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PairTheBoard 12-16-2006 06:24 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

holla holla, 6 tournaments means you are a "pro" and "in the industry" lolz @ you. Actually sweeping you under the rug would probably be the best outcome. In many circles, draping your penis on the backside of a prospective mate is a pretty standard opener. Haven't you heard the mantra?

If she lays, NO WAYZ!!!
If she turns around, go to town!

it's like that now, ya better come get the penis up off ya back now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yea. I think there's some ageism going on here. If it was a young guy sharing a hotel room with a hot chick a move like that is almost half expected and he would be considered a gentleman for backing off when she says no. In fact a lot of people, including a lot of girls in that situation, would consider him a bit gay if he didn't try something like that at least once. But when an older guy makes the same move it's considered sexual assault and attempted rape.

You can let your cultural bias determine your opinion of the guy but legally the two cases are identical. Most sexual advances involve some kind of physical contact. The physical contact does not make it rape or assault. Not taking no for an answer does. This guy took the no.

I really don't think the sexual advance is what has Brandi riled up. She has plenty of experience with sexual advances involving physical contact. What's got her steamed is the money pure and simple. And we don't know the full story on that. Was it a backing deal? Did she refuse to pay his percent of her winnings? Did she lose money in side games? Did she back out of the backing deal? Were her expenses to come out of her 12k bankroll? We really don't know the details.

It sounds like the backing agreement went sour, Brandi backed out, the Guy figured he was the injured party and kept the remainder of the 12k that hadn't been spent on expenses, tourny buyins, and sidegame buyins, for liquidated damages. A ripoff? Maybe. But now Brandi's gotten her pound of flesh with the sex a convenient knife of revenge for cutting it off.


TheRover 12-16-2006 06:24 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
I dont get it. Racist, sexist, homophobic comments and epithets, while constitutionally protected free speech are not allowed on Twoplustwo. Yet uncorraborated accusations of acts which may be criminal are ok?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure, anyone can make [censored] up and post it as long as you are not pretending to be a penis.

bap2086 12-16-2006 06:25 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
sorry, im not gonna dispute that franklin is obviously an old creep.

but this is the classic babe in the woods routine.

now that everything has gone south, WHAT, WHO WHY WHAT HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? I DIDNT KNOW?

blackjack777 12-16-2006 06:27 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
I'm just curious... How many of you have woken up to the cold sensation of a penis on your back?

I personally haven't, but I can imagine it's a horrific event.

Anyways. Brandi (with an I not a Y) punches one of Douche Boyd's friends for possibly stealing her passport, yet she stays in the same hotel room with Capt. Tom after his Moby Dick is pressed against her back?

Sounds like she punched the wrong guy!

nutsflopper 12-16-2006 06:36 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

bettyqs 12-16-2006 06:39 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
ok I have. It was unwelcomed, univited, gross ,a huge breach of trust and damaging. I was in such shock at the time, I did nothing...paralyzed really. I removed my self from the bed...MY BED...and slept/shook in a chair. We went out for breaskfast the next day, he apologized , I accepted but never talked to him again. He latter emailed me and told me it was a huge lesson for him, I did email him back and let him know it was a lesson for me also. We wished each other well but the damage although forgiven , had been done. The lesson for me is what shock can do. You do the opposite what what you, latter think the best course of action. I understand why she did what she did considering her perception of the events.

By the will a different story. I will react with a swift hand...use you imagination

MasterE569 12-16-2006 06:45 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
I'm just posting to say I made it thru all this [censored]. An all over the place thread. [censored] happens deal with it in a health manner and move on. End of story

Noo Yawk 12-16-2006 06:47 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Since the beginining of time. guys try to hustle girls for sex, and girls try to hustle guys for money. Sometimes the girls get the money without ever having to provide sex. Sometimes the guys are so good they can get sex and the girls money. Brandi, you're entering a world that contains some longtime hustlers, who have seen every trick a girl can pull. Stick to hustling the young guys that are still naive enough to buy into the hustle.

BTW, did you pay Mark Newhouse back when you got home?

Humble Pie 12-16-2006 06:53 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
ok I have. It was unwelcomed, univited, gross ,a huge breach of trust and damaging. I was in such shock at the time, I did nothing...paralyzed really. I removed my self from the bed...MY BED...and slept/shook in a chair. We went out for breaskfast the next day, he apologized , I accepted but never talked to him again. He latter emailed me and told me it was a huge lesson for him, I did email him back and let him know it was a lesson for me also. We wished each other well but the damage although forgiven , had been done. The lesson for me is what shock can do. You do the opposite what what you, latter think the best course of action. I understand why she did what she did considering her perception of the events.

By the will a different story. I will react with a swift hand...use you imagination

[/ QUOTE ]

Not entertaining or educational. [img]/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]

bettyqs 12-16-2006 06:56 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
not there to be entertaining for guys who think it's fine to do whatever they want when they want when it just because they is a woman in the room...alone. It is very educational if you want to learn from others mistakes.

bettyqs 12-16-2006 06:58 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
I am heading to the strip soon....want to play some 4/8 limit or 1/2 nl...anyone interested?

