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Thremp 07-19-2007 03:51 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
I've resorted to telling myself: "I feel myself obliterating every fiber in my muscle. I will reform them into a newer, stronger, more complete, essence of muscular perfection." This blend of New Age [censored] and frat daddy randomness keeps me numb enough to make it through 45 minutes without realizing that I'm having a casual weightlifter's wet dream of training.

A1: Machine Bench - 112.5
A2: Low Cable Curl - 70
Reps: 100

B1: Incline Machine Bench - 87.5
B2: Preacher Hammer Curls - 20s
Reps: 103

Notes: Weights all go up next session. I've been feeling pretty good the last few workouts even going in. I'll increase weights on this exercise going into the last week. For someone who really loathes workouts like this, they are working very very well. Also cleaning up my diet exponentially and coming off a detraining period can't possibly have anything to do with it either. (I feel like the double serving Surge study on T-nation where they pick quotes out and then later after reading in depth you realize numerous people had significant other factors such as starting other supplements, cleaning up diets, new mesocycle etc.)

Only 5 more workouts and I get an entire week off. Ship it.

secretprankster 07-19-2007 04:36 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
On the t-nation note, several of their latest articles have just been absolutely shameless. Even moreso than usual.

If they write another article about how essential Flameout is I'm going to go insane.

mattnxtc 07-19-2007 05:04 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
I do agree on the t-nation shameless promotion..I am tempted to try flame out b/c of what is in it..but I really dislike that the are acting like this right now.

Thremp 07-19-2007 05:10 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
I do agree on the t-nation shameless promotion..I am tempted to try flame out b/c of what is in it..but I really dislike that the are acting like this right now.

[/ QUOTE ]

TC is the reincarnation of Bill Phillips.

thirddan 07-19-2007 05:10 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
I do agree on the t-nation shameless promotion..I am tempted to try flame out b/c of what is in it..but I really dislike that the are acting like this right now.

[/ QUOTE ]

this comes up every so often, but i really don't get it at can you complain that the FREE magazine published by A SUPPLEMENT COMPANY has ads for their supplements? this is just ridiculous...also note that most of the authors have no control over what pics are added to their articles...

Thremp 07-19-2007 05:14 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
I do agree on the t-nation shameless promotion..I am tempted to try flame out b/c of what is in it..but I really dislike that the are acting like this right now.

[/ QUOTE ]

this comes up every so often, but i really don't get it at can you complain that the FREE magazine published by A SUPPLEMENT COMPANY has ads for their supplements? this is just ridiculous...also note that most of the authors have no control over what pics are added to their articles...

[/ QUOTE ]

They are starting to use deception and blatant misinformation while covering up some of their huge gaffes instead of being up front. Their best stuff is mostly in the past.

1C5 07-19-2007 05:42 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
how many workouts/weeks will you have done before your week off?

Thremp 07-19-2007 06:08 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
how many workouts/weeks will you have done before your week off?

[/ QUOTE ]

4 weeks so 4 of each workout. Very std. time frame.

Thremp 07-20-2007 11:36 AM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
Last workout of week 3. I had terrible sleep last night. Oh well.

A1: Alternating Lunges - 40
A2: Sit-ups - 15
Reps: 85

B1: Shrugs - 135
B2: Russian Twists - 10
Reps: 80

Notes: I think ~85-90 reps is the peak I can do with lunges and sit-ups. Sets for lunges just take longer and I can't fit in that many. I think the drop is mainly that I'm using two plates for sit-ups which makes the set-up slightly slower (few seconds on each one) which in turn would be responsible for 5 rep drop. I'll up weight next week and see how my hypothesis holds. I cleaned up form and let power go on 2nd set. Will keep weight same and improve numbers next week.

Thremp 07-23-2007 04:18 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
Ugh. I got into the gym today and half way into my first period and just decided that I wasn't into it. Looks like the lack of sleep (oops) plus the volume is giving me overtraining a bit sooner than I though. I'll try to do something physically active all this week and then pick up a different EDT cycle for next phase.

I'm leaning to this workout next:

As its a little more my style. As cool as the machine bench is... I'm tired of it.

Thremp 07-30-2007 04:15 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
My initial plans for an off week of random exercise became an off week of drinking and eating upto 4k calories a day of mostly trash. Didn't go as well as expected. Alas, I digress... I have started on this new program, which really is just a slight modification of the old one and still an EDT style program. I'll likely grind through this one and do one more before switching to something else.

Diet will likely be fine now that I'm back on the boat.

Monday July 30th
Snatch Deads

A1: Leg Curls - 90
A2: Reverse Trunk Twist - 90
Reps: 70

Notes: Program calls for the RTT to be on a ball. Never done these before and had no clue how to do them on a ball. They seem to be a slower paced exercise... Like a Russian Twist. I also shortened the arm on the leg curl machine to where I usually keep it instead of when the freako basketball players use it for... I dunno, side sit-ups or something. Whatev. Deads are regular grip. Will up weight next week.

