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Mrs. Utah 06-17-2007 09:20 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Fingers crossed Mer that this is it!

diebitter 06-17-2007 10:05 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant

Good luck and remember what I said to my wife when she was birthing: BREATHE!

Mrs. Utah 06-17-2007 10:11 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant

Good luck and remember what I said to my wife when she was birthing: BREATHE!

[/ QUOTE ]

LoL! I tell that to all of my moms.

Mermade 06-20-2007 06:56 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
O.K. Let's see...

I woke up on Sunday at around 2a.m. something. I was having contractions but they weren't particularly painful. I figured I might as well try to go back to sleep. I tried, but they were strong enough to keep me awake. At 2:41 I got up, took out a sheet of paper and started timing my contractions. They were 5 minutes apart, but not particularly strong. I timed them for about an hour and then called labor and delivery. (I let my husband sleep.) L&D said to take a shower and see if the contractions ease or become stronger and to come in when the contractions have been coming on strong for an hour. I told my husband that labor was starting and I was going to shower. I told him to go back to sleep. I took a shower and the contractions were strong enough that I had to breathe through them. I timed my contractions for a while and then woke up my husband. I told him I'd keep at it while he jumped in the shower. Everything was packed and ready to go.

When he got done, he called L&D and they told us to come in. There was no one on the road at 5a.m. We got there around 5:30. The admissions process was annoying. In the car things had progressed so that when I got to the hospital my contractions were strong and 2 minutes apart. I tried to answer questions that seemed somewhat irrelevant between breathing through contractions. When they checked I was 5cm and completely effaced with the baby's head right there.

A few minutes later, they asked me to move from the evaluation room into the delivery room. I stood up and my water broke. My contractions were coming fast and hard. I had 4 contractions just walking down the hallway. My husband said I left a trail of little bloody footprints behind me.

I got into bed in the delivery room and I had the urge to push. My husband was great. He helped me focus and we breathed together. They checked and I was ready to go. Baby's head was I think they said vertex plus 1. I'm not familiar with that terminology, but it meant he was on his way out. We were just waiting on the doctor. Luckily she was the OB on call and sleeping in the hospital. (Later she said if she hadn't been on site, she wouldn't have made it.) She stepped in the door and they said push. I pushed with just 2 contractions and and we had ourselves a beautiful baby boy. In fact I was a little surprised. You know you push at the peak of each contraction and when they wane you wait for the next. Breathe push 10sec, another breath push 10 sec, another breath push 10sec then wait. Well at the end of the second contraction they all just said keep pushing. I gave one extra small push and that was it. Amazing.

The baby was beautiful: 9lbs 5.5oz, 22 1/2 in. Apgars were 8 and 9. Husband had to sit down for a spell having hyperventilated a bit from the breathing, which I thought was sweet. He did such a fabulous job.

The whole delivery was drug free. I didn't have as much as a tylenol during the delivery or after. My son and my mother-in-law visited us. My older son was really excited to take the baby home. We stayed overnight and went home the next morning.

It's been great so far. My older son has had no adjustment problems. He loves helping with the baby and is really thoughtful. Husband is being a big help. Baby and I were napping this afternoon and I awoke with a smile to sounds of the two other boys doing cannon balls in the pool. Life is too good to describe.

diebitter 06-20-2007 07:18 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Wow, that's terrific! I'm so glad you're all happy, and it went fine. Awww, I'm getting mine from school in a little while, I'm gonna give all 3 of them an extra hug.


Sniper 06-20-2007 07:18 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Congrats Mermade!

Mrs. Utah 06-20-2007 07:19 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Congratulations Mer!!!

Very nice trip report. I am glad that thing went so well and that all of your boys are home and recovering nicely. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

btw, what time was the delivery?

oh, and you now have to change your location now too. Maybe Done?

ChipWrecked 06-20-2007 08:39 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
...or due due!

*rim shot*

Congrats, Mer!

Mermade 06-20-2007 09:42 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Thanks everyone! Sorry I was editing to put in the final details but baby woke up and wanted to eat and hubby chastised me for sneaking off to post on 2+2. Official delivery time was 6:59 a.m. We got to the hospital around 5:30, so it went very quickly. The total labor from when I woke up to holding my baby in my arms was about 4 1/2 hours.

Mrs. Utah 06-20-2007 09:50 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Very nice Mer. I like the location.

