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EvanJC 05-21-2007 03:02 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
lol didn't scroll down far enough. certo ftw.

chiznadAZ 05-21-2007 03:07 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
lol didn't scroll down far enough. certo ftw.

[/ QUOTE ]so u to can confirm this works. Cuz i used it alot, and all those drinks from smoke shops have never worked for me.

lostsoul 05-21-2007 03:51 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
U can try every sinlge one of these but if the test is a good one u are screwed no matter what. Everything on this page can be tested for. Every trick clean out kit everything will be found on a good drug test. If anything in your body is anything but normal levels it shows up on the test and they now u did something to mask the results. The best way to get around it is to bring in someone else's urine thats the only way.

AceLuby 05-21-2007 05:13 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
U can try every sinlge one of these but if the test is a good one u are screwed no matter what. Everything on this page can be tested for. Every trick clean out kit everything will be found on a good drug test. If anything in your body is anything but normal levels it shows up on the test and they now u did something to mask the results. The best way to get around it is to bring in someone else's urine thats the only way.

[/ QUOTE ]

1) Drink lots of water starting about 4-6 hrs before the test (dilute)

2) B12 around the same time, dose again before going (color)

3) Eat LOTS of BEEF starting now, burgers and steaks(creatine levels)

[/ QUOTE ]

This will work and the 'natural' non detectible stuff that you buy from amsterdam is all this in nice easy pill/packet forms. Dilute and raise the demographic info enough so that the pee is still diluted, but the other stuff is in 'normal' range. They can't test everything that's in your pee, only a few key demographics, otherwise it would be even more expensive than it already is.

To the OP, list Ibuprofen as a regular drug you take. This causes false positives which raises the bar for what is considered 'failing'.

kyleb 05-21-2007 05:23 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
I find it fairly telling that all the stoners in this thread are using the abbreviation 'u' for you.

kitchma 05-21-2007 08:01 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
this worked for me.

oneouterson 05-21-2007 08:14 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
I used to on probation when I was younger. My friends and I climbed on top of a school by my house and broke a water pipe unleashing hundreds of gallons of water in the gym. The floor was [censored]. On probation i had to get drug tested i just drank tons and tons of water. Literally nonstop all day until the test. This never failed. My friends also used this method.

arizona 05-21-2007 08:17 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
I hope the op checked that wikipedia link. People have died by drinking too much water because they were trying to pass a drug test.

rafiki 05-21-2007 08:20 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
The tests in this era are becoming more and more sophisticated. You'd really have to know just what kind of test you were going to get.But newsflash, if a lot of pro atheletes can't fool them, you're going to have an equally difficult time.

chadmack 05-21-2007 08:22 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
yea i've heard stories of people doin too much ecstasy and they get incredibly thirsty when they are high on x and they are so [censored] up they just drink and drinklk and drink (water) and die

EvanJC 05-21-2007 08:25 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
I find it fairly telling that all the stoners in this thread are using the abbreviation 'u' for you.

[/ QUOTE ]

jesus dude

EvanJC 05-21-2007 08:25 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
lol didn't scroll down far enough. certo ftw.

[/ QUOTE ]so u to can confirm this works. Cuz i used it alot, and all those drinks from smoke shops have never worked for me.

[/ QUOTE ]

not from personal experience, no. second hand info, but reliable.

rafiki 05-21-2007 08:25 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
You can absolutely die from drinking too much water. Your cells essentially bloat up and explode by trying to absorb water to balance out the various molecular levels inside and outside the cells. I think the exploding version is called hypocellulosis. It's not pretty. But I don't know about it being linked to X.

oneouterson 05-21-2007 08:29 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
I hope the op checked that wikipedia link. People have died by drinking too much water because they were trying to pass a drug test.

[/ QUOTE ]
lol i didnt know this

STALLOWN3D 05-21-2007 08:33 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
Can someone tell me how that certo stuff works. I have no idea.

Also, am I being overly paranoid, I took a piss test today and its been 32 days since I've smoked and I had only done it a few times during the last week I smoked. I should be good, right?