Thremp 07-31-2007 08:41 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
My back is killing me. Smiley I feel the pain.

Tuesday July 31st
Push Press

A1: T-Bar Row - 90
A2: Hammer Curls - 25s
Reps: 46

Notes: Push Press goes up. Back still sore from Snatch Grip Deads. Looks like that'll stay the same till next week. Oh well.

thirddan 07-31-2007 09:00 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
"Back still sore from Snatch Grip Deads. Looks like that'll stay the same till next week. Oh well."

don't see why being sore would prevent you from trying to increase the weight a bit...

Thremp 07-31-2007 10:15 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
"Back still sore from Snatch Grip Deads. Looks like that'll stay the same till next week. Oh well."

don't see why being sore would prevent you from trying to increase the weight a bit...

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh sorry. That was the cause of why weight stays the same. Those were two different thoughts. My back is still sore, reps are low, and lows reps are why weight stays the same.

thirddan 07-31-2007 10:22 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
"Back still sore from Snatch Grip Deads. Looks like that'll stay the same till next week. Oh well."

don't see why being sore would prevent you from trying to increase the weight a bit...

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh sorry. That was the cause of why weight stays the same. Those were two different thoughts. My back is still sore, reps are low, and lows reps are why weight stays the same.

[/ QUOTE ]

i still don't get it...
you did this on monday -
Snatch Deads

and you are sore on tuesday, so you are gonna do the same weights next monday? am i understanding this correctly?

why not go to
Snatch Deads

Thremp 07-31-2007 11:16 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
Yeah, I'm explaining this poorly. Really poorly after looking at it.

Monday weights will go up.
Tuesday they will not.

I want to get in the 50-70 rep area for my EDT style stuff and then just grind the most weight possible in the first sets.

I'm very sore today, so I put that in as it likely is hurting my performance in today's EDT section. Since I performed poorly today's weights will remain the same until I can perform them to a better level (>70 reps).

thirddan 07-31-2007 11:51 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
cool, that makes sense...

Thremp 08-02-2007 04:52 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
Thursday Gah

Zercher Squats

Back Squat

A1: Hanging Leg Raises - BW
A2: Back Extensions - 25
Reps: 41

Notes: Zercher squats were easier than expected. Was able to get very deep on them. Whoop. I still suck at hanging leg raises. Will increase weight on squats and back extensions.

thirddan 08-02-2007 05:30 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
hey thremp,
not sure if this was addressed earlier...what is the normal length of your sessions?

Thremp 08-02-2007 06:02 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
hey thremp,
not sure if this was addressed earlier...what is the normal length of your sessions?

[/ QUOTE ]

35 now. 45 for the one before

Thremp 08-03-2007 03:18 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
As I sit here very sore and terribly hung over. I came to a realization. I don't have to follow the rest day outline in the article. Yes, it will slow my progress. But there are things that must be done in my life. Like getting shammered and oogling women. And a trip out of town next week is gonna eff up my schedule too. Holla!

Thremp 08-06-2007 06:35 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
Monday August 6th

Pull ups

B1 Zottman Curls - 25s
B2 Lying DB Tricep Ext. - 25s
Reps: 40

Notes: Up weight on pullups and continue with other. Going out of town for a few days. We'll see how rest days work into the situation.

Thremp 08-07-2007 09:12 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
Snatch Grip Deads

A1: Leg Curls - 100
A2: Reverse Trunk Twists - BW
Reps: 60

Notes: Good time.

Thremp 08-11-2007 03:58 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
Note: I was unracking the bar far too high for my Push Presses and it put mad strain on my shoulders. So uhh... Watch that ish.

Push Press

B1: T-Bar Row - 90
B2: Hammer Curls - 25s
Reps: 47

Aside: Weight on T-Bar Rows will go up next week. I'm using like a 45 degree back position and trying to get full ROM. But around the same time the weight hits my chest, I get the bar tickling my nuts. It is somewhat disconcerting. Am I doing this wrong. Should I use more trunk flexion to prevent this?

kmack 08-11-2007 05:06 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
around the same time the weight hits my chest, I get the bar tickling my nuts. It is somewhat disconcerting. Am I doing this wrong. Should I use more trunk flexion to prevent this?

[/ QUOTE ]

I shift my weight a bit forward (balls of my feet) to avoid the dreaded nuttickler. It changes the angle of your pull a little, but you can pull without fear!

Thremp 08-13-2007 06:39 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
I cut my hand. Somehow open wounds + high blood pressure = lots of blood. Will need to look into this further. I've decided that you will eventually get numb to the hot trash taste of hydrolyzed whey. I don't mind it anymore. Though I'm sure its still disgusting. On a plus side. I'm like 175.5 and not terribly fat.