Black Aces 518 06-20-2007 04:12 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Congrats Mermade!

We have been told that we will be inducing Friday morning if Audrey doesn't come on her own before then, which is apparently a 50/50 shot. I told Mom that she's out of luck, given how I run at coinflips. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

Anyway, we are go for launch!

Black Aces 518 06-23-2007 11:27 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Audrey Ruth was born at 12:35 PM on Friday, June 22. 20", 8 lb 2 oz. She immediately made a river 2 outer seem like winning a million dollars as she had breathed/swallowed a lot of amniotic fluid/blood and didn't immediately cry and turned a QUITE alarming shade of blue/purple. They were giving her oxygen and the years were peeling off my life. When she coughed and then wailed, it was the best sound I've ever heard. She is happy, healthy and beautiful. Words don't describe. GL to those who will follow her, and if she ever becomes a poker celeb, go easy on her 2+2, sheesh.

katyseagull 06-23-2007 03:48 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Congratulations to Mermade on her darling little boy, and to Black Aces on his beautiful little girl! [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] Life is very good.

DrewDevil 06-23-2007 04:50 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Congrats Black Aces!

dcasper70 06-25-2007 09:24 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Updated cast, in order of expected appearance

<font color="purple"> 07/07/07 - carpmentor (#2, unknown)</font>
07/25/07 - Yo Adrians! (#2, unknown)
08/01/07 - aces_dad (#2, boy)
08/02/07 - kurto (#?, unknown)
08/05/07 - Nelson (#1 &amp; 2, twins, boy &amp; girl)
08/25/07 - phiphika1453 (#2, boy)
08/28/07 - Acehawk74 (#1, boy)
09/29/07 - Mano (#2, boy)[/b]
10/15/07 - TheDudeAbides (#2, unknown)
10/??/07 - Kaj (#1, unknown)
10/31/07 - Zameus (#2?, boy)
11/07/07 - olliejen (#2, unknown)
12/11/07 - baggins (#1, unknown)
12/16/07 - Joe Tall (#1, unknown)
01/01/08 - steelcmg (#1, unknown)
01/23/08 - C-Dog (#1, unknown)
02/08/08 - acoustix (#1, unknown)

<font color="green">
<u> Welcome to 2+2!</u>
06/22/07 - Black Aces 518 (#1, girl) 8 lbs 2 oz
06/17/07 - Mermade (#2, boy) 9 lbs 5.5 oz

06/06/07 - Jeff P (#1, girl) 7 lbs 9 oz
05/22/07 - Uncle_Billy (#1, boy) 10 lbs 9 oz
05/07/07 - krazyace5 (#?, girl) 7 lbs 4 oz
04/26/07 - KennyBanya (#1 &amp; 2,One of each) 6 lbs 0 oz/5 lbs 11 oz
04/27/07 - kevstreet (#1, boy) 8 lbs 3 oz
04/22/07 - DING-DONG YO (#1, girl) 7 lbs, 10 oz - BBV4L Link
04/16/07 - SpeciesFlora (#1, boy) 7 lbs 7 oz
04/13/07 - DesertCat (#2, girl) 8 lbs 9 oz
04/02/07 - Stu Pidasso(#7, boy) 9 lbs 6 oz
03/30/07 - stan1541 (#1, boy) 8 lbs 0 oz
03/26/07 - Nottom (#2, boy) 6 lbs 15 oz
03/23/07 - CrazyEyez (#2, boy) 8 lbs 13 oz
03/09/07 - Jbrochu (#1, girl) 6 lbs 2 oz
03/09/07 - samjjones (#1, boy) 4 lbs 11 oz
02/27/07 - vetman81 (#1, boy) 6 lbs 6 oz
02/22/07 - Daniel Magix (#2, girl) 8 lbs 1 oz
02/19/07 - WilliamLowe (#1, boy) 7 lbs 15 oz
02/02/07 - moldman (#2, boy) 7 lbs 13 oz
01/28/07 - dcasper70 (#1, girl) 7 lbs 15.5 oz
01/23/07 - MuckerFish (#1, girl) 5 lbs 14 oz
01/22/07 - johnwit (#1, girl) 8 lbs 13 oz
01/11/07 - pauliewalnuts (#1, boy) 2 lbs, 9 oz
01/09/07 - Runner Runner (#3 &amp; 4, boys) 6 lbs. 6 oz./4 lbs. 7 oz.
12/22/06 - gharp (#2, boy) 8 lbs. 4 oz.
12/19/06 - JDVegas5 - (#6, boy) size unknown
11/29/06 - Knight Vision (#3, girl) 8 lbs. 8 oz.
11/04/06 - DrewDevil (#1, boy) 7 lbs. 10 oz.
10/27/06 - dlk9s (#1, girl) 6 lbs. 15 oz.
10/10/06 - ChipWrecked (#2, boy) 7 lbs. 12 oz.
09/30/06 - Rduke55 (#1, boy) 8 lbs. 0 oz.
09/23/06 - JoeU (#2, girl) 5 lbs 2 oz</font>

