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crzylgs 03-02-2007 04:58 PM

Re: Can a Christian play poker?
This thread is the AIDS of BBV.

gambler2k4 03-02-2007 05:22 PM

Re: Can a Christian play poker?
without reading any of the replies, I'll say I think it's okay for the modernist christians to play, but the old school foggies would say no way hosay....

Stinger goes to church every single sunday during the summer, I think muddywater does too.....

my parents forced me to attend church from when I was 1 years old through 15 years old.............. needless to say when i turned 18 i haven't been to church more than 4 times in the past 3 years.... even tho I believe that you can be a christian and still not go to church...

talkinghead 03-07-2007 02:32 AM

Re: Can a Christian play poker?
I've often pontificated during darker moments as to whose money I am winning online. Where does it all come from, childrens mouths etc etc?

The argument that degenerates would lose it to someone else instead if I wasn't there never offers me much consolation. I don't believe in shirking responsiblity in that manner.

The odd bit of good work here and there is a better way to deal with it I reckon. You don't need to be religious to get involved in that sort of stuff, and you don't need to agree with the second paragraph in this post to know that poker players don't really compensate much to society in the way of positivity by sitting at a table.

The poster who shared the link of the White Supremicist who lost his wad and claims its all rigged, I thankyou very much. Any monies won of the internet in the next few weeks, I'm going to imagine it's guys like him I'm taking it off of.

PM001 03-23-2007 03:06 PM

Re: Can a Christian play poker?
In response to the post “Can Christians play poker” the question to ask first of all is why do you play poker? Do you have a tendency to lose more than you win? Is it a need to “feel” like a winner or to “feel” like a loser? Yes a loser. Are you compensating for deeper issues? Fear of failure, success, winning, losing, unknown, rejection, criticism and others. Do you need outside stimulation to feel alive that you matter, that you exist, that you are somebody or in control of your destiny (when you feel your life is out of control or going nowhere). Or do you play the game because it is just a game and let the cards fall where they may.

Do you take God’s name in “vain”. You’ve got all your chips in on a draw to a winning hand and the other player has already made a hand. One more card to go... Are you praying to God?! Please, God…. How do you feel? How do you feel when you missed the draw? How do you feel when you made your winning hand? If it doesn’t matter if you made your hand... When winning or losing doesn’t matter, if you can truly walk away without any remorse or regret then you have attained poker mastery – you’ve become a true Christian – a true human being.

From what I understand “sin” comes from the roman archery term meaning “missing the mark”. If a roman archer misses the mark he makes the necessary adjustments and hits the target. So is the case with us. All sin is, is a mistake. We just have to learn from it and make the necessary adjustments and re-aim and fire. What “sin” are you making playing poker.

Poker is a game. Just a game. It’s the reasons of why we play the “game” that makes it a compulsions or addiction. Is it just for fun, just like playing monopoly or….? Once you identify why you play poker and resolve those issues you’ll play some of the best poker of your life.

Answer your own question. It’s your choice, responsibility and your life. Play to your hearts content if you choose. (Luke 17:21)

To help you play some of the best poker of your life, see

Pog0 03-23-2007 04:31 PM

Re: Can a Christian play poker?
become a true Christian – a true human being.

[/ QUOTE ]


excession 03-23-2007 04:43 PM

Re: Can a Christian play poker?
'I respect people with religious beliefs'

I don't. Though I do like playing poker against folks who aren't capable of rational detachment.

Why respect people who cling on to iron age beliefs in the face of all the evidence to the contrary?

Superman26gt 03-30-2007 08:40 AM

Re: Can a Christian play poker?
I am a Christian, this is what I believe.


1. Is a waste of time

2. Is usually -EV

3. Creates a sense of greed

4. Begs you to try to influence luck

Poker, as everyone knows, is not 100% gambling. Skill wins in the long run.


1. Performance is influenced by knowledge, skill, and experience

2. Can be +EV

3. Can create a sense of greed.

4. Can beg you to influence luck.

For #3 + #4:

I believe these are the main ingredients for a losing player, and in turn not possessing these bad qualities, rewards a player. (my bias)

Bartzini 03-30-2007 10:12 AM

Re: Can a Christian play poker?
hey friends
im new here . i am really sure masturbation is nothing less than sexual immorolity and its really very badly( in a angry mood) condmned by god and many others like paul etc. moreover masturbation is jus misusing ur own body which IS THE TEMPLE OF HOLY SPIRIT . paul also says that even marriage is not neccesary( but not a sin) but since there is too much passion we can stop it ( anyway its not a sin)

masturbation may sound gud but it has many harmful effects for insanace
lack of concentration
u may get distracted when v r doing some important work
may even cause mental nervousness and sluggishness

and veery very worse causes even causes penal cancer which is jus a little less than hell itself

but wtever u guys jus know wat is rite and wat is wrong if u think it out in a slow way u will find that masturbation is indeed wrong

best of luck guys bye

[/ QUOTE ]

Im sooooo getting penis cancer.


