View Full Version : Do you consider yourself to be a good person?

04-20-2006, 03:27 AM
Take the test (http://www.livingwaters.com/good/ ) and find out.

Very eye opening!!

04-20-2006, 03:38 AM
He makes such a strong case that everyone is going to hell his explanation of God's forgiveness doesnt seem very convincing. Rather poor proselytising in my view.

Pre-emptive Edit: By strong I mean passionate, not compelling.

04-20-2006, 04:00 AM
He makes such a strong case that everyone is going to hell his explanation of God's forgiveness doesnt seem very convincing. Rather poor proselytising in my view.

Pre-emptive Edit: By strong I mean passionate, not compelling.

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Like I said in the OOT thread, he was way too heavy handed.

04-20-2006, 04:08 AM
I think if god took this test he would also fail lamentably. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Pure poselytizing! It may open your eyes to the usual self contradictions inherent in religion.

04-20-2006, 04:14 AM
I take it no one made it to the end? Thats too bad.

MidGe: what self contradictions are you thinking of?

04-20-2006, 04:26 AM
Usually a quick quiz followed by an offer for a free gift if you join is the sign of a scam/pyramid scheme. I'll only join if they serve the kool-aid at the first meeting. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

04-20-2006, 04:32 AM
If Hell doesn't concern you then so be it.

That's right there is no one good, no not one. Each one of us is sinful and evil by nature. We can not earn our way salvation through good works or deeds. Just like in a courtroom a judge should not let me off if I am clearly guilty even though I was a "good" person. The fine is far too great for man to pay. Someone else must satisfy God's need for justice. Jesus did just that. Jesus paid our penalty, he satified God's need for righteousness and holiness. In order to accept that free gift we need to repent and trust in the Savior, Jesus Christ.

04-20-2006, 04:33 AM
Take the test (http://www.livingwaters.com/good/ ) and find out.

Very eye opening!!

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How you supposed to get full marks when he asks if we've murdered anyone.

Not fair.


04-20-2006, 04:35 AM

MidGe: what self contradictions are you thinking of?

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The usual ones, starting with god is rich in mercy and compassion, loves you etc. , but he is also unforgiving, punishing etc... when he is the one to setup the game that way. LOL.

04-20-2006, 04:43 AM
It is because of these thoughts that you should hold back from verbal confrontation until you have knowledge that will guide your zeal. Pray for wisdom and for a sensitivity to God's timing. You may have only one shot, so make it count. Keep your cool. If you don't, you may end up with a lifetime of regret. Believe me. It is better to hear a loved one or a close friend say, "Tell me about your faith in Jesus Christ," rather than you saying, "Sit down. I want to talk to you."

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I guess you will end up with a lifetime of regret. Your off handed cynical and deceptive way to proselytize is very off putting to a lot of people and completely out of place on this forum.

04-20-2006, 04:45 AM
Well then why can't everybody just use the good ol' blood sacrifice exchanged life principle? Like Jesus cast Legion into a herd of pigs, so shall I cast my sin into a pig and begone of it. Now can I drink the kool-aid?

04-20-2006, 05:37 AM
If Hell doesn't concern you then so be it.

That's right there is no one good, no not one. Each one of us is sinful and evil by nature. We can not earn our way salvation through good works or deeds. Just like in a courtroom a judge should not let me off if I am clearly guilty even though I was a "good" person. The fine is far too great for man to pay. Someone else must satisfy God's need for justice. Jesus did just that. Jesus paid our penalty, he satified God's need for righteousness and holiness. In order to accept that free gift we need to repent and trust in the Savior, Jesus Christ.

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You have a very low opinion of god. Needy, angry, vengeful and not very competent.

Best hope he forgives you for projecting human weaknesses on him.


04-20-2006, 06:14 AM
damn, almost got a perfect score. I should work on that.


Where's Moorobot?

04-20-2006, 06:29 AM
damn, almost got a perfect score. I should work on that.


