View Full Version : Never done any B2B/ ? about MartinsPoker

04-04-2006, 04:56 AM
So i get 600 euros for 3000 raked hands (similar to a party 5x bonus). Pot has to be raked .31 euros.

But i have to wait 30 days from my deposit before i get the bonus even if i clear it in a week? Correct.

However i can withdraw my winnings/original deposit anytime after i complete the requirements?

Anyone clear this at 50NL?
What % of the pots reach 7 euros and count for the bonus? Sounds like a great bonus other than having to wait for the money.

Mr. Wishbone
04-04-2006, 08:30 AM
4-tabling NL50 gives an approximate of 75 VIPS / hour according to my stats. At NL100 it is about 150.

04-04-2006, 10:25 AM
Thats pretty close to what I see also playing on B2B.

04-04-2006, 10:55 AM
You have to wait 90 days after deposit to get the 600 bonus. Mine's due in like a week.

NL is the best option for clearance. Very few Limit games going on.

04-04-2006, 11:02 AM
As to your first two questions

Yes you have to wait 30 days (90 was the old bonus)

Yes you can withdraw before the 30 days however only one free withdrawal every 30 days

and don't forget hand 3001 will net you an extra 50 euros

Someday I will look back at this time in my poker life and fondly refer to it as "the B2B days"

04-04-2006, 01:50 PM
Thanks. Exactly the info i was looking for.

$770 bucks for 40hrs at NL50. Same for 20hrs at 100NL. Wow i must be behind the curve here. Those are great bonuses for a low stakes player. Seems as though you can do these at multiple skins (some with slightly worse terms). I see i'm going to be busy for the next month.

04-07-2006, 11:30 AM
The only annoying thing i've found so far is that I accidentally deposited 600 and switched it to USD.
So I put more in and sent an email to support asking them to bump my bonus to the max of 600 euros.

They sent me back a reply that basically said "you screwed up, we can't help you"

so I still get an over 400 euro bonus which is nice, but kinda anonyed that they wouldnt' help me out here.