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dukenukem 10-15-2007 02:34 PM

Re: Played Poker With A White Supremacist Last Night
And anyway, sharing a table, I'd rather have a psycho clearly labeled as a psycho than be sitting next to a stealth psycho. [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

tyler9768 10-15-2007 10:36 PM

Re: i dont care about the epic thread or the politics...

Businesses may generally reserve the right to refuse service to anybody, with specific exceptions. A casino couldn't kick somebody out for being black, for example.

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Actually I'm not sure if even this is true. I know in connection with Tiger Woods there's been talk of country clubs that only in the last 10 years or so started allowing blacks to join, it wouldn't surprise me if there's some that still hadn't.

As far as the mention of mistakes in someone's youth. While I'd like to believe that it happens often, it's harder to when from the original post it seems the guy had these on his arm, which he could have covered if he wanted. If I had something like that on me, I'd definetly be doing turtlenecks year round.

And really there are ways to cover tattoos. Not if your body is covered in offensive stuff like the one guy who was mentioned, but if this swastika was his only tattoo, I'm sure it could have been covered over if he wanted. Connect all the lines and turn it into some kind of box shape, maybe a tic tac toe board?

Lee Ezell 10-15-2007 10:36 PM

Re: Played Poker With A White Supremacist Last Night
I played at the same table with this guy before at the mirage in a 5-10nl game, the funny thing about it he was with a friend who was a latino 18th street gang member from what I could tell by his tats. So he cant be that racist the whole nazi thing was most likely a prison thing.

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There is a player I met at Casino Arizona back when i used to have to go there often who was covered head to toe with white power tatoos, had "skin" across his adam's apple, etc etc etc. We started talking, it was all left over from his youth when he was an ignorant kid. His girlfriend is black, the guy is as open minded as can be, but he can't get rid of the tattoos that are offensive, they are stuck on him for life so he makes the best of it. Very similar situation as the one you described.

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If he really has renounced these ways, simple solution, $60 and 15 minutes at any tattoo shop:

Thanks to Jello and the boys..........

Poshua 10-16-2007 12:02 AM

Re: i dont care about the epic thread or the politics...

Businesses may generally reserve the right to refuse service to anybody, with specific exceptions. A casino couldn't kick somebody out for being black, for example.

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Actually I'm not sure if even this is true. I know in connection with Tiger Woods there's been talk of country clubs that only in the last 10 years or so started allowing blacks to join, it wouldn't surprise me if there's some that still hadn't.

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Country clubs are allowed to discriminate based on race because they are private clubs not open to the general public. The anti-discrimination laws that prohibit a casino from prohibiting players of certain races apply only to businesses that are open to the general public. If a casino wanted to discriminate based on race, it would have to become a private club with restricted membership.

Eponymous 10-16-2007 12:22 AM

Re: Played Poker With A White Supremacist Last Night

So the consensus in this thread is that a man sitting silently should leave the casino because you dont like what he looks like?

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This can't be serious, can it? If someone sat down at your table wearing a white sheet and hood, would you just say welcome to the table, buddy? After all, it's just a wardrobe choice. I guess you could say he has the right to wear his sheet, but I would expect everyone to complain to the management, and I would hope management was already on their way to have him leave without being asked by anyone. Don't some of the people on this thread see that the tattoos are no different? He chose to get them and he continues to display them un-altered, no matter what his reasons were for getting them.

FISHCAKES 10-16-2007 03:30 AM

Re: Played Poker With A White Supremacist Last Night
Wow I'm not surprised at all the replys and hits on this post, anytime politics or religion come up at a game I'm in it tends to generate some heated discussion. I think alot of the posters are missing a very important aspect of the story. The guy is obviously an ex con, probably doing life on the installment plan. Prison has its own very distinct rules, peoples ideals and morals change dramatically once the doors lock behind you. What goes on inside will stay with you for life, the good the bad and the ugly.