<font color="blue"><u> In Loving Memory</u>
09/02/06 - poincaraux - Allan Frederick Lerner, 7 lbs. 0.9 oz. </font>

diebitter 06-25-2007 10:01 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
grats Aces. You just went on the biggest rollercoaster there could be, huh?

You might want to check the 'first time fatherhood' thread linked in the guide at top of forum. It recounts the birth experiences of several fathers.

acoustix 06-25-2007 04:38 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Wife had first doctor's appointment. Please update the due date to 02/05/2008. She also showed us a drawing of what the baby looks like at this point, and we're pretty sure it's a manatee. It's got a snout and flippers, so gender is unknown but species is definitely manatee.

Ballzack 06-25-2007 04:49 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Just found this thread. I'm mostly a lurker, but my wife and I had our first child or March 29. She was 8 lbs. 14 oz. and 20.5" long.

She's two months old in this picture.

Hopey 06-29-2007 01:52 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
We just went and did the ultrasound today, and this time a little baby popped up on the screen. I had been stressed all week about the ultrasound. The last time we had gotten to this point in the pregnancy it turned out that the baby had not developed and all we saw on the ultrasound screen was an empty egg sac (I posted about this earlier in the thread).

The due date is approx. January 10th. Wish us luck [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

dcasper70 06-29-2007 02:54 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Welcome back! Can't keep a good man down....

katyseagull 07-01-2007 03:41 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Just found this thread. I'm mostly a lurker, but my wife and I had our first child or March 29. She was 8 lbs. 14 oz. and 20.5" long.

She's two months old in this picture.

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG, Did everyone see this pic? Is this about the cutest baby in the whole world or what?

[img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] Just soooo sweet.

Ballzack 07-02-2007 08:01 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Just found this thread. I'm mostly a lurker, but my wife and I had our first child or March 29. She was 8 lbs. 14 oz. and 20.5" long.

She's two months old in this picture.

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG, Did everyone see this pic? Is this about the cutest baby in the whole world or what?

[img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] Just soooo sweet.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks! Considering she looks just like her daddy, I don't understand how she's so cute.

dcasper70 07-02-2007 09:10 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Is this about the cutest baby in the whole world or what?

[/ QUOTE ]
Off hand, I can think of 33 people who may consider her the 2nd cutest. [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

Wow, 33!!! With 19 on the way!!! This is one big thread.... [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

dcasper70 07-02-2007 09:10 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Updated cast, in order of expected appearance

<font color="purple"> 07/07/07 - carpmentor (#2, unknown)</font>
07/25/07 - Yo Adrians! (#2, unknown)
08/01/07 - aces_dad (#2, boy)
08/02/07 - kurto (#?, unknown)
08/05/07 - Nelson (#1 &amp; 2, twins, boy &amp; girl)
08/25/07 - phiphika1453 (#2, boy)
08/28/07 - Acehawk74 (#1, boy)
09/29/07 - Mano (#2, boy)[/b]
10/15/07 - TheDudeAbides (#2, unknown)
10/??/07 - Kaj (#1, unknown)
10/31/07 - Zameus (#2, boy)
11/07/07 - olliejen (#2, unknown)
12/11/07 - baggins (#1, unknown)
12/16/07 - Joe Tall (#1, unknown)
01/01/08 - steelcmg (#1, unknown)
[img]/images/graemlins/diamond.gif[/img] 01/10/08 - Hopey (#1, unknown)[img]/images/graemlins/diamond.gif[/img]
01/23/08 - C-Dog (#1, unknown)
02/05/08 - acoustix (#1, manatee)

