View Full Version : pokersourceonline.com

04-05-2006, 08:43 PM
Does anyone here use pokersourceonline.com (frequentflopper.com)? If so, how has your experience been? I have had a hard time getting RB for AP. I would not have signed up for RB. Anyway I was denied supposedly because I did not use their link (which is not true), then through the forum I was told to open a new account and that AP was aware of this. I did this, and it did not work either. They have stopped responding to my posts in the forum....anyone have a similar experience?

This sucks!

04-05-2006, 09:01 PM
its very good

04-05-2006, 10:29 PM
Are you sure you are posting in the support forum? In my experience they keep a very close watch on the forums and answer questions almost instantly.

04-06-2006, 06:40 AM
Yes I am sure, here is a link to read yourself...
At the end I was asked to PM Mike J which I did and he replied asking me about to verify my account name again on March 29 I have sent 3 emails since with no reply. I wish he would just be straight with me....

04-06-2006, 07:00 AM
My experience was horrible

I haven't received payment for months. They advertise a deal, then they renig.

Don't use FreqFlop or PSO.

04-06-2006, 07:08 AM
does anyone else have a problem with this thread being in here when i look to my left and right and see giant POKERSOURCEONLINE advertisements flashing at me? I'm just waiting for a mod to come along any day now.

04-06-2006, 07:50 AM
IN my experience most of the people who had problems with PSO
DID NOT FOLLOW THE RULES or were trying to cheat them.

I have done every promo but 1 with pso and have never had a problem. The staff over there are pretty quick to help if you do have one.


04-06-2006, 08:55 AM
does anyone else have a problem with this thread being in here when i look to my left and right and see giant POKERSOURCEONLINE advertisements flashing at me? I'm just waiting for a mod to come along any day now.

[/ QUOTE ]This forum is sponsored by PSO. Look at the top of the page.

04-06-2006, 09:28 AM
PSO was the first affiliate I worked with and I have nothing but good things to say about their support and people.

04-06-2006, 09:31 AM
i just used PSO for a gift card promo, i assume it will arrive... i was initially a bit underwhelmed by support, i.e., the stress on posting in the forum rather than communicating via direct email. seems like a copout IMO. that said, the question i posted on the forum was answered within a few hours, and i can see how such a forum would theoretically reduce redundant questions/posts. i expected more from the FAQ.

i did notice the litany of "* denied" complaints in the forum, and for something like unmentionable, i would expect less complaints and a greater emphasis on direct communication rather than forum posts. i haven't used PSO for unmentionable, as strict unmentionable-peddlers seem like a better bet (and i have nothing but good to say about raketherake as regards that). but to each their own, of course.

04-06-2006, 05:54 PM
Yes I am sure, here is a link to read yourself...
At the end I was asked to PM Mike J which I did and he replied asking me about to verify my account name again on March 29 I have sent 3 emails since with no reply. I wish he would just be straight with me....

[/ QUOTE ]


While your frustration with the AP rakeback (formerly frequentflopper.com) problems is definitely understood, I'm not sure why you have such an issue MIKEJ, specifically. I clicked on the link you provided, so I could read the thread, and Mike has bent over backwards to help you. While I have no insight into his PM's, I believe he is not responding to your posts about this in the forum anymore because he asked you to PM him, instead.

He has been extremely straight with you. It doesn't do Mike or PSO any good for you not to have your promotion approved (and he had approved it for the one time gift originally because that was the tracker AP said you were linked to), so there's no reason to screw with you.

04-06-2006, 06:05 PM
i just used PSO for a gift card promo, i assume it will arrive... i was initially a bit underwhelmed by support, i.e., the stress on posting in the forum rather than communicating via direct email. seems like a copout IMO. that said, the question i posted on the forum was answered within a few hours, and i can see how such a forum would theoretically reduce redundant questions/posts. i expected more from the FAQ.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just a heads-up: since PSO changed the site, yes, the FAQ is a bit lacking. That will change soon. A 20+ page FAQ is just about complete.

