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barryc83 04-12-2007 10:39 PM

Ok, I should probably explain myself better. Going to NYU will not be your "typical college experience". I went to an SEC school and lived in a college town of like 80,000 where the school was everything in that town, you will not have that type of experience. NYC obv is a huge city, but so is DC. Honestly I've never been to DC but I know its one of the bigger cities in the US. NYC will be different Id assume, but its not like youre moving there from BFE Iowa or something, youll be able to adjust. eviljeff is right, NYC is crazy expensive but its also a lot of fun if you can afford it IMO.

What I meant to say was that its cool to go somewhere new where you know no one and start over. I remember walking into my freshman dorm and not knowing a soul, but I met new people and had a blast. If you stay in DC you probably know a bunch of people already and it can be easy to keep the same circle of friends that you have now. Theres nothing wrong with that, its just I personally think meeting new, interesting people is one of the best aspects of college.

I really dont know much about either school, except for the fact that theyre both rather prestigious institutions. Basically, Im just saying that I advocate going away to college. Its a great experience and Im very happy that I did it.

Evan 04-12-2007 10:50 PM

I don't know much about NYU, but I lived in New York for 2 years and absolutely hated it. It's like everyone in that state is a dick head, I will never go back there. College there could be totally different though idk.

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I get such a kick out of people saying this. It ranks a close second to "OMG NYC is so overpriced I could buy a 4 bedroom house in [insert town I don't want to live in] for half as much as you pay in rent!!!!"

Evan 04-12-2007 10:53 PM

Ok, I should probably explain myself better. Going to NYU will not be your "typical college experience". I went to an SEC school and lived in a college town of like 80,000 where the school was everything in that town, you will not have that type of experience. NYC obv is a huge city, but so is DC. Honestly I've never been to DC but I know its one of the bigger cities in the US. NYC will be different Id assume, but its not like youre moving there from BFE Iowa or something, youll be able to adjust.

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It's not so much the size of the city that makes NYU so different as much as the fact that there's no boundaries between school and city. Columbia is in Manhattan too, but what I'm saying about NYU really doesn't hold true for it. They have a fairly traditional campus. NYU just owns buildings interspersed with the city. It's very different, that's all I can say.

Mr_BigQueso 04-12-2007 11:46 PM

thx for all the input. I love the city , and i really want to get outta DC. Goin up to visit nyu tomorrow; thx again for the advice

Evan 04-13-2007 02:37 AM

thx for all the input. I love the city , and i really want to get outta DC. Goin up to visit nyu tomorrow; thx again for the advice

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No problem. Let me know if you have any specific questions.

Dave D 04-13-2007 09:34 AM

Umm, I don't know what people are talking about as far as acedemic ranking, but Georgetown is way ahead of NYU there. IMO it's Georgetown and its not even close. NYU is huge, and from people I know who go/graduated there they say its easy. NYU only became well known in the late 70s, it was (or very close to it) bankrupt back then, and then they turned it all around. Georgetown is Georgetown.

Go to Georgetown, and forget your local friends, it's really not that hard especially when most of them will probably be going to college too right? In the worst case you'll be the cool kid that knows where to get cheap food for dinner and such. Easy choice in my opinion, ESPECIALLY when you got into the school of foreign service. You're just not going to get NEARLY the personal attention at NYU, or quite frankly the personal connections when you graduate.

Lets not forget Georgetown basketball.

NYU is only popular because it's NYC and everyone wants to be Carrie on Sex and the City. It's not anything special in itself. GTown FTW.

ChipStorm 04-13-2007 10:50 AM

Umm, I don't know what people are talking about as far as acedemic ranking, but Georgetown is way ahead of NYU there. IMO it's Georgetown and its not even close. NYU is huge, and from people I know who go/graduated there they say its easy. NYU only became well known in the late 70s, it was (or very close to it) bankrupt back then, and then they turned it all around. Georgetown is Georgetown.

