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Ship Ship McGipp 10-02-2007 01:42 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
my good friend is traveling the tournament circuit and just hired a friend as a personal assistant, prtty fke n awesome if you ask me

Hitsurume 10-02-2007 01:43 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity

Has he offered to help you in poker or have you asked for any of his advice in anything so far related to poker?

ispiked 10-02-2007 01:44 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
Do you feel you are adequately compensated for your services?

BuddyQ 10-02-2007 01:45 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
First dibs on becoming jones's assistant!

Astyanax 10-02-2007 01:49 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
Have you ever fallen out? If so what about?

Egarim 10-02-2007 01:55 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
wow... How does it feel to be someone's b itch? Is it demoralizing? Does it hurt your self esteem?

Second, do you have any friends or know anyone in NYC that would be willing to be my personal assistant for $15/hr (Seriously)?

Good2cu knows how to be a balla...

Donkey-Milker 10-02-2007 01:58 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
who is this Good2cu guy? all i know is that he has a hudge forehead.

what limits does he play? does he know grimmy? what stuff have you bought using his card?

Warteen 10-02-2007 02:07 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
Do you get a discount on poker lessons?

[/ QUOTE ]

I probably could, if I wanted to. Mostly I get my poker coaching from our mutual friend free of charge, because g2cu is playing at a much higher level than I could hope to reach right now. I have watched him play some and have learned a couple things, but I haven't been working for him that long yet.

Warteen 10-02-2007 02:08 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
Approximate number of times you've heard G2CU say "ship it holla!"?

(information needed to settle prop bet resulting from this thread)

[/ QUOTE ]

I am going to say approximately 20, if you count him saying just "ship it". Generally the "holla" is supposed to be provided by someone else (which frequently ends up being me, even if jokingly).

Warteen 10-02-2007 02:10 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity

Has he offered to help you in poker or have you asked for any of his advice in anything so far related to poker?

[/ QUOTE ]

I have been playing the micros up until last week, so some of his advice wouldn't really apply. I have asked him about the odd hand or two (which I have also posted here), and he has been very helpful, but he rarely offers poker knowledge unless asked, and I don't ask that often.

Warteen 10-02-2007 02:11 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
Do you feel you are adequately compensated for your services?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, though I would gladly accept a raise. One can always use more money, I suppose.

Warteen 10-02-2007 02:13 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
Have you ever fallen out? If so what about?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not exactly. I did get into a verbal fight with his poker-playing roommate, who has not been very kind to me in general, in front of him - I later called to apologize for losing my temper. It's only been like a month, though. Maybe we'll have a falling out over this thread when he gets back from Aruba (but I think it should be cool).

DcifrThs 10-02-2007 02:13 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
i wouldnt be suprised if this was a multiaccount built to 1000posts for credibility just so good2cu could praise himself.

[/ QUOTE ]

That would be kind of funny, but no, I am very much good2cu's man.

[/ QUOTE ]

Warteen 10-02-2007 02:16 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
wow... How does it feel to be someone's b itch? Is it demoralizing? Does it hurt your self esteem?

[/ QUOTE ]

I've essentially been asked this by people before. This is way better than my last job. The hours are flexible, the work is easier, and it pays more. I don't mind doing someone's chores if I'm getting paid well, and I'm confident enough in my identity and value that I don't need to worry much about who I work for.

Second, do you have any friends or know anyone in NYC that would be willing to be my personal assistant for $15/hr (Seriously)?

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't, but put an ad in the paper. Good2cu used allmsu (a website for MSU students) for free and got several responses (though I was not one of those). $15 an hour is a lot, especially for young people.

Sponger. 10-02-2007 02:16 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
I did get into a verbal fight with his poker-playing roommate, who has not been very kind to me in general, in front of him

[/ QUOTE ]


Warteen 10-02-2007 02:17 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
i wouldnt be suprised if this was a multiaccount built to 1000posts for credibility just so good2cu could praise himself.

[/ QUOTE ]

That would be kind of funny, but no, I am very much Dumbledore's man.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

pokerchap 10-02-2007 02:22 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
this is so awesome. please provide an answer for that sentance.

Warteen 10-02-2007 02:27 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
I did get into a verbal fight with his poker-playing roommate, who has not been very kind to me in general, in front of him

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

Gyeh... I have to be careful about what I say...
Person in question (let's call him Jalex Jforger, to protect his identity) is best friend to mutual friend of me and good2cu, and friend/roommate to good2cu himself. He and I had gone with mutual friend to Cedar Point over the summer, and argued there when I tired of his talk of banging girls and smoking weed all the time, and asked him if he ever just considered even trying to be a good person (this is my religious upbringing rearing its head). I am a huge fan of our mutual friend, but I feel like Jalex is a really bad influence on him, in addition to treating his girlfriend like crap and leading a lifestyle that just annoys me in general.
Fast forward to me working for g2cu, Jalex grinding the micro limits and trying to be a good poker player, and us being generally civil to each other. At times, I had given him advice and watched him play, my interest in helping another micro player taking over. Then, after a particular beat that g2cu and I witnessed, Jalex lost his temper and was punching his desk, yelling, etc. We both cautioned him that he should control his temper/emotions or he would never be a winning player. He turned on me and told me that when he wanted my advice he would ask for it, and it's not as if I was his friend or my opinion had any value. I responded unkindly (for which I later apologized to g2cu).

jfish 10-02-2007 02:31 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
fkn jalex

Sirasoni 10-02-2007 02:48 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
Just the thread I needed, thanks for doing this.

Quick question on the payment - I assume youre not doing work for full hours and whatnot, but maybe the odd chore here and there with some breaks here and there. During these "breaks" are you still being paid hourly or what? Or do you just show up for work at certain times of the day and in that period of time you just handle everything he needs you to do?

