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Bostaevski 10-26-2007 12:39 PM

Re: Have you had your wisdom teeth out yet?
When I got mine out they gave me an injection of something. I was awake the whole time but higher than a kite. It was awesome.

They told me not to blow my nose for a week otherwise I could possibly blow my sinuses out through the holes in my mouth and would need to come back to have it fixed.

A few days later I got dry sockets (basically the blood clots came out) on both the bottom ones. That was excruciating. I had to go back to the guy every couple days and have him stuff this medicated gauze into the holes which would numb the pain. No amount tylenol/ibuprofin would work.

Due to having the dry sockets, the blood clots were never there to reform bone and fill in the holes. So I had these large "pockets" behind my rear molars. Years later, my dentist said I should get that taken care of so I had to go to a periodontist and have bone grafts done on both sides of my jaw. He basically flayed open my gums from the back going about 4 teeth forward. Then he ground away on the exposed bone and gathered up enough "bone material" to mix with this protein stuff then inject it into the holes. Then he stitched the gums so I had these stitches between each of my teeth hold my gums together. I had to have this done on both sides of my jaw (separate surgeries). Neither of the surgeries worked (bone did not regrow) and I still have the pockets there.

So good luck with your wisdom teeth OP.

IWEARGOGGLES 10-26-2007 12:40 PM

Re: Have you had your wisdom teeth out yet?
I had absolutely no problems. I woke up laughing, slobbered blood all over my then favorite hooded sweatshirt, took a nap, went out that night feeling fine.

BG1124 10-26-2007 12:43 PM

Re: Have you had your wisdom teeth out yet?
Got mine out 2 months ago, i had all 4 taken out at once. I had the doc use IV sedation along with the gas and it was one of the easiest procedures i've had done. I have no memory of it and I had only mild pain for 1 day. I was able to go out the next night and eat normal foods after a week. The most annoying part is getting food stuck in the holes where your wisdom teeth used to be, but after two months they fill in fine.
Doc also gave me vicodin which i only used for the first day, you should definitely get some pills for your first few days.

KilgoreTrout 10-26-2007 01:07 PM

Re: Have you had your wisdom teeth out yet?
got mine out ~ 15 years ago. got the dry socketses. Not fun. got the drugses. fun.

DarrenX 10-26-2007 01:08 PM

Re: Have you had your wisdom teeth out yet?
Got them out in '92, in high school. I believe (at least at the time) they knocked you out if they were impacted, just gave you gas if they weren't. Mine weren't so I just had the gas.

Had 2 done one appointment, 2 in another. The high feeling was great. I do remember at one point the doc put his foot up on the arm of the chair for leverage as he yanked on my tooth- it ended up shattering into a million pieces. I laughed. At least, this is what I remember while on the gas. Overall the pain during the procedure was nothing, just felt like pressure.

I agree with others, pain the next couple days, gross gums for a week or two. Never heard the sinus thing, though.

SoloAJ 10-26-2007 01:10 PM

Re: Have you had your wisdom teeth out yet?
I am 22 and still have mine. I had to get a molar pulled in my youth because of a terrible cavity. I remember when I got that done, they said it was actually beneficial because it looked like I had a wisdom tooth that was going to severely impact in that spot.

I went to the dentist 9 months ago and they said that I don't need my wisdoms out unless I want them out or if I start getting pain at some point in my life.

Yay for cavities!!

diddyeinstein 10-26-2007 01:15 PM

Re: Have you had your wisdom teeth out yet?
I had mine out when I was in HS. I was knocked out on bubble gum smelling gas. Slept for two days on Tylenol 3s and then I was up and ready to go. I suggest not doing the things that they say will lead to dry sockets as I hear these are very unpleasant.

It really isn't that bad, but I do agree OP that dentists are the devil. Get it done, take alot of drugs, drop out of the race for a day or two and you'll be fine.

On a side note I was so [censored] up when they brought me back around that I asked for my teeth. Four times. Once after they had already given them to me. I still have them somewhere.

4_2_it 10-26-2007 01:24 PM

Re: Have you had your wisdom teeth out yet?
Got mine out when I was 27 or so. Got knocked out and enjoyed the pain pills. As a recall the first couple of days sucked, but after that things got better pretty quick.

bigmonkey 10-26-2007 01:25 PM

Re: Have you had your wisdom teeth out yet?
I didn't even know people had their wisdom teeth removed. I was under the impression that only a small minority of people even have them, and that anecdotally you only get them if you are intelligent, but I don't know if there is any evidence for that. I suspect it's a common myth passed down from dailogues like this:

A: I have 4 more teeth than you.
B: What? Why? I want more teeth. Why do you have them?
A: Because I'm special.

I had mine come through when I was 13-14. My dentist told me that I was the youngest person she'd ever heard of to have them fully grown. I didn't even notice them until she pointed them out, as they have never caused me any discomfort whatsoever.

Obviously this is a bit of a brag, although they don't really do much. I can't even put them on my CV or something. Well I could, but that would look pretty pathetic/desperate. Sorry about all your episodes of intense pain. UL WP GG etc.

CrazyEyez 10-26-2007 01:33 PM

Re: Have you had your wisdom teeth out yet?
Had mine out in high school. No knock-out, no gas. Straight novacaine, homie*. Worst experience ever. Massive swelling afterwards, didn't leave the house for at least two days.

* had bad reactions to anasthesia and gas when younger.

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