If any of you ever find yourself in a situation where you have to spend some time behind bars you will see and experience things that you couldn't even imagine happening in the world you inhabit outside. Jewish convicts are white. They don't fit in with The Surenos or The Bloods or anyone else. The belong with other white prisoners. Prison is still segregated, more so that the U.S. ever was in it's long history of opression. You stick with your own kind and the most basic thing that defines you is what you are judged on: your skin color. It doesn't matter what your beliefs are on the outside, you may be the nicest guy without a prejudiced bone in your body but it means nothing, you do not associate with people outside of your race, it doesn't fly not with your race or any other race for that matter. This is true in NYC where I'm from and NY is probably the most culturally diverse place in the world. On Rikers Island I'm a white boy, upstate I'm a Cracka and a peckerwood. In California that is true twenty times over, mixing with another race will get you spit on at best, stabbed at worst. There are alot of young guys who get locked up in America, people of all colors and creeds. All of these guys associate with some form of a gang for protection. Some guys, because of the circumstances they find themselves in, i.e maybe a first offender winds up in a max security facility due to the nature of his crime, and these guys have to do more than just associate with the gangs, they become full fledged members. They get ink to signify who they are, what crew they run with not what they believe. Just like Russian prison tats, they tell a story. A white ex con having a swastika on his body has nothing to do with The Nazi Party, it's just a symbol. The Hells Angels and other outlaw MC's use the symbol as well, and that includes, yup you guessed it, their Jewish members. There are Jewish H.A.'s and Jewish AB'rs. The swastika is used because of how society views it, not to express a hatred of Jews. It signifies White Pride, its a symbol the whites use to express their solidarity. The circumstances of the world they inhabit make it a necessarry evil.

Now these guys get out of prison. They may or may not return and unfortunately the odds are stacked against them. If they go back, they go right back to their gang. A guy who is affilliated with The Aryan Brotherhood in jail can easily get paroled, attend Temple, get married to a Latina woman, go out for beers after work with the black guys he works with and live next door to an asian family. He can be a regular guy, but his experiences have affected him deeply. He views the world a little differently than you do. His perspective isn't the same as yours. He has tattoos. Those tats may be really offensive to some people, especially to people who have no idea about his life experiences, no clue as to what he has gone through in his life. He doesn't care. He isn't embarrassed by his tats, he wears them like a badge of honour. They are life a fighters scars, and he doesn't get them removed because it's not an option. if he goes back inside and he has had the proof of his gang affilliation removed, he will be a target. Like the movie title says, Blood In Blood Out. Thats how it works.

This is also America. People have a right to express themselves, through speech, written word, body art and whatever way they see fit. You may not like what they have to say. I don't like being called a white devil when I walk past a table of The Black Jews, you know The lost Tribe of Israel that sets up near Times Square to preech their beliefs. But its their right to say it. What about the Nation Of Islam? What hate do they spew?

Even if the guy wasn't a con, say he was just a white power skin, that he hates Jews and blacks and Asians and everyone else. I'm not saying that hate is ok. I don't support racism but I have to say that I have alot more respect for someone who's brutally honest about what they believe, more so that the closeted bigot who wants to shout slurs at the table when the crazy Chinese kid in the 4 seat calls his raise with 7 2 off and felts him when he flops trip deuces vs AA.

OneBigRed 10-16-2007 04:34 AM

Re: Played Poker With A White Supremacist Last Night

So the consensus in this thread is that a man sitting silently should leave the casino because you dont like what he looks like?

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This can't be serious, can it? If someone sat down at your table wearing a white sheet and hood, would you just say welcome to the table, buddy? After all, it's just a wardrobe choice. I guess you could say he has the right to wear his sheet, but I would expect everyone to complain to the management, and I would hope management was already on their way to have him leave without being asked by anyone. Don't some of the people on this thread see that the tattoos are no different? He chose to get them and he continues to display them un-altered, no matter what his reasons were for getting them.

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Well i kinda am serious. Probably because it takes more to offend me than somebody having tattoos. Your example would probably make me laugh, because i dont think i could take that seriously.

This does all comes probably down to me not being from the USA. It was mentioned on this thread by someone that getting all agitated by these things just empowers those scumbags, and that's my view also.

Michael Davis 10-16-2007 04:43 AM

Re: Played Poker With A White Supremacist Last Night

You are conflating the ideas of rights and decorum.

Former prisoners don't have to be proud of their tats. Long sleeves, dark shirts, long pants. Not a problem.

The guys who are calling you white devil on the street are nutcases. It's okay if they come sit at your table and call you a white devil? Or is it worse if they come sit at a table and want to call you a white devil but don't since they are then a closeted bigot, lol?


gamblegood 10-16-2007 05:37 AM

Re: Played Poker With A White Supremacist Last Night
You know ths guy most likely had a tough life mabye he grew up in a black hood a got beat up every day, I would guess that 80% of the people on this forum grew up in nice upper middle class white areas and never had to live in the real world.

psandman 10-16-2007 05:44 AM

Re: Played Poker With A White Supremacist Last Night
You know ths guy most likely had a tough life mabye he grew up in a black hood a got beat up every day, I would guess that 80% of the people on this forum grew up in nice upper middle class white areas and never had to live in the real world.

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And your point is what? If we lived in "the real world" we too would hate jews and blacks?

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