As for the reasons for the forum as opposed to e-mail, this is from the current FAQ:

"Many customers at first dislike the idea of our public support forum, but I promise you it is the best way for providing support. First, it keeps a public record of all our customer questions, problems, complaints, and praises. How many companies do you know that let their customers see complaints or problems that arise during the course of business? We pride ourselves on providing the best service and what better way to make sure we’re doing that then to make it public.

Second, the Forum is the fastest way for you to get a response to your question, if you ask a question via email, first you have to figure out who to email it to, then you have to hope the person is there to read it and respond, if that person is gone for the day it could be 24 hours until you hear any kind of reply. With the forum, you simply ask the question, and any member of the PSO staff can answer the question. There is almost always someone perusing the forums. And not only can a PSO staff member reply but so can any of the thousands of daily forum visitors who in most cases probably just completed a promotion that you have a question about."

i did notice the litany of "* denied" complaints in the forum, and for something like unmentionable, i would expect less complaints and a greater emphasis on direct communication rather than forum posts. i haven't used PSO for unmentionable, as strict unmentionable-peddlers seem like a better bet (and i have nothing but good to say about raketherake as regards that). but to each their own, of course.

[/ QUOTE ]

The reason it looks like there are a lot of people with problems is simple. People who don't have issues don't post questions for support. PSO has over 67,000 customers - the number of complaint/problem/need help posts is miniscule compared to the total promotions people have done. Only a fraction of a percent of promotions are denied. In the cases where there were widespread problems - recent Titan Instant Bankroll linkage problems, AP rakeback from a few months ago, current UB issues, and Party rakeback cancellation - the PSO staff has run itself ragged trying to get as many customers taken care of.

If anyone has any questions/concerns, feel free to post them in the PSO forum.

04-06-2006, 06:16 PM
Pokersourceonline kicks a$$. I've had nothing but good experiences with them and I've got nothing but good things to say about them. PM me if you want to hear more. I owe a good chunk of my bankroll to their promotions, and wouldn't even think of signing up for a site other than through PSO, unless it's a site that PSO doesn't offer (like Stars).

04-06-2006, 06:30 PM
First off, we did not PM at all until the last post. I have sent him 4 PM's and he sent me one. He had a reason that I dont want to disclose for doing the PM but he has stopped responding. I dont have a big issue with MikeJ in particular other than that fact. He is posting on the support forum everyday but has not gotten back to me. I have been asked to verify my username many times and nothing has changed. This saga started on FEB 28, I think I have the right to be a little upset over this. I dont doubt that they normally work things out faster and I dont think they had any bad intentions. but the facts are the facts. Today is April 6. I have wasted a lot of time and soon deposoit bonus will expire. I have not heard from them since March 29. I have gotten no RB or any gift....only wasted time to date

04-06-2006, 06:51 PM
Party rakeback cancellation - the PSO staff has run itself ragged trying to get as many customers taken care of.

If anyone has any questions/concerns, feel free to post them in the PSO forum.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hundreds of customers complained to support.

PSO offered a deal, and then did not deliver. They continue to blame Party for the THOUSANDS of dollars that they did not distribute based upon their agreement.

04-06-2006, 09:59 PM
IN my experience most of the people who had problems with PSO
DID NOT FOLLOW THE RULES or were trying to cheat them.

I have done every promo but 1 with pso and have never had a problem. The staff over there are pretty quick to help if you do have one.


[/ QUOTE ]agreed

04-06-2006, 11:38 PM
I tried reading the FAQ and got confused. Just to clarify, since you gents are usually quick witted about such things...

If I sign up for the chips for example, I will get the chips,a nd the bonus money from the cardroom, this is correct,yes? It's basically like a typical referral bonus except you get an extra?

04-07-2006, 02:20 AM
I tried reading the FAQ and got confused. Just to clarify, since you gents are usually quick witted about such things...

If I sign up for the chips for example, I will get the chips,a nd the bonus money from the cardroom, this is correct,yes? It's basically like a typical referral bonus except you get an extra?

[/ QUOTE ]

That is correct, you get the sign up bonus and the extra promo.