Monday August 13th
A1: Zercher Squat 5x3x195
A2: Back Squat 1x5x195

B1: Hanging Leg Raises - BW
B2: Back Extension - 25
Reps: 50

Notes: Felt very good. Might raise weight on back extensions in addition to squats next week. Hip hurt between sets but was able to get v low and grind them out.

Thremp 08-14-2007 11:14 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
August 14th

Pullups - 30

Zottman Curls - 25s
Lying DB Tricep Ext - 25s
Reps: 75

Notes: Weight to go up on B1/B2 next week. Lying DB are easier now that I got the hang of the movement. Seems to be more like a bent arm pullover with a limited ROM. Also you need some core work in there for stability. So not a bad selection IMO. I'm trying to use full ROM for pullups. Last few last week didn't really clear bar totally. This week was just .5-2 inches short on the last couple. Trying to keep them totally dead hang.

Thremp 08-16-2007 04:30 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
My hammies are feeling a little tight from the Squats still. Busto. Workout will be pushed till tomorrow. More Snatch Grip deads FTW. I'm debating on 250 or 255. Fek it. 255. If I miss a rep, I miss.

Thremp 08-16-2007 08:11 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
My hammies are feeling a little tight from the Squats still. Busto. Workout will be pushed till tomorrow. More Snatch Grip deads FTW. I'm debating on 250 or 255. Fek it. 255. If I miss a rep, I miss.

[/ QUOTE ]

I lie. I went and worked out.

Went to over/under grip and did 5x2x255. Hands tingled afterwards. Interesting. Swapped the EDT part for some random upper body exercises. My hammies are still shot.

Thremp 08-21-2007 02:01 AM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
Had a pretty crappy workout.

Upped weight to 100 on T-bar rows and grinded out 48 reps. Will up weight on push press. Having trouble with warm up in that. Will see how that goes.

I realized I drink a ton. Oops. Too late now. For example I was considering not drinking for a week as a way to show that I can stop. But then I reflected that I was going out tomorrow night for drinks with random girl and then to a beer festival on Sat. Maybe I can keep it under <10 for the week? Even that seems hard. Gah.

Thremp 08-21-2007 06:16 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
Gym is so packed. Must change programs or figure something else out. A pox on this crowding and all these people who work out for the two weeks after each semester starts and the 2 weeks prior to spring break.


Back Squats

Probably won't try for a PR in back squat for a couple months. I'll just hold tight at 235 instead of guesstimating. Well I guess I'll up it as my weights go up in this workout.

Thremp 08-24-2007 04:02 AM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
Worked out early this morning.

Pullups BW+30 15

Weight goes up next workout

Lying DB Tricep Ext+Zottman Curls or Hammer curls or curl 43 reps at 30s

Whatev. I might change up my program soon. I'm somewhat in the debate on what to change it upto or to go back to a TBT style program that is high intensity. I might do a 5x5 instead. I'll have to check it out and see whats up.

I might end up on a modified 5x5 with DB bench instead of BB bench.

Diet sucks. Though I havn't had a drink since Tues. I'll have to eat something in a bit and drink some down to get >2500 in today.

Thremp 08-27-2007 10:44 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
I strained my neck earlier and these Snatch Grip deads are annoying me. Will switch programs next week. Likely to the one Smiley was doing before he decided to injure himself. On that note, I almost injured myself today. By raising my hips before my shoulders on a deadlift. No belt FTW.

Snatch Grip Deads

A1: Leg Curls - 100
A2: Reverse Trunk Twists - BW
Reps: 67

Bill Starr Style

Will try to run some numbers and see how they go. Will probably assume all my maxes are 90% of what they actually are. Except squat. I'll go with 100% for that and it'll still likely be light.

kidcolin 08-27-2007 10:53 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log

your link has a dirty word in it. maybe tiny url it

Thremp 08-27-2007 10:56 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log

your link has a dirty word in it. maybe tiny url it

[/ QUOTE ]

[censored] [censored]. Its just a [censored] 5x5 program. For those who're really adamant about finding out what the program is substitute Geo-cities in for [censored].

Thremp 08-28-2007 12:54 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
Punted the EDT section today. Probably best. Back is raping me.

Push Presses - 145 - 15 singles

Thremp 09-01-2007 08:04 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
Took a fairly easy week and on vacay this weekend. Will do a couple of workouts from this last EDT section to close out this cycle and move to the next program this following Monady. Whoop.

theblackkeys 09-02-2007 03:26 AM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
Took a fairly easy week and on vacay this weekend. Will do a couple of workouts from this last EDT section to close out this cycle and move to the next program this following Monady. Whoop.

[/ QUOTE ]
paging dids...

Thremp 09-04-2007 08:46 PM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
On tilt.

Zercher Squat

Back Squat

Thremp 09-07-2007 10:42 AM

Re: Thremp - Hot Sizzle Summer Log
I think squats coupled with whatever I did the last few days have destroyed my legs. I will be crippled forever.

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