<font color="green">
<u> Welcome to 2+2!</u>
06/22/07 - Black Aces 518 (#1, girl) 8 lbs 2 oz
06/17/07 - Mermade (#2, boy) 9 lbs 5.5 oz
06/06/07 - Jeff P (#1, girl) 7 lbs 9 oz
05/22/07 - Uncle_Billy (#1, boy) 10 lbs 9 oz
05/07/07 - krazyace5 (#?, girl) 7 lbs 4 oz
04/26/07 - KennyBanya (#1 &amp; 2,One of each) 6 lbs 0 oz/5 lbs 11 oz
04/27/07 - kevstreet (#1, boy) 8 lbs 3 oz
04/22/07 - DING-DONG YO (#1, girl) 7 lbs, 10 oz - BBV4L Link
04/16/07 - SpeciesFlora (#1, boy) 7 lbs 7 oz
04/13/07 - DesertCat (#2, girl) 8 lbs 9 oz
04/02/07 - Stu Pidasso(#7, boy) 9 lbs 6 oz
03/30/07 - stan1541 (#1, boy) 8 lbs 0 oz
03/29/07 - Ballzack (#1, girl) 8 lbs 14 oz
03/26/07 - Nottom (#2, boy) 6 lbs 15 oz
03/23/07 - CrazyEyez (#2, boy) 8 lbs 13 oz
03/09/07 - Jbrochu (#1, girl) 6 lbs 2 oz
03/09/07 - samjjones (#1, boy) 4 lbs 11 oz
02/27/07 - vetman81 (#1, boy) 6 lbs 6 oz
02/22/07 - Daniel Magix (#2, girl) 8 lbs 1 oz
02/19/07 - WilliamLowe (#1, boy) 7 lbs 15 oz
02/02/07 - moldman (#2, boy) 7 lbs 13 oz
01/28/07 - dcasper70 (#1, girl) 7 lbs 15.5 oz
01/23/07 - MuckerFish (#1, girl) 5 lbs 14 oz
01/22/07 - johnwit (#1, girl) 8 lbs 13 oz
01/11/07 - pauliewalnuts (#1, boy) 2 lbs, 9 oz
01/09/07 - Runner Runner (#3 &amp; 4, boys) 6 lbs. 6 oz./4 lbs. 7 oz.
12/22/06 - gharp (#2, boy) 8 lbs. 4 oz.
12/19/06 - JDVegas5 - (#6, boy) size unknown
11/29/06 - Knight Vision (#3, girl) 8 lbs. 8 oz.
11/04/06 - DrewDevil (#1, boy) 7 lbs. 10 oz.
10/27/06 - dlk9s (#1, girl) 6 lbs. 15 oz.
10/10/06 - ChipWrecked (#2, boy) 7 lbs. 12 oz.
09/30/06 - Rduke55 (#1, boy) 8 lbs. 0 oz.
09/23/06 - JoeU (#2, girl) 5 lbs 2 oz</font>

<font color="blue"><u> In Loving Memory</u>
09/02/06 - poincaraux - Allan Frederick Lerner, 7 lbs. 0.9 oz. </font>

diebitter 07-02-2007 09:29 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Just found this thread. I'm mostly a lurker, but my wife and I had our first child or March 29. She was 8 lbs. 14 oz. and 20.5" long.

She's two months old in this picture.

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG, Did everyone see this pic? Is this about the cutest baby in the whole world or what?

[img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] Just soooo sweet.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks! Considering she looks just like her daddy, I don't understand how she's so cute.

[/ QUOTE ]

She's got a look of wisdom about her. My old grandmother would have said 'She's been here before.' (whatever that means)

Mrs. Utah 07-02-2007 09:36 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Just found this thread. I'm mostly a lurker, but my wife and I had our first child or March 29. She was 8 lbs. 14 oz. and 20.5" long.

She's two months old in this picture.

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG, Did everyone see this pic? Is this about the cutest baby in the whole world or what?

[img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] Just soooo sweet.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks! Considering she looks just like her daddy, I don't understand how she's so cute.

[/ QUOTE ]

She's got a look of wisdom about her. My old grandmother would have said 'She's been here before.' (whatever that means)

[/ QUOTE ]

That is a good way to put it-a look of wisdom about her.
Older members of my family would say she has an 'old soul.'

dcasper70 07-02-2007 09:40 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
And this is my 100th post in this thread.

Thanks everyone!

diebitter 07-02-2007 09:43 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Just found this thread. I'm mostly a lurker, but my wife and I had our first child or March 29. She was 8 lbs. 14 oz. and 20.5" long.