S0meGuy 03-30-2007 12:27 PM

Re: Can a Christian play poker?
As I've stated several times in these forums, I am not only a Christian, but a pastor! And FWIW, I'm an Evangelical (Bible-believing, Bible-preaching), not a liberal Christian. And, I play poker.

Does the Bible condemn gambling? No. However, there are still biblical principles that apply. Note, for instance, that the bible also doesn't mention using drugs, etc., but we can still gather from stated biblical principle that drugs are a sin for a Christian.

Principles: 1) being a bad steward with your money. Answer: The bible gives clear indication what to do with your money: pay your bills, take care of your family, give to the church and to those who are less fortunate, and save some. The rest, as far as I'm concerned, can be used for fun and entertainment.
2) Contributing to an industry that is a major factor in ruining lives. Answer: Now, this is a true problem for Christians. Can I really rejoice in a huge pot I took down if by doing so, the other guy is now bankrupt, losing his house, getting divorced, etc.? That's a tough one to live with.
3) Do things in moderation. The bible does not prohibit certain things such as drinking and gambling. The issue at stake is to not get addicted or to allow those things to control your life. If I'm playing so much poker on-line or live so that I'm leaving my family alone, neglecting my job, not cleaning the house or doing yardwork, etc., and by doing so I'm failing to lead my family, then that is a definite violation of biblical principle. So a Christian can, I believe, play poker. But we have to be alert and vigilant to avoid letting it control us.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good Post...I am also a Christian and would add two additional considerations for Christians who play poker (especially those in Leadership for whom a higher standard exists):

4) What Does Your Conscience Say? On issues where there is no clear or specific Biblical proabition given, there is precedant for the Christian to adhere to his or her own conscience as a guide for decision making.

For example, the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 8:4-13 addresses such a situation:

A dispute existed in the early Corinthian church between two groups of Christians regarding food purchased at the local market. The port city of Corinth was a hub of pagan worship which included food sacrifices/offerings to pagan idols. This "food sacrificed to idols" would later be sold in the local market.

One group of Christians felt that any food used in pagan ritual was in essence "defiled", and that it was not only improper but sinful for a Christian to buy and eat such a product. Eating "defiled" food indirectly supported and legitimzed the pagan gods and consequently was "un-Christian".

A second group of Christians reasoned that pagan idols are just lifeless objects and that food is food (God created it for us to eat) and that whether a food item was purchased from a pagan temple or not had no effect on the Christian's spiritual condition, which is utimately an issue of the heart.

These two groups of Christians were in conflict. Is it or is it not sinful to participate in an activity that is not specifically addressed biblically?

Paul resolves the issue by pointing out that "Food does not bring us closer to God: we are no worse if we do not eat and no better if we do." In other words, the activity, for which no biblical direction is given, is not a Faith issue in itself.

He goes on to explain that the first group who obstain from eating food sacrificed to an idol, does so out of motivation ultimately to honor God by living free from any connection (direct or indirect) to the unbiblical pagan practices of their community. Their motivation is good. To go against their conscience, would be sinful.

Similarly, Paul affirms that the second group of Christians who eat the same food, do so because of the clear understanding that God is above lifeless idols's (food is food - no faith implications). They honor God by living life free from external condemnation and consequently eat with a clear conscience.

Conclusion: In activities where there is no direct Biblical proabition/direction given, one's conscience is a valid factor in deciding.

*** It should be noted, however, that there is, another compelling additional consideration to one's conscience: ***

5) What impact does my playing poker have on the people around me?

Christian people, especially those in leadership, have an obligation to live as positive examples. In some faith communities, playing poker is considered sinful. A Christian playing poker in this setting (even if their own conscience is clear and they have personal freedom to play), could have a negative impact on less mature believers.

The biblical guideline is that the person with a clear conscience has an obligation to adjust their behavior so as not to negatively affect those less mature in the Faith. "Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak. 1 Cor 8:9 "

Conclusion: I believe a Christian can play poker as per the principles outlined by OP's points 1-3. Additionally, I believe that good reason's can be made by a Christian not to play poker (point 4). And finally, I believe that a Christian who plays poker should exercise discretion in their hobby in a way that is consistent with the standards of their faith community (point 5).

Ringo 04-01-2007 09:47 PM

Re: Can a Christian play poker?
Wow, I started this thread!

Now can I get a title plz? I also created this thread:

Thank you plz.

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