View Full Version : Help with optics

04-03-2006, 01:03 PM
I'm working on an assignment for Optics. My book totally sucks and internet searches have proved mostly futile for several hours. Most of these questions would be very easy with a formula, but I cannot find them in the book or online. If you can help me out in any way, even just pointing me toward the formula I need, I'd really appreciate it. TIA.

1) A linerarly polarized wave is incident at 60* on a glass plate with index of refraction n=1.732. The polarization vector lies at an angle of 30* with respect to the plate of incidence.

a. Calculate the state of polarization of hte reflected light
b. Claculate the ratio of the reflected ligth intensity I to that of the incident light Io.

2) Describe the state of polarization of hte light emerging in the z direction for:

c. Linerearly polarized light at 45* to the X axis passing through a half-wave plate with its fast axis aligned along the Y axis
d. Right-hand circularly polarized light passing through a quarter-wave plate with its fast axis along the X axis followed by a linera polarizer set at 135* with respect to the X axis

6) Mercury, with a mass number M=200, radiates 253.7 nm in trasition from an excited state to the ground state. The lifetime of the excited state is 10^-7 s. The atoms in the spectral lamp are at a temperature T=300K. How far from the line center does the Lorentzian shape begin to dominate over the Doppler shape?

8) What is the maximum angular resolution of a radio interferometer mounted on the earth when operating at a wavelength of lambda=10m?

11) Write the expressions for the complex electric fields (vector expressions for E) associated with the following polarized waves:

a. Linearly polarized light propagating in the x direction with E at an angle of 60* to the Y axis
b. Right elliptically polarized light propagating in the Y direction, with major axis along Z three times greater than the minor axis, and a phase difference of pi/2
c. Linearly polarized light along the Y axis propagating in a direction in the xz plane making an angle of 45* with the z axis

12) Laser light propagates through a gas medium at the resonant frequency Wo. From the results obtained for dispersion, sketch both the absorption and dispersion parts for the propagating light in the vicinity of Wo. Suggest a possible way in which the property of the dispersion curve might be used to indicate a drift of the laser frequency from Wo.

04-03-2006, 01:27 PM
less than a year out of school and my optics degree proves worthless. just become a poker pro and dont worry about learning this

04-03-2006, 01:32 PM
less than a year out of school and my optics degree proves worthless. just become a poker pro and dont worry about learning this

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Do you seriously have an optics degree?

04-03-2006, 02:21 PM
electrical engineering with a focus on optics

04-03-2006, 03:55 PM
electrical engineering with a focus on optics

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"with a focus on optics"....lol