She's two months old in this picture.

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG, Did everyone see this pic? Is this about the cutest baby in the whole world or what?

[img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] Just soooo sweet.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks! Considering she looks just like her daddy, I don't understand how she's so cute.

[/ QUOTE ]

She's got a look of wisdom about her. My old grandmother would have said 'She's been here before.' (whatever that means)

[/ QUOTE ]

That is a good way to put it-a look of wisdom about her.
Older members of my family would say she has an 'old soul.'

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes Grannie would say that exact phrase too.

DrewDevil 07-02-2007 10:50 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
My boy, Jay, will be 8 months old on July 4th.

gharp 07-02-2007 12:41 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Here's a quick six month update for you -- things are going very well. Our second son has turned out to be easier to deal with than the first (not sure if that's him being an easy kid or if we're better parents -- we've had this conversation a bunch among our other friends with kids) and he's a healthy, happy and very smiley baby. A real crowd pleaser!

I think I mentioned earlier in this thread that he was diagnosed with galactosemia at birth. Basically people with this condition are unable to drink milk, which would obviously be a pretty tough thing to avoid in life. It turned out Max had the much milder variant called Duarte galactosemia, and the treatment is just to avoid milk for the first year. So he was on a schedule of half nursing/half soy formula and that's worked out OK. We've just moved off of nursing and he's doing (soy) bottles full time and we're also starting to mix in some solid food (rice cereal and green beans -- yum!).

Here's a recent picture:

One more thing -- something I did with both kids was to take a picture of them in the same chair every month for the first two years. I think this is a pretty fun way to see the kids growing over time (which happens so fast in real life), and I'd recommend it to other new parents. You can see the results for our family if you click here.

katyseagull 07-02-2007 07:44 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Pictures are awesome DrewDevil, dcasper, ballzack and gharp! Really really cute. (And anyone else I missed, sorry to leave anyone out [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img])

Do we have a great group of babies here or what? Thanks for making my day you guys.

Hey, did everyone look at Gharp's two boys as they are growing up? Pretty fun. Just pick a kid and then keep clicking the arrow on the right. Great idea Gharp.

Yo Adrians! 07-12-2007 01:15 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Just wanted to give you all an update. My wife, Katie, is due on the 22nd - or the 25th, depending on who is talking (ultrasound said 22nd, doctor says 25th). We're getting very excited. She's huge - much bigger than with our first, and the doctor says baby is gonna be bigger this time around. Our first was 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and that seemed pretty big ... wonder how big this one will be.

We still don't know if we're having a boy or a girl - she swears it's a boy, and I'm pretty sure it's the opposite. We have a bunch of girls names that we're in love with, but really, we don't have too many boys names picked out. With our first, Maxwell, I don't know, we just really, really liked Max for a boy. And now, we have no clue what to name it if it's a boy. Guess we'll think of something.

Sidenote: My wife is a very kind, mild-mannered and professional woman. However, in the last few months, she's become very unhappy at her place of work (she's an inside sales manager at a major hotel in our area) due to a change in general managers and other co-workers. We were talking on my night off, Monday, about when she thought she was going to go into labor, and she says, "Well, I don't know. But I can tell you where I hope it happens."

To which I reply: "Where's that, honey?"

She says: "At work, obviously. I really hope my water breaks at work."

"But, honey, why the heck would you want it to happen there?!?"

To which she shoots: "So those a-holes have to f-in clean it up. Hope I just GUSH all over my CHAIR!"

UGh. Gross. But I guess that's what 95-degree heat when you're nine months pregnant with a bad boss will do to you.

Anyway, I'll write more in a week or so. Thanks to dcasper for sending me the reminder, asking for an update.

carpmentor 07-26-2007 06:07 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
We had a baby boy, Preston Cole, on July 5th. He was 9lbs2oz.

katyseagull 07-26-2007 07:27 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Congratulations, Carpmentor. Preston Cole is a great name. Hope he is doing well.

Yo Adrians! 07-29-2007 06:18 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
I'm terrible ... and two weeks late on this. But here goes:

My wife Katie gave birth to a baby boy at 2:05 p.m. Saturday, July 14. We named him Michael John Adrians ... 8 pounds, 9 ounces, 19 inches and very, very healthy.