Rafter77 05-21-2007 08:33 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
Try the trick from "Harsh Times".... looks like fun.

KidVegas72 05-21-2007 08:47 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
Ok, im going to take the test now- took 4 aspirins, 4 tums, 10 b2s, both packs of certo, and a [censored] of water/gatorade. hopefully i pass ifnot [censored] it

tisthefire 05-21-2007 08:48 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
Ok, im going to take the test now- took 4 aspirins, 4 tums, 10 b2s, both packs of certo, and a [censored] of water/gatorade. hopefully i pass ifnot [censored] it

[/ QUOTE ]wtf, why did you take aspirin and tums?

TyroneBiggumz 05-21-2007 09:59 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
NIACIN DOES WORK!!! i know from experience on more than one occasion... actually i just now took a piss test and passed, i smoked on saturday night

buy REGULAR niacin (not flush-free, or time-release), 500 mg tablets... take 2-3 a day every few hours with a couple glasses of water

your skin is going to burn like the worst sunburn you've ever had, and your whole body will turn beet red.. but all of this is ok, it lasts about 15 minutes

oh [censored] this won't work for you cos you only had 17 hrs.. nevermind.. but for those smokers out there, if you have a test you have to take in a week or so after smoking.. do the above niacin routine for 3-4 days and you will be CLEAN

Lurker. 05-21-2007 10:13 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
TR op?

TIEdup14 05-22-2007 07:11 AM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS

KidVegas72 05-22-2007 07:39 AM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
Heh, interesting day. About half an hour before i left i took too big a swig of water and i puked 3 times- it was gay. Took some more stuff drank another quart and a half of water with some dr. pepper, pissed a couple more times before i took the test. The place was hard to find and i got there 5 minutes before they closed. It was inside an office building , small office no one was there except the fat piss collector lady who sounded as if shed been smoking since she was 5. She took back to a bathroom, mad me empty my shirt and pant pockets into a lock box, she didn't pat me down or anything. Then she left the room and told me i had 4 minutes and not to use the toilet. I had to piss pretty bad, used the middle stream method,gave her the sample,kinda almost spilled it her face but not really. She sealed it I signed a form and left. It took about 4 or 5 minutes. piss was yellow enough to be normal

I was under the impression that someone would be standing over me while i was pissing, but i guess thats against some privacy regulation or something. If i had known that , it would ave been really easy to substitute somones piss, oh well.

My guess its abvout 50/50, so ya im [censored] lol

Had an interesting experience at the strip club, will share tommorow- no work cuz it take 24-4hrs for the results


johndenver 05-22-2007 08:04 AM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
THe problem with substituting piss is that they usually take the temperature of the piss right after you give it, so if its not body temp - ur [censored]

Gone Forever 05-22-2007 11:30 AM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
I knew a girl in HS that had to drop every Wednesday. She would go drop, then smoke starting immediately after and stopping on Saturday. Then Sunday through when she dropped on Wednesday would just pound water. Never failed.

Also, my old drummer used to be on probation and would have to drop monthly. He found if he gave himself an 11 day cushion and drink lots of water over those 11 days that he would never drop dirty either.

I realize this info isn't going to help you in your situation, but, may be of some use to somebody reading this thread.

AceLuby 05-22-2007 11:52 AM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
I knew a girl in HS that had to drop every Wednesday. She would go drop, then smoke starting immediately after and stopping on Saturday. Then Sunday through when she dropped on Wednesday would just pound water. Never failed.

Also, my old drummer used to be on probation and would have to drop monthly. He found if he gave himself an 11 day cushion and drink lots of water over those 11 days that he would never drop dirty either.

I realize this info isn't going to help you in your situation, but, may be of some use to somebody reading this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

Drinking water for days on end does NOTHING. THC is fat soluble, not water soluble. To dilute your pee you only need to drink water starting the day before the test.

Gone Forever 05-22-2007 12:00 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
I knew a girl in HS that had to drop every Wednesday. She would go drop, then smoke starting immediately after and stopping on Saturday. Then Sunday through when she dropped on Wednesday would just pound water. Never failed.

