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uclabruinz 07-26-2007 12:21 PM

Re: Cheating in Online Poker
Wait, you had hard evidence that JJProdigy was on a Sunday major leaderboard and did nothing about it?

adanthar 07-26-2007 12:24 PM

Re: Cheating in Online Poker
yeah, unfortunately, I didn't immediately interrupt the conversation I was having with a bunch of people to rush off, go find my computer, and email the site about it. sorry.

Foucault 07-26-2007 12:29 PM

Re: Cheating in Online Poker
yeah, unfortunately, I didn't immediately interrupt the conversation I was having with a bunch of people to rush off, go find my computer, and email the site about it. sorry.

[/ QUOTE ]

Or bother to remember the name? Why are you acting like your options are so limited? UCLA is right that this is a very good indication of the limitations of the self-policing concept. Rumors should be reported precisely because they are unsubstantiated. Sites have the capacity to substantiate them, but they need our help knowing where to look.

uclabruinz 07-26-2007 12:30 PM

Re: Cheating in Online Poker
yeah, unfortunately, I didn't immediately interrupt the conversation I was having with a bunch of people to rush off, go find my computer, and email the site about it. sorry.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, it's a big deal and we all ought to be very concerned, but shouldn't make our concerns public, and it isn't a big enough deal for you (or anyone in this group you are referring to) to remember the name and report it, or go back and look at that Sunday's results and find the name and report it?

I mean, I am at a loss here. Is it a big deal or is it not?

adanthar 07-26-2007 12:47 PM

Re: Cheating in Online Poker
jebus. stop being deliberately obtuse?

be public all you want. I mean, this is pretty freaking public, isn't it? go nuts here, go nuts on p5's, go nuts on every other poker news site in existence. that at least makes some amount of sense. but what amount of telling that there are evil multiaccounters is going to make JJProdigy stop multiaccounting or give a damn?

oh, and seriously: it's hilarious that I'm the only high stakes player providing details ITT, and I also happen to be the one getting bitched at the most for not spilling a bunch of info I don't have. I really like the direction the thread is going and wish you all much success, and on that note, it's time to go get a sandwich.

uclabruinz 07-26-2007 12:53 PM

Re: Cheating in Online Poker
No, you are getting bitched at for not spilling info that you did have, and probably could have now with minimal effort, and no amount of hysterics is going to make you look better for not being willing to do so.

You claims to have hard evidence that JJProdigy continues to multiaccount. You claimed to have looked at a Sunday major leaderboard and been told exactly which "big names" were multiaccounting. Yet, you refuse to do anything with that knowledge, and have pawned off your refusal on being too busy in a conversation and falling asleep and forgetting JJProdigy's name.

You're the one that started this for me, Adanthar, with your dire warnings as to how bad things really are, and now you are the one who appears to be deliberately obtuse about it all.

Butcho22 07-26-2007 12:56 PM

Re: Cheating in Online Poker
I think more likely answer is that they'll all keep doing it, and now some of the fish will get ideas about how to cheat.

ding ding ding

bobneptune 07-26-2007 01:25 PM

Re: Cheating in Online Poker
after reading the entirety of this thread, i come down squarely in ucla's camp. once the integrity of any business or sport is compromised, you can bet its sales or attendence will tank unless imeadiate action is taken.

for example, after the recent news, anyone feel like buying tooth paste or dog and cat food processed in china ???

juxtapose that to the action of johnson and johnson after a number of people were killed by cyannide laced TYLENOL years back. the management of J&J, rather than trying to downplay the problem, took the bull by the horns and took all the product off the shelves at great expense and created these godammned tamper proof containers that are a giant pain in the ass to open. their sales moved to an all time hi after people were poisioned by them !!!!

what do you fellas think make sports so damn interesting..... the final result is unknown. if the result of nfl and nba games were pre determined, who would show up and watch ??? almost no one. this is why david stern is in such a state of high dudgeon now.... if people believe the out come of the event isn't being decided on the floor, no one will care.

i spent my entire adult life (33 years ) in the harness racing industry. in the early 70's, yonkers raceway and roosevelt raceway in the ny metropolitan area would average 22,000 fans/bettors a night and have 40-50,000 crowds on the nights of big races. now you are lucky to get 1,000 fans at yonkers per night and roosevelt, smack in the middle of the best demographic in the world, closed do to lack of business. why did this happen.... because the patrons of the sport lost their previous belief that the races were on the up and up. the drugging of the horses and indictment of some of the drivers for race fixing soured the players on the game and the players voted with their feet.

don't try to shove crooked behavior under the rug. the light of the noonday sun is always the best disinfectant.

if the poker community was separated into its trophic levels, i would be mere zooplankton, feeding on the phytoplankton, and being eaten by the secondary and tertiary consumers.

if i was tertiary consumer like some of you guys who make a big living at this, i'd makes damn sure it was as clean as humanly possible, because if you do not, the phytoplankton will disapear and the entire trophic community will colapse.....

and, of course, from a purely moral position.... it's the correct thing to do.

illini43 07-26-2007 01:34 PM

Re: Cheating in Online Poker
if the poker community was separated into its trophic levels, i would be mere zooplankton, feeding on the phytoplankton, and being eaten by the secondary and tertiary consumers.

if i was tertiary consumer like some of you guys who make a big living at this, i'd makes damn sure it was as clean as humanly possible, because if you do not, the phytoplankton will disapear and the entire trophic community will colapse.....

[/ QUOTE ]

I like this analogy.

ZJ123 07-26-2007 01:41 PM

Re: Cheating in Online Poker
Do you guys realize that JJProdigy was 15 when all that [censored] went down a year and a half ago? I mean i dont condone cheating, but im sure he was immature and naive. Also i talked to JJ just now and he completely denies what adanthar said. Not that anyone cares, because the witch hunt will continue.

I didnt ask JJ about it, but i wouldn't be shocked if he was playing still, here and there, but i don't think theres any way he still multi accounts.

Then again, maybe im naive.

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