View Full Version : Acrylic paint and brain damage

04-02-2006, 12:28 AM
Ok, I've got questions and I'm somewhat freaked out here.

I'm painting an office building interior, and the ventilation is so-so (not many windows, but there is air getting in here) I'm using an interior acrylic paint from Lowe's, and I've heard that this can cause brain damage.

I kind of feel like I'm not all there, although I don't have any impaired motor functions or attention deficits. I'm thinking it might be psychosomatic and I'm just freaking out, but is it possible that this stuff can cause immediate, perceptible cognitive impairment? Should I tell the guy I'm working for that I can't do this anymore?

04-02-2006, 12:37 AM
Are you using a mask? Have you read the warning label on the product? You should not rely on the existing ventilation, you should ventilate the place with box fans at the very least.