Also, my old drummer used to be on probation and would have to drop monthly. He found if he gave himself an 11 day cushion and drink lots of water over those 11 days that he would never drop dirty either.

I realize this info isn't going to help you in your situation, but, may be of some use to somebody reading this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

Drinking water for days on end does NOTHING. THC is fat soluble, not water soluble. To dilute your pee you only need to drink water starting the day before the test.

[/ QUOTE ]

Looky here, Doc, I'm only reporting what I've seen. My drummer would FAIL his test EVERY TIME he didn't give himself at least 11 days. If what you say about needing to drink water only just prior to the test, why did this happen?

Do you think this had something to do with how fat he was? Say, would a skinnier person get completely clean in a week or two? What about a big ol fat dude? 1.5 to 3 months?

Share your wisdom and research.

AceLuby 05-22-2007 01:07 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
The reason he passed was due to the fact that his pee was extremely diluted. To 'clean' THC out of your system you have to get the THC out of your fat. That means not smoking, eating a ton to gain clean fat, working out and [censored] to get rid of the THC fat. This is a two to three week process for an avg 200 lb 6 footer.

Properly diluting your urine takes about 24 hours. This gets your THC to liquid ratio as low as possible, which is why your friend passed. Doing it for 11 days as opposed to 2 did nothing for him. If he would 'always' fail if not exactly 11 days it's coincidence and small sample size.

Gone Forever 05-22-2007 02:14 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
So what if the guy was like 5'4" and pushin 350, doesn't exercise ever, obv, and eats like crazy, also obv?

Is there some kind of guide to go off of or are we guestimating?

Do you think there is an ultimate time period that no matter how much body fat a human carries daily that after such-n-such time they will definitely not have THC in their system? 2 months? 5 months?

What if the fattest man in the world smoked habitually for years? How long would it take that dude to get clean?

Also, do you think age and or metabolism or a combination of both play a role at all?

Do you think somebody could take "metabolism boosting" drugs or supplements to decrease the amount of time THC spent hanging around in their system?

AceLuby 05-22-2007 02:21 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
So what if the guy was like 5'4" and pushin 350, doesn't exercise ever, obv, and eats like crazy, also obv?

[/ QUOTE ]

Obviously longer than someone who is 6'4" 175 lbs. Someone in your example would probably take longer than the standard 30 days.

Is there some kind of guide to go off of or are we guestimating?

[/ QUOTE ]

There are calculators you can get for free, but it doesn't take things like metabolism, how often you smoke, and taking the preventative measures I have suggested.

Do you think there is an ultimate time period that no matter how much body fat a human carries daily that after such-n-such time they will definitely not have THC in their system? 2 months? 5 months?

What if the fattest man in the world smoked habitually for years? How long would it take that dude to get clean?

[/ QUOTE ]

400 years... seriously this is too person dependent, on average 30 days, more or less depending on current fat and metabolism. For the fattest guy, probably around 3 mos w/out smoking.

Also, do you think age and or metabolism or a combination of both play a role at all?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, metabolism more, age because metabolism decreases w/ age.

Do you think somebody could take "metabolism boosting" drugs or supplements to decrease the amount of time THC spent hanging around in their system?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, uppers will also increase the speed at which you metabolize, though most are tested on normal tests. Caffeine is probably the best bet.

rafiki 05-22-2007 09:47 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
results ?

KidVegas72 05-23-2007 01:51 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
calling the lab now. Realized I don't care much if i pass or not, i could make more money at a diff. store or 39 tabling 5-10c NL. results to follow...

devilbiss 05-23-2007 05:25 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS

cwes 05-23-2007 05:29 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
39 tabling 5-10c NL. results to follow...

[/ QUOTE ]

KidVegas72 05-23-2007 05:49 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
Called up the lab and they told me that i will have to call my work. Theres a sub manager or 3 hours or so, so i guess ill know later. Ive come to the realization that i don't cae much at all whether i pass, i can find the same job in 3 days in busier store where i would mke more money. Plus then i wouldn't have to deliver to ghetto ass areas at 1 am and dodge bullets... And I got the girls number plus she has a myspace profile so thats no matter, so ya im not even sure if i want to pass now. And [censored] it im not calling them they can call me... I feel like gibbons in Office Space after he see the therapist...