Go to Georgetown, and forget your local friends, it's really not that hard especially when most of them will probably be going to college too right? In the worst case you'll be the cool kid that knows where to get cheap food for dinner and such. Easy choice in my opinion, ESPECIALLY when you got into the school of foreign service. You're just not going to get NEARLY the personal attention at NYU, or quite frankly the personal connections when you graduate.

Lets not forget Georgetown basketball.

NYU is only popular because it's NYC and everyone wants to be Carrie on Sex and the City. It's not anything special in itself. GTown FTW.

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Not that simple, each school has strengths in different areas.

Agreed if OP doesn't know WTF he wants to major in, GTown gets the general academic nod, but if he wants to go into, say, business, NYU is the clear choice.

neuroman 04-14-2007 06:06 PM

the fact that you are from DC and live that close to GTown makes it NYU and its not really close.

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QFT, leave home. Going to college in the town you grew up in is a MISTAKE, or at least it was for me. Go to New York, meet new people, see a new town.

Evan 04-15-2007 05:10 AM

NYU is only popular because it's NYC

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This seems very shortsighted to me, but even if it were true I think location is probably an important factor for lots of people. The obvious reply here is that DC is a good/big/real/important/whatever city. That's true, it's all those things. However, it is vastly different from living in NYC and it obviously has a completely different set of benefits, resources, culture and contacts.

It doesn't make a difference to me where OP goes to school, but I think it's kind of stupid to write off something like being located in the most important city in America as fleeting.

Also, as other people have pointed out, saying "School x is better than school y" is often stupid without more granular information.

Now if the school of foreign service implies he wants to go into politics (never heard of it before this thread) DC certainly seems to make sense.

Oh, and one more thing. I think you're walking on pretty thin ice by trying to use personal connections as an argument against NYU for pretty much any school out there. If you're talking about technology at Stanford or business at Harvard or Penn then I can see it, but outside of a pretty select handful that's not the angle I would take.

Dave D 04-15-2007 11:04 AM

NYU is only popular because it's NYC

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This seems very shortsighted to me, but even if it were true I think location is probably an important factor for lots of people. The obvious reply here is that DC is a good/big/real/important/whatever city. That's true, it's all those things. However, it is vastly different from living in NYC and it obviously has a completely different set of benefits, resources, culture and contacts.

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The point is more along the lines of NYU gets more credit than it's due because of its location. Sure, location might matter (although honestly I might even dispute this, to me its very minor), but it seems to me that people want to go to NYU just to be in NYC, which really shouldn't be what college is about.

College is about learning and getting ready for your future, where you live to me really shouldn't be a big part of that. If OP really wants to live in NYC, he can do that when he graduates. IMO where you go to school really isn't that important.


It doesn't make a difference to me where OP goes to school, but I think it's kind of stupid to write off something like being located in the most important city in America as fleeting.

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Heh, most important city in America.


Also, as other people have pointed out, saying "School x is better than school y" is often stupid without more granular information.

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Usually I agree with that and wouldn't say go to school x because it's one spot above school y in the US news rankings. Generally I believe in looking at schools in "tiers" of about 10, except the top 20 or so really are all the same. Georgetown is there, NYU is not. Again, I think NYU is even where it is because it gets too much of a bump from being in NYC. Unless he's going into Stern (which he's probably not), NYU is just not the same as Georgetown acedemically/prestige wise.


Now if the school of foreign service implies he wants to go into politics (never heard of it before this thread) DC certainly seems to make sense.

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Yeah, GTown specializes in things like this, and the school of foreign service is very prestigious. If OP passes that up, it would be quite a shame.


Oh, and one more thing. I think you're walking on pretty thin ice by trying to use personal connections as an argument against NYU for pretty much any school out there. If you're talking about technology at Stanford or business at Harvard or Penn then I can see it, but outside of a pretty select handful that's not the angle I would take.

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You're saying that NYU would have better connections than GTown for when he graduates? I think we know that NYU might have better business connections, but otherwise...umm no. Georgetown is an elite school with lots of prestigious alumni, NYU might as well be a state school. It's just not comparable (except obviously NYU will have some better connections in NYC, obviously).

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