Humble Pie 12-16-2006 07:02 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Sure I'm in, especially if you play as bad as you post. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

XTraCey 12-16-2006 07:02 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
I don't consider Capt. Tom particularly trustworthy in the poker world, but I trust anything that you say even less. I'm pretty sure whatever BS comes out of Tom's mouth, he's far from broke.

You're a total mess and everything you say is twisted and filtered through your fukced-up insane little brain. You've been on tour two-months and are already on the verge of a breakdown--flee while you can.

I'm sure parts of your story are true, while the thrust of it has been so distorted by your inability to process reality that the contents are worthless.

edit...and slanderous.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think anyone could put it into better words. Shane pwnt u

UnderThe Gun 12-16-2006 07:06 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
I'm amazed at the gullibility of most of the people on this thread.

We have a 20-something female sharing hotel rooms with a 50-something poker player and you people believe her when she says she gave HIM money. LOL.

I know this is an internet message board populated mostly by typical "internet nerds," but surely you can't all be this naive.

Even if you're silly enough to believe her story, my guess is Franklin spent far more money than $12,000 on her in return. How much did he spend on buy-ins and other expenses? Where was she getting her spending money while all this was going on? Come on people. This girl didn't just come out of a convent.

The reality here is probably something more like she's just pissed that the 50-something sugar-daddy has moved on to a newer 20-something female and cut her money off. This is her revenge and most of you nit-wits are buying it.

And anyone who believes Brandi would be "shocked" by a naked man in her bed hasn't met her.

XTraCey 12-16-2006 07:07 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Question for all:

Who really got conned here? Poor lil Brandi by mean ol dirty old man Cpt. Tom? Or all of you who are gullible enough to believe her story with no other corroboration?

[/ QUOTE ]


It's hard to believe Brandi would slander somebody, ruining her reputation in the poker world, just to trick a message board.

[/ QUOTE ]

you mean it's possible to ruin an already bad reputation??? o wow, where the heck have I been?!

bettyqs 12-16-2006 07:12 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
you can be a hooker, sleeping with many men a day and still be shocked a man rubbing up against you when you felt you were clear about your relationship. Why do men not understand this?

absoludicrous 12-16-2006 07:14 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

I suggest reading this forum, and educate yourself a bit more about finance. Bad things happen to confused and naive people. Running hot can give a distorted image of how well you actually are.

Here's hoping things get better for you. Hang in there kiddo!

Humble Pie 12-16-2006 07:17 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
you can be a hooker, sleeping with many men a day and still be shocked a man rubbing up against you when you felt you were clear about your relationship. Why do men not understand this?

[/ QUOTE ]
Is this also from personal experience/past mistakes? [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

bettyqs 12-16-2006 07:18 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

But is from experience with most men who think their dick should rule the world and be forgiven when they are completely out of line, on the fine line of breaking the law.

ZeTurd 12-16-2006 07:19 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
I'm amazed at the gullibility of most of the people on this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]
That goes two ways, son. I might say you're incredibly naive for believing that it can't possibly be true that a 50+ something man might be trying to take advantage of a gullible 24 year old. A professional gambler to boot.

Bottom line: We really don't know what's gone down here, and flat out buying Brandi's story is just as wrong as claiming it must be a lie.

And anyone who believes Brandi would be "shocked" by a naked man in her bed hasn't met her.

[/ QUOTE ]
Are you trying to tell us that you've tried to rub your penis against her naked back? If not, you really don't know what you're talking about do you?

(Also: This thread has served as a great tool for singling out certain individuals for my ignore list.)

whodaman 12-16-2006 07:19 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
wow i am disgusted by some of you, mostly bluffthis.
Saying that she wasn't assaulted just because she wears revealing clothing and has become semi-famous for being slutty might be the dumbest and most disturbing thing i have ever read on 2+2

i vote to get bluffthis banned.

and i think this thread should be moderated

blackjack777 12-16-2006 07:19 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Brandi willingly put herself in the position to have a old man's penis in her back.

She did not leave, run, flee, retaliate, file a complaint, or do anything of that nature until she wanted guessed it...MONEY.

The most hilarious things to me.

1. The penis in the back. This will be legendary.

2. She has a 12 K roll, (had) and got her BMW repossesed.

3. She talked and flirted on here for weeks before going from fun chick to psycho in the matter of a couple days.

4. The picture of her dressed as a stripper/elf.

5. That Doyle and Todd Brunson gave her money to go away.

6. She got involved with someone calling himself, "Captain."

7. She actually makes Dutch Boyd look sane.

8. She punched a dude.

9. She eats microwave meals alone to celebrate holidays.

10. The penis against the back thing, it deserves two mentions.

brendanb438 12-16-2006 07:20 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
talking to half the 2+2'ers is arguing with a dick IMHO so whats the difference?????

[/ QUOTE ]

Classic case of Penis Envy.


Oski 12-16-2006 07:22 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
wow i am disgusted by some of you, mostly bluffthis.
Saying that she wasn't assaulted just because she wears revealing clothing and has become semi-famous for being slutty might be the dumbest and most disturbing thing i have ever read on 2+2

i vote to get bluffthis banned.

and i think this thread should be moderated

[/ QUOTE ]

You must not have read the thread, because he did not say that.

