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Paul Levy 07-02-2007 02:16 AM

Re: Cashier\'s error at the Vic - no reward for being honest?
Was this last night? I was at the Vic as well and just wondering if you ever sat at 1/2 while waiting for the 100 game?

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No, managed to get a seat in the 100 straight away. Pretty lousy table as well, a few rocks and a few weak-tights with little money behind.

maryfield48 07-02-2007 02:19 AM

Re: Cashier\'s error at the Vic - no reward for being honest?

I'm not saying they couldn't have done more, and at the very least been earnest.

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sevencard2003 07-02-2007 02:46 AM

Re: Cashier\'s error at the Vic - no reward for being honest?
i know when binions horseshoe overpaid me $40 at the cage one time, i made it to the door of the casino as quick as possible before they noticed the mistake.

pokerswami 07-02-2007 03:01 AM

Re: Cashier\'s error at the Vic - no reward for being honest?

I'm not saying they couldn't have done more, and at the very least been earnest.

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It's "The Importance of Being Earnest."

dcb777 07-02-2007 04:03 AM

Re: Cashier\'s error at the Vic - no reward for being honest?
Its a casino. They are supposed to check the chips not you. I am a normally honest person but I would never return an overpayment to a casino.

If somebody dropped a bill I would return it to them, but casino's are money hungry organizations that make money on peoples misery. Take advantage when possible.

soah 07-02-2007 04:59 AM

Re: Cashier\'s error at the Vic - no reward for being honest?
You want a reward for not stealing?

I'm not saying they couldn't have done more, and at the very least been earnest. But once you know they gave you too much, it's on you to return the cash. It's basically theft at that point.

If they returned an overpaid $100 to you, would you feel obligated to give them a reward?

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returning the extra chips was the right thing to do but this process did inconvenience him (10 minutes of waiting) for something that was entirely the casino's fault. it's not unreasonable to expect a little something in return. by being honest he saved their staff a lot of time and effort which might have been spent trying to track down the missing money later. that's not something that they should want to discourage. just comp the guy a cheeseburger and everyone's happy.

jeffnc 07-02-2007 09:07 AM

Re: Cashier\'s error at the Vic - no reward for being honest?
You want a reward for not stealing?

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Typical moral high road response. He didn't "not steal". If you want to be taken seriously, you might want to start with a more accurate description of the situation.

jeffnc 07-02-2007 09:11 AM

Re: Cashier\'s error at the Vic - no reward for being honest?
The cashier didn't lose a wallet full of his own money, he lost the casino's money, he can't give you a reward out of it. Certainly you might have helped save the cashiers job, but think about how much a cashier makes?

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Will you people get real? It's not going to come from the cashier's pocket. Obviously it should be a policy of the casino to take care of situations like this.

Here is what is actually going on. First the casino should hire staff that are competent and they can trust. Then, they know mistakes occasionally occur (but not that often, with competant staff.) Then make the staff empowered to either
a) handle mistakes on their own
b) not feel embarrassed to bring mistakes to managers' attention

This is a difficult environment to achieve, but it's what the best customer service companies do.

Now, the cashier should have either been empowered to "reward" the customer in some way to make him feel happy for his deed, or inform a manager, who should reward the customer for his deed. ("reward" can by something as simple as a sincere "thank you" from a manager - as another poster said, that would be the very least.)

This is simple business practice that improves the company's bottom line.

What happened in the actual even, of course, was that the cashier was either not empowered to do anything, or was simply embarrassed and had no intention of telling management anything about the incident for concern that it would affect her performance appraisal.

Vidocq 07-04-2007 08:20 AM

Re: Cashier\'s error at the Vic - no reward for being honest?
I can beat this one. Last night I was cashing out at the Vic and gave the cashier £2500 in chips. She miscounted it as £3500 and started making out the slip for the larger amount. I briefly considered letting her do it but decided(a) they would figure it out eventually; (b) when they did they might give me a hard time when I tried to withdraw and could even ban me. So I told her she had made a mistake. She said "thank you."

sirtimo 07-04-2007 08:30 AM

Re: Cashier\'s error at the Vic - no reward for being honest?
jeezy creezsy people...

Give it back. What goes around comes around.

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