Where's Moorobot?

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So do you and moorobot.....you know.........do it?

04-20-2006, 02:52 PM
Guilty 9 out of 10 - guess I am going to an imaginary hell /images/graemlins/shocked.gif

04-20-2006, 02:55 PM
Do you get credit for adultery if you have sex with a married woman, or do you need to be married yourself?

Man, this test is hard.

04-20-2006, 04:28 PM
damn, almost got a perfect score. I should work on that.


Where's Moorobot?

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So do you and moorobot.....you know.........do it?

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I've said before, I'm only using him for sex.

Now I need him for that pesky sixth commandment.

04-20-2006, 04:37 PM
Do you get credit for adultery if you have sex with a married woman, or do you need to be married yourself?

Man, this test is hard.

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It is considered "adulterous" to look at someone with lust if you're not married to them.

04-20-2006, 04:39 PM
I was really hoping for a score and a psychometric paragraph after taking that test, perhaps there are saner alternatives to Christianity that are more similar to psychology /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

The £250k fine thing... worst metaphor ever. If jesus/god paid of the fine for a child molester so he could go free and be released back into society would his debt have been paid off? would that have made it all ok? Its this kind of junk that seriously has me worrying there could be religious people in positions of responsibility (oops,starting to rant).

The poster above refering to us all being inherently evil did remind me of a good Eddie Izzard bit tho about confessing original sin "jealousy? thats not a very original sin... I poked a badger with a spoon"

04-20-2006, 05:04 PM
This God fellow is a lot like my country is getting to be. So many little rules and laws that the average person cannot possibly obey them all. Not only are you guilty of doing something, but even thinking it makes you guilty. Mandatory minimum sentences (send 'em to Hell!) and strict sentencing guidelines (send 'em to Hell!) replacing discretion, mercy, character assessment and common sense. Time for another revolution against God and Country, I say.

04-20-2006, 05:06 PM

I think I should get two points for that one. I commit adultery a lot.

04-20-2006, 07:08 PM
What the hell. This has nothing to do with being a good person. This has to do with if you follow the "rules" of what "defines" a good person as set forth by idiots. Think before you post, and chage the title.

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Don't be angry that you failed, I'm sure you can study hard and take the test again later.

04-20-2006, 07:08 PM
If Hell doesn't concern you then so be it.

That's right there is no one good, no not one. Each one of us is sinful and evil by nature. We can not earn our way salvation through good works or deeds. Just like in a courtroom a judge should not let me off if I am clearly guilty even though I was a "good" person. The fine is far too great for man to pay. Someone else must satisfy God's need for justice. Jesus did just that. Jesus paid our penalty, he satified God's need for righteousness and holiness. In order to accept that free gift we need to repent and trust in the Savior, Jesus Christ.

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I dont find the "good judge or corrupt judge?" position he presents as compelling at all - nor is it good proselytising. The obvious response to his claim that Jesus died for our sins is to ask "What would we think of a judge who punished someone else for our crimes? Is he a good judge? No!"

I think a big problem with many evangelists is they make arguments that would persuade the evangelist - that's not the point. If you want to get someone to adopt your point of view you need to provide arguments that persuade them, not you.

04-20-2006, 07:13 PM
Gosh... Hell for not downing tool and stop working every seven days after your birth day. I was born a Friday. So I should not work on Thursdays, right?

Man, that god of you is s strange dude, if he equates my working Thursdays with murdering someone. I must be a very bad man... LOL.

04-20-2006, 07:14 PM

Edit: I mean with the intent of the post - not that you are a bad man. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

04-20-2006, 07:24 PM
What the hell. This has nothing to do with being a good person. This has to do with if you follow the "rules" of what "defines" a good person as set forth by idiots. Think before you post, and chage the title.

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Don't be angry that you failed, I'm sure you can study hard and take the test again later.

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Of course, or he can say 20 hail marys and throw a few bucks in the collection plate and not bother