Quite the relief from our first, Maxwell, as my wife's labor lasted about 14 hours less this time around. The 24-hour period in question, I worked until about 2 a.m. the night before, went to sleep at 4 a.m., and at 6 a.m., my son, Max, was yelling at me to wake up. 'BABY COMING, Daddy! BABY IS COMING! Mama water is brokend. Bathroom ALL WET! Come wake up to go get the baby!!!' [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] It was so cute.

Didn't go into the hospital until about 10:30 that morning, got into our room at 11:45, and it was all over by a little after 2. Funny story - the nurses had left the room to prepare some things in a different room, leaving just me, my wife, and our doctor - a middle-age British woman. When Katie pushed for the first time and the head started to poke out, the Brit was like, in a thick accent, 'Oh dear. Love, don't push that out yet ... oh dear, just push, you, Jason, goodness, love, grab a towel, put your hand here bloke and, oh dear, nurse! NURSE! NURSE!! ... Oh, brilliant! You have a baby boy!' Seriously, it was that fast, and I helped deliver (have the afterbirth all over my white Adidas T to prove it, too) [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

Anyways, I've been home the last few weeks and go back to work Tuesday. Katie will be home with Max and Michael until after Labor Day.

That's all I got for now ... and if someone can politely walk me through a step-by-step way to post a photo or two, I'd be happy to do that, also.

Michael John Adrians. Another boy ... good stuff. Very, very happy!

dcasper70 07-31-2007 08:26 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Updated cast, in order of expected appearance

<font color="purple">08/01/07 - aces_dad (#2, boy)
08/02/07 - kurto (#?, unknown)
08/05/07 - Nelson (#1 &amp; 2, twins, boy &amp; girl)</font>
08/25/07 - phiphika1453 (#2, boy)
08/28/07 - Acehawk74 (#1, boy)
09/29/07 - Mano (#2, boy)[/b]
10/15/07 - TheDudeAbides (#2, unknown)
10/??/07 - Kaj (#1, unknown)
10/31/07 - Zameus (#2, boy)
11/07/07 - olliejen (#2, unknown)
12/11/07 - baggins (#1, unknown)
12/16/07 - Joe Tall (#1, unknown)
01/01/08 - steelcmg (#1, unknown)
01/10/08 - Hopey (#1, unknown)
01/23/08 - C-Dog (#1, unknown)
02/05/08 - acoustix (#1, manatee)

<font color="green"> <u> Welcome to 2+2!</u>
07/14/07 - Yo Adrians! (#2, boy) 8 lbs 9 oz
07/05/07 - carpmentor (#2, boy) 9 lbs 2 oz

06/22/07 - Black Aces 518 (#1, girl) 8 lbs 2 oz
06/17/07 - Mermade (#2, boy) 9 lbs 5.5 oz
06/06/07 - Jeff P (#1, girl) 7 lbs 9 oz
05/22/07 - Uncle_Billy (#1, boy) 10 lbs 9 oz
05/07/07 - krazyace5 (#?, girl) 7 lbs 4 oz
04/26/07 - KennyBanya (#1 &amp; 2,One of each) 6 lbs 0 oz/5 lbs 11 oz
04/27/07 - kevstreet (#1, boy) 8 lbs 3 oz
04/22/07 - DING-DONG YO (#1, girl) 7 lbs, 10 oz - BBV4L Link
04/16/07 - SpeciesFlora (#1, boy) 7 lbs 7 oz
04/13/07 - DesertCat (#2, girl) 8 lbs 9 oz
04/02/07 - Stu Pidasso(#7, boy) 9 lbs 6 oz
03/30/07 - stan1541 (#1, boy) 8 lbs 0 oz
03/29/07 - Ballzack (#1, girl) 8 lbs 14 oz
03/26/07 - Nottom (#2, boy) 6 lbs 15 oz
03/23/07 - CrazyEyez (#2, boy) 8 lbs 13 oz
03/09/07 - Jbrochu (#1, girl) 6 lbs 2 oz
03/09/07 - samjjones (#1, boy) 4 lbs 11 oz
02/27/07 - vetman81 (#1, boy) 6 lbs 6 oz
02/22/07 - Daniel Magix (#2, girl) 8 lbs 1 oz
02/19/07 - WilliamLowe (#1, boy) 7 lbs 15 oz
02/02/07 - moldman (#2, boy) 7 lbs 13 oz
01/28/07 - dcasper70 (#1, girl) 7 lbs 15.5 oz
01/23/07 - MuckerFish (#1, girl) 5 lbs 14 oz
01/22/07 - johnwit (#1, girl) 8 lbs 13 oz
01/11/07 - pauliewalnuts (#1, boy) 2 lbs, 9 oz
01/09/07 - Runner Runner (#3 &amp; 4, boys) 6 lbs. 6 oz./4 lbs. 7 oz.
12/22/06 - gharp (#2, boy) 8 lbs. 4 oz.
12/19/06 - JDVegas5 - (#6, boy) size unknown
11/29/06 - Knight Vision (#3, girl) 8 lbs. 8 oz.
11/04/06 - DrewDevil (#1, boy) 7 lbs. 10 oz.
10/27/06 - dlk9s (#1, girl) 6 lbs. 15 oz.
10/10/06 - ChipWrecked (#2, boy) 7 lbs. 12 oz.
09/30/06 - Rduke55 (#1, boy) 8 lbs. 0 oz.
09/23/06 - JoeU (#2, girl) 5 lbs 2 oz</font>