My fav. part is the whole conflict with the printer, "pc load letter... WHAT THE [censored] DOES THAT MEAN" lol [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

Actually im going to doa parody of that scene where they [censored] up the printer with my BSOD infested lame-o computer, put it up on my myspace...

KidVegas72 05-23-2007 05:51 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
39 tabling 5-10c NL. results to follow...

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

whats your BB/100, mines 420BB, beat that...

cwes 05-23-2007 05:55 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
39 tabling 5-10c NL. results to follow...

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

whats your BB/100, mines 420BB, beat that...

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't play poker.

prodonkey 05-23-2007 06:02 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
Called up the lab and they told me that i will have to call my work. Theres a sub manager or 3 hours or so, so i guess ill know later. Ive come to the realization that i don't cae much at all whether i pass, i can find the same job in 3 days in busier store where i would mke more money. Plus then i wouldn't have to deliver to ghetto ass areas at 1 am and dodge bullets... And I got the girls number plus she has a myspace profile so thats no matter, so ya im not even sure if i want to pass now. And [censored] it im not calling them they can call me... I feel like gibbons in Office Space after he see the therapist...

My fav. part is the whole conflict with the printer, "pc load letter... WHAT THE [censored] DOES THAT MEAN" lol [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

Actually im going to doa parody of that scene where they [censored] up the printer with my BSOD infested lame-o computer, put it up on my myspace...

[/ QUOTE ]

If you have to call work.. you didn't pass

devilbiss 05-23-2007 08:38 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
Called up the lab and they told me that i will have to call my work. Theres a sub manager or 3 hours or so, so i guess ill know later. Ive come to the realization that i don't cae much at all whether i pass, i can find the same job in 3 days in busier store where i would mke more money. Plus then i wouldn't have to deliver to ghetto ass areas at 1 am and dodge bullets... And I got the girls number plus she has a myspace profile so thats no matter, so ya im not even sure if i want to pass now. And [censored] it im not calling them they can call me... I feel like gibbons in Office Space after he see the therapist...

My fav. part is the whole conflict with the printer, "pc load letter... WHAT THE [censored] DOES THAT MEAN" lol [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

Actually im going to doa parody of that scene where they [censored] up the printer with my BSOD infested lame-o computer, put it up on my myspace...

[/ QUOTE ]

If you have to call work.. you didn't pass

[/ QUOTE ]

What's your logic behind that statement?

AceLuby 05-24-2007 03:58 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
Called up the lab and they told me that i will have to call my work. Theres a sub manager or 3 hours or so, so i guess ill know later. Ive come to the realization that i don't cae much at all whether i pass, i can find the same job in 3 days in busier store where i would mke more money. Plus then i wouldn't have to deliver to ghetto ass areas at 1 am and dodge bullets... And I got the girls number plus she has a myspace profile so thats no matter, so ya im not even sure if i want to pass now. And [censored] it im not calling them they can call me... I feel like gibbons in Office Space after he see the therapist...

My fav. part is the whole conflict with the printer, "pc load letter... WHAT THE [censored] DOES THAT MEAN" lol [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

Actually im going to doa parody of that scene where they [censored] up the printer with my BSOD infested lame-o computer, put it up on my myspace...

[/ QUOTE ]

If you have to call work.. you didn't pass

[/ QUOTE ]

What's your logic behind that statement?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I don't think that's necessarily true. When I had my drug test they told me to call my work as well, and I passed fine.

KidVegas72 05-24-2007 10:20 PM

Re: Piss test in 17 hrs HELP ME PASS
UPDATE: i had a message from the lab on my machine today. Called them back, and apparently im high on marijauna??? hahahahahahaha

oh well blessing in disguise really

Ill go and grab my check tomorrow, give me ideas for funny [censored] i should do when i go in for my monies they owe me...

[censored] lol!

im the best pizza distributor west of the mississippi... their loss....

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