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Performify 11-10-2006 11:41 AM

Re: *** Official Arbitrage Posting Thread : 11/06 - 11/12 ***
This discussion has obviously run its course. Locking this thread.

Performify 11-10-2006 03:44 PM

Re: *** Official Arbitrage Posting Thread : 11/06 - 11/12 ***
Against my better judgment, I'm unlocking this, as it seems maybe the discussion hasn't ended / some people want a chance to respond.

lets all try a little harder to keep things civil

beetman 11-10-2006 04:03 PM

Re: *** Official Arbitrage Posting Thread : 11/06 - 11/12 ***
To use a poker analogy, there is a huge difference between sharing poker information with the masses, and inviting other skilled poker players to sit down at the same table where you play. I share information all the time, as I said I've posted to this board for a long time and posted to RGP before that, but you have exercise judgement in what you share.

The general consensus in this thread, aside from the fact that I'm a greedy jerk, seems to imply that these sportsbooks are a bottomless fountain of money and that I'm overly paranoid for thinking that a book might go under if a lot of people hammered their soft lines. But I know of plenty of specific opportunities that used to be able to find that are now nonexistent, and I know of plenty of books that have gone under because they offered profitable opportunities.

B00T 11-10-2006 04:26 PM

Re: *** Official Arbitrage Posting Thread : 11/06 - 11/12 ***

The reason why you were attacked is because you are comparing Homer to a tout. OP had the same sentiments as you but didn't sling his name through the mud because he helps people.

I would be the first to admit you posted some helpful things on this forum to people.

Withholding information or not posting for your own reasons/profit is entirely different than chewing out someone that does. Nobody has a problem with the former, but the latter.

To attack someone who obviously has done a lot for people for nothing in return (except a few affiliate links that: #1 are not spammed on this forum by him and #2 makes the people he helps even more money) then yea, I guess he is a scumbag.

I give you credit for your intelligence in the betting field, I just don't see why you waste it and draw such negative attention in the ways you are atm.

beetman 11-10-2006 04:56 PM

Re: *** Official Arbitrage Posting Thread : 11/06 - 11/12 ***
You've misread the sequence of the events here. Reread the sequence of the posts. I politely suggested that it's often a good idea to keep arbs private, and Homer replied to accuse me of "trying to cause tension in the community" and that he wished the thread would be deleted. In his next post, he called me a dick. The comment comparing Homer to a tout was only in response to his post calling me a "dick." Of course, since Homer's a great, helpful guy and I never post here, I'm the one who initiated the attack. And so it goes.

Performify 11-10-2006 05:25 PM

Re: *** Official Arbitrage Posting Thread : 11/06 - 11/12 ***
Actually i'd phrase the sequence of events as:

1) You express a viewpoint, rationally
"publicizing these bets can burn out the marketplace"

2) Homer expresses a counter-viewpoint, rationally, saying basically "to each his own"
"All you can do is whatever you think is best. I wish this thread and all like it would die. "

3) you respond, rationally, saying you think the sharing is a bad idea.
"And similarly, I wish that the arbitrage threads and all like them would die. "

4) Homer responds, rationally, saying "if you think this is a bad idea, fine don't participate"
" whatever you think is best. For you, that is not taking part in arb threads. "

5) You respond with something Homer takes as a personal insult, you questioning his motives:
"Did I understand the other comments correctly to mean that you offer a commercial service based around arbitrage betting? No wonder you wish threads like these would die!"

6) Homer responds, over the line in my opinion:
"Way to be a dick and assume you know my motives."

7) you respond with what could be construed as an insult to the whole forum
"I think the vast majority of people posting to this board are rank amateurs,"

8) Homer responds with two things:
"Then why are you concerned?" and
" I am also confident that he had no problem with information being shared when he was new to arbing."

9) You then respond with a clear personal attack on Homer
"LOL. You're basically a step above a tout on the food chain and you're calling me names? Maybe if your referral bonus website doesn't work out you can start a 1-900 number selling STONE COLD MORTAL LOCKS and LEAD PIPE CINCHES to the masses!"

10) I step in and tell both sides to calm the [censored] down
"Chill here, <u>everyone</u>. Lets not derail what's so far been a pretty interesting discussion devolving in to personal attacks. "

11) Homer gets pissed at your personal attack in #9

12) I get pissed at Homer getting pissed in 11

13) you get pissed at me getting pissed at Homer getting pissed at your personal attack

Thremp 11-10-2006 05:35 PM

Re: *** Official Arbitrage Posting Thread : 11/06 - 11/12 ***
Clearly there is one way to settle this.


beetman 11-10-2006 05:40 PM

Re: *** Official Arbitrage Posting Thread : 11/06 - 11/12 ***
You failed to report the part in 2) where he accused me of "causing tension in the community."

More importantly, the fact that you would describe calling someone a "dick" as merely "over the line" but describe calling someone a "tout" as "a clear personal attack" is an clear example of impartiality on your part and everybody else's part. I'm certain if I was the one who called him a dick, that would be labelled the "clear personal attack."

Performify 11-10-2006 05:49 PM

Re: *** Official Arbitrage Posting Thread : 11/06 - 11/12 ***
both sides were over the line.

Homer calling you a dick was wrong.

Your personal attack back was wrong.

I told you both to settle the [censored] down.

easternbloc 11-10-2006 05:50 PM

Re: *** Official Arbitrage Posting Thread : 11/06 - 11/12 ***
Clearly there is one way to settle this.


[/ QUOTE ]

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