<font color="blue"><u> In Loving Memory</u>
09/02/06 - poincaraux - Allan Frederick Lerner, 7 lbs. 0.9 oz. </font>

phiphika1453 07-31-2007 01:16 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Yo Adrian, congrats!!!!

Here's your step by step.

1. Download picture from digital camera to computer.
2. Remember which file you saved the picture to.
3. Register an account at &lt;a href=" " target="_blank"&gt; &lt;/a&gt;
4. Click the browse button as shown in the picture below.

This will open the file directory of your computer. This is when you will need to remember where you put the picture you want. You can either browse your pictures folder or do like i do and save it to your desktop, a very easy place to find it.

6. Hit the upload button. This will upload the picture to your photobucket account. For 5 megapixel or higher pictures it might take a second to upload as that is a large file.

7. We now need to edit the picture down to size so it doesnt stretch the thread and make everyone pissed that they have to scroll sideways to read the thread.

8. Click the edit button as shown below.

This will give you a drop down menu. Click on the "message board" option and this will automatically resize the picture.

Next copy the text in the IMG box. Then paste that into the thread and voila!

dcasper70 08-01-2007 09:29 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
6-month update (I've made everyone else do one....)

We are extremely lucky. Leah has got to be one of the easiest babies in the history of the world. Not a single problem to date (knock on wood). Everything has been so completely perfect that we feel kinda guilty. Like textbook perfect, you name it, she's the poster kid. No joke. I'm terrified that we'll get payback when she hits the terrible two's.

She got on a pretty decent schedule early on. Wife would get up for the 1am feeding, I'd handle the 4am one, and we each got decent sleep. She started sleeping through the occasional night at about 14 weeks, through every night at about 20 weeks.

She only cries when she's tired or hungry, so stick a bottle in her mouth and she'll eat or pass out. Either way, no more crying. For the rest of the time she'll giggle, smile and play with whatever's around. Rarely any fussing at all.

The only real negative is that 2 weeks ago, my wife was diagnosed with a hyperactive thyroid. She had dropped a ton of weight and wasn't herself, super tired and always worn down. As a result, she had to go on medication which forced her to stop breastfeeding. We're glad she was able to do it for 6 months, but the unexpected end of that special time with our daughter was really tough on her emotionally. I got choked up pretty good when she took Leah up for 'the last time' with tears in her eyes. They are both handling it fine now, but those few days were sad.

I've turned into that guy who loves to show people pictures. I used to mock these people, now I see how I have become these people. Fortunately, I realized early that not everyone really cares to see my girl as much as I like to show them. It's tough sometimes, and I still find myself doing it sometimes, but I'm working on it.

You can see my dilemma:

See, there I go again.... [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

Zameus 08-01-2007 11:49 AM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
Dcasper, your kid is gorgeous. Obv. your wife rules the genepool. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

TxSteve 08-01-2007 03:41 PM

Re: Post if your wife is pregnant
congrats all.

wife and i are expecting to take our first run at in vitro in about 3 weeks.

my boys are lazy..and she's got issues too [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

we're now dealing with the possibility of twins and other complications from the IVF; but hopefully I'll be posting here in a month or 6 weeks to 'join the club'

we already have a 2 year old....i'm told that going from 1 kid to 2 kids is just as tough as going from zero kids to 1 kid....i'm nervous!!


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