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View Full Version : simple excel Q

03-30-2006, 04:49 PM
I guess this is the right forum, but MODs feel free to direct me elsewhere.

All I want to do is create a list in say column g ranging from 1:100 that takes every 113th number from column A (3,116,229,etc..). This should be easy, but I can't figure it out, any help???

03-30-2006, 04:55 PM
would this be interpretting what you are after? and essentially you just want a formula to do it automatically so you can drag down rather than do it manually?

03-30-2006, 05:01 PM
it drags it down like this

G1 = A3
G2 = A116
G3 = A229
<drags down>
G4 = A6
G5 = A119
G6 = A232


03-30-2006, 05:02 PM
yeah, it's going to be a major pain to do it manually.

03-30-2006, 05:11 PM
see if this works...






Either of these should work...
I think you're best bet is the INDEX one

03-30-2006, 05:26 PM
No excel expert, but try this in cell G1


Then copy/paste that from G1 to G1..100
You will then get in column G1.100 the value of every 113th row in column A. G1 = A1, G2 = A114, G3 = A227

Not sure if I read your problem correctly though.

03-30-2006, 05:40 PM
thanks guys,

It looks like I'm actually just going to end up writing something in IDL or matlab to process this data as I just realized my output is not in a form of scientific notation that excel understands. Anyway, the 'indirect' did work...