Also, do you chauffeur him?

goofyballer 10-02-2007 02:53 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
Yeah, that Jalex sure has a temper on him!

I think that he has developed a considerable amount of insight/self-awareness in the last year or so. He has talked about how he's not going to be making hard drug posts anymore, is not partying as hard, and cares about his image and future (hence the recent "hookers and blow: not sustainable" comment).

[/ QUOTE ]

So that means he's still going to be doing plenty of hard drugs in the future, just not posting about it?

Is this an indication of a possible political career from Mr. Robl in the future? (cue mspaints)

Rxd Rxxf 10-02-2007 02:54 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
fkn jalex

[/ QUOTE ]

for some reason, this cracked me up.

suzzer99 10-02-2007 03:06 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
good2cu makes it sound like he has a harem of at least 2 girlfriends who basically both sleep with him (and each other). Is this the case? What would each of these girls rate on the oot scale?

Warteen 10-02-2007 03:43 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
Just the thread I needed, thanks for doing this.

Quick question on the payment - I assume youre not doing work for full hours and whatnot, but maybe the odd chore here and there with some breaks here and there. During these "breaks" are you still being paid hourly or what? Or do you just show up for work at certain times of the day and in that period of time you just handle everything he needs you to do?

[/ QUOTE ]

Normally I work a stretch of 2-5 hours in a day, and I get paid for the whole time. Usually I've got enough to do that there's not much downtime, and if I'm done with everything I will probably just take off for the day (maybe for a couple days). There have been times when I didn't work as long as I thought I was going to, just because he ran out of stuff for me to do.

Also, do you chauffeur him?

[/ QUOTE ]
Only if he needs me to for some reason, which has been once so far, when he needed to go to the car dealership but was a little hung over.

Warteen 10-02-2007 03:48 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
So that means he's still going to be doing plenty of hard drugs in the future, just not posting about it?

Is this an indication of a possible political career from Mr. Robl in the future? (cue mspaints)

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not certain about his plans re: hard drugs, but I know that he doesn't keep any in the house. He hasn't told me what brought about the decision, and I haven't asked.
Also, he has not mentioned any political aspirations, but I could change my answer if it would help bring about amusing pictures. I think image concerns have more to do with the potential of getting sponsored like some of the more notable professionals, and getting his site more positive attention (though he admits the name is somewhat goofy, which would be a hurdle).

Warteen 10-02-2007 03:51 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
good2cu makes it sound like he has a harem of at least 2 girlfriends who basically both sleep with him (and each other). Is this the case? What would each of these girls rate on the oot scale?

[/ QUOTE ]

He doesn't have any girls that he would call a girlfriend, but he has been known to sleep double with (I'm sure) repeat female partners. He has alluded to the possibility of him waking up with 2 girls in his bed, but I have yet to see it. The one blonde girl I did find in his room one afternoon would probably rank at about a 7 (adjust upward for level of intoxication).

bonds 10-02-2007 03:58 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
Approximate number of times you've heard G2CU say "ship it holla!"?

(information needed to settle prop bet resulting from this thread)

[/ QUOTE ]

I am going to say approximately 20, if you count him saying just "ship it". Generally the "holla" is supposed to be provided by someone else (which frequently ends up being me, even if jokingly).

[/ QUOTE ]

[censored] [censored] under [censored] [censored] son of a [censored] [censored]

Thanks for the reply.

d0nkaments 10-02-2007 03:59 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
What is the most surprising thing you have learned about good2cu?

gostatego 10-02-2007 04:05 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
i heard he goes to canada to play on party poker? someone i knwo who knows him said that but i wasnt sure if it was true? and whys he live on hagadorn. figured hed live around abbott and be closer to the bars / cooler part of campus. the guy that i know that knows him is named dash

Suwalski 10-02-2007 04:06 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
How old are you? What is the minimum wage in the states? How much would you make by working at burgerking?

AbreuTime 10-02-2007 04:09 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
What is the most surprising thing you have learned about good2cu?

[/ QUOTE ]
He has alluded to the possibility of him waking up with 2 girls in his bed

[/ QUOTE ]

AMitchA 10-02-2007 04:29 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
How are you paid?

Cash, cheque, bank transfer, or even poker stars (or any other site) transfer?

Sponger. 10-02-2007 04:34 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity

[/ QUOTE ]

How much more per hour do you need to be paid so that you come to work wearing this?

rakemeplz 10-02-2007 04:43 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
How old are you? What is the minimum wage in the states? How much would you make by working at burgerking?

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you read the thread? He already directly or indirectly answered these basicly giving his age and commenting on his wage.

Conspire 10-02-2007 04:49 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
I just moved to michigan and I live about an hour and a half from MSU, can you ask good2cu if I can buy blow through his connections?

goofyballer 10-02-2007 04:51 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
Should I hire a personal assistant? I imagine I could put him to work doing stuff like creating a profile for me or sending "inside?"s on myspace. What level of ballerness should someone be at in order to have a personal assistant? Can you think of other stuff that goofyballer's personal assitant should do? Stanford is like 5 mins away so I'm sure there are plenty of broke-ass college kids around.

RedJoker 10-02-2007 05:07 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity

lippy 10-02-2007 06:07 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
Does g2cu spend lots and lots of money?

Most unnecessary, extravagant purchases you've seen him make?

Being around things like this, don't you wish you earned more money?

iMsoLucky0 10-02-2007 06:28 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
Hmm, I think I need an assistant.

piebear 10-02-2007 06:55 PM

Re: 1,000th post: Revealing my secret identity
if you get fired for this thread will you post about it in bbv?

How would you feel about a counter thread? Something like "just fired my douche butler"

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