians are right, I'm pretty much screwed either way.

Now, the Muslim heaven, with lots of virgins to deflower, sounds a little more interesting, but not if I have to fly a plane into a building to get there.

Case Closed 11-06-2007 06:52 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
I am confused about this hell. I have a bible with me, direct me to the passage that describes hell. Thanks.

[/ QUOTE ]
Any help here? You all seem to have intimate knowledge of this hell place. There must be some interesting passages in the bible that go into depth about this place.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nothing in-depth. Just eternal fire.

Mark 9:43 If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life crippled, than, having your two hands, to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire,


Matthew 25:41 Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;'

Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire This is the second death, the lake of fire.

20:15 And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

[/ QUOTE ]
So, all we know about hell is that there are worms and people who have joined satan and a lake of fire. That's not really that bad IMO. I never saw satan sacrifice his own child for a mistake he made. I am more afraid of going to heaven and hanging out with this God character.

Although I am more of an atheist. While these myths are good fun I don't think I am going to die and go to a lake of fire or a place of clouds. For that matter when I die I know I have no shot at coming back as Case Closed the White. I don't worry about stories.

hitch1978 11-06-2007 06:53 PM

Re: Does the thought of Hell ever scare an atheist?
I just made myself LOL.

I had a vision of most of us posters in the firey pit of hell, being a'turtured and a-chastised like after class detention, and discussing with each other -

"I can't believe it."
"I know, me too."
"What was he thinking?"
"Guess we'll never know."
"I mean serioulsy, Brad and Splendour were right all along. Who'd have thought it?"
"At least he seperated them out, I mean, Imagine if they were here too, now THEN this place would really start earning it's name...."

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