CaseS87 12-16-2006 07:23 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

i hope you realize you need over 500k to play the biggest tournaments to have any kind of manageable risk of ruin. however this also requires that you are a winning player, which i strongly suspect you aren't. your emotional stability is weak. there is no possible way you will be able to handle yourself rationally when you are running bad, and as we all know, when you ONLY play like one tournament a week, your bad stretches can last for a long time.

i understand that your particular situation is especially stressful, and you probably wont encounter something equally emotionally damaging just playing poker, but unless you make a conscious effort to control your emotions, you will NEVER make it as a professional poker player. not in cash games, not in tournaments.

im choosing not to comment on the actual story, because it happened, and unfortunately we don't have the luxury of having too many second chances. everyone advocating that you leave the poker world for an extended period of time is dead on.

your dreams when it come to poker are severely misguided. there is an illusion of "pro-poker players" when it comes to tournament poker. very very few players actually can make a decent living playing only the 5 and 10k buy in events without endorsement deals and/or playing cash games on the side. chances are, and by chances i mean 99.9%, that you will in fact go broke repeatedly if you attempt to make big buy in tournaments your only source of income.

good luck.

By-Tor 12-16-2006 07:24 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone *DELETED*
Post deleted by Dids

whodaman 12-16-2006 07:26 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
wow i am disgusted by some of you, mostly bluffthis.
Saying that she wasn't assaulted just because she wears revealing clothing and has become semi-famous for being slutty might be the dumbest and most disturbing thing i have ever read on 2+2

i vote to get bluffthis banned.

and i think this thread should be moderated

[/ QUOTE ]

You must not have read the thread, because he did not say that.

[/ QUOTE ]

are you serious?????????????

have you read bluffthis posts "The bottom line is that strippers/whores view all men as suckers and try to get their money, and think that they deserve it because men treat women so badly. But when one of their marks turns the tables on them and cons them, they cry rape."

he also related the duke lacrose team incident with her post implying that she was makeing this story up.

PairTheBoard 12-16-2006 07:26 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
you can be a hooker, sleeping with many men a day and still be shocked a man rubbing up against you when you felt you were clear about your relationship. Why do men not understand this?

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever been a hooker sleeping with many men a day?


wheatrich 12-16-2006 07:27 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Well if some of this stuff is true at least you learned from several absolutely stupid mistakes. There's way too many people that wouldn't even have learned anything from that. However, some of these mistakes are so ridiculous part of the story is a bit hard to believe.

Anadrol 50 12-16-2006 07:27 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Who is this:

bettyqs 12-16-2006 07:30 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Brandi willingly put herself in the position to have a old man's penis in her back.

I can't believe this what you honestly think. I do not think "willingly" is correct. I am stunned by this mind set. I wouldn't be surprised to hear she has several issues with her father, close to the issues she expresses now. Blaming the victim is gross. Whatever happened, it is up to her to figure out soon. I think this could be a tremendous turning point for her life if she chooses. Even if she continues to be a sheep in a wolves den, I still blame the wolf.

maurile 12-16-2006 07:30 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Who is this:

[/ QUOTE ]
That is Amelia, Tom Franklin's biggest fan.

whodaman 12-16-2006 07:31 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Well if some of this stuff is true at least you learned from several absolutely stupid mistakes. There's way too many people that wouldn't even have learned anything from that. However, some of these mistakes are so ridiculous part of the story is a bit hard to believe.

[/ QUOTE ]

i totally agree with this post. How you don't report him for assaulting you is beyond me.... how you continue to interact with him is even more ridiculous

THAY3R 12-16-2006 07:33 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
you can be a hooker, sleeping with many men a day and still be shocked a man rubbing up against you when you felt you were clear about your relationship. Why do men not understand this?

[/ QUOTE ]

No offense but sleeping with a straight man in the same bed and not expecting the man to want you is pretty naive.

Unless of course you are hideous, and if that's the case, wtf is that guy doing?

blackjack777 12-16-2006 07:34 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
I would say that I wouldn't mind putting my penis in Amelia's back, but then I could possibly be suspended.

Withdrawn your honor. Comment withdrawn.

cbloom 12-16-2006 07:35 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
This thread is so out of line, it's first time I've ever been disgusted by 2+2. There should've been some serious moderation deleting posts and banning people.

bettyqs 12-16-2006 07:39 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
here here! I feel a little stuck to this thread....some comments have to be challenged right away. where are the mods?

Vehn 12-16-2006 07:40 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Well I for one expected this story to have a happy ending.

blackjack777 12-16-2006 07:45 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Don't we have freedom of speech?

I honestly haven't seen many ban-worthy offenses. Most bans are the result of a horrible photo-shop job.

Very few pictures in this thread. Can you imagine what this would have been like had this thread started in BBV?

pokerstudAA 12-16-2006 07:45 PM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Well I for one expected this story to have a happy ending.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well the Captain didn't get one. Mabye Brandi of luck kiddo.

Or mabye some of these internet guys who cannot control their e-peens or anger towards women will get banned.

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