View Full Version : Deja Vu

03-30-2006, 05:01 AM
That other post titled "paranormal" got me thinking about deja vu in general. I've definitely had dreams that I thought have come true. They are really specific conversations and sights that don't make much sense in my dream but then seem to happen at some later point.

I've never tried to write my dreams down and it may all just be my brain interpreting things poorly/coincidence, but it feels very real when it happens.

Have you ever had a deja vu? What do you think it is? Is it all just bogus?

03-30-2006, 05:49 AM
I voted yes/real. I've experienced deja vu many times, and I can't explain it. Let me say I'm NOT someone who buys into seemingly farfetched ideas, and I'm very firmly based on rationale, however I've never been able to explain my instances of deja vu.

There are occasions where I will clearly, CLEARLY remember being in the exact situation...from how all the peopler and objects are oriented, to the dialogue. I can usually recall and predict what someone will say, even as they are talking...as the exact incident as already played out in my mind at some point. Usually, I will remember the event taking place up to a certain sentence...and then all of a sudden all of the dialogue will become unfamiliar after that, and the deja vu will be gone.

Its kinda creepy, but very cool. Obviously it only happens rarely and for about 10 seconds. Call me a nutcase if you will

03-30-2006, 06:04 AM
That's pretty much the same exact boat I am in. I'm hoping someone links to an article which shows that our brains just play tricks on us at times, because I don't really believe in the supernatural and this has been messing with me.

03-30-2006, 06:20 AM
Youre a nutcase...jk /images/graemlins/smile.gif Strange...

03-30-2006, 11:50 AM
I'm hoping someone links to an article which shows that our brains just play tricks on us at times...

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hahahaaha, subtle humor slips by me too often, cute.


03-30-2006, 12:20 PM
I've experienced deja vu TWICE.

03-30-2006, 03:54 PM
Didn't they have a show/article on deja vu? I don't remember their reasoning for this, but the ideas went something along these lines.

They said that deja is most likely caused by one of two things:

1. Sometimes the timing of the receptors in your brain is off and you receive the signal from your eyes a few milliseconds before your brain registers them, so your brain feels as though you've "already seen this" before.

2. Lets say there was an old lamp you used to see all the time as a child. If you walk into a room years later that contains this lamp, you feel deja vu in the whole room while the only thing that's causing the memory is the 1 small object.

03-30-2006, 04:14 PM
What we experience is a 'feeling' of familiarity.
It could belong to the family of experience such as capgras syndrome, or non-bonding of new mothers, or one aspect of extrovertion/socialibity.

Capgras is almost like reverse deja vu, something that should be very familiar to you isn't. Deja vu seems very limbic based rather than perceptual.


03-30-2006, 05:53 PM
I've experienced deja vu TWICE.

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Best answer! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

03-30-2006, 06:03 PM
Deja Vu kinda scares me

03-30-2006, 06:43 PM
What we experience is a 'feeling' of familiarity.

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The thing that scares me isn't that it feels familiar, it's that I remember a whole exchange of conversation. Someone will say something and I'll remember my answer and their response. Stuff like that. It's really eery.

I could deal with "hmm, this feels familiar". I can't deal with "he's going to say X, and I'm going to respond Y".

03-30-2006, 07:36 PM
What we experience is a 'feeling' of familiarity.

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The thing that scares me isn't that it feels familiar, it's that I remember a whole exchange of conversation. Someone will say something and I'll remember my answer and their response. Stuff like that. It's really eery.

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I had that happen exactly once. But the explanation about the receptors in brain being off seems to make sense.
The regular kind of deja vu, I've had many times before though. Most commonly when buckling a seat belt. I am shocked though that some people had never had it or had it only twice lifetime.

Did anybody else get the irony of having a double post on deja vu?

03-30-2006, 07:43 PM
dreaming about something u see/encounter later is not deja vu.

i think there have been studies on this and the most reasonable solution to deja vu (to me at least) is that our brain misfires some info and has to send it again. your brain recieves some of the original info and then all of the re-fire.

03-30-2006, 08:19 PM
dreaming about something u see/encounter later is not deja vu.

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Do you know what it is called then? That's what I get all the time. Normal deja vu where something feels familiar isn't as scary to me.

03-30-2006, 08:26 PM
dreaming about something u see/encounter later is not deja vu.

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Do you know what it is called then? That's what I get all the time. Normal deja vu where something feels familiar isn't as scary to me.

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im not sure there is a standard term for it. some will say its a prediction of the future. some will say coincidence.

personaly i think its coincidence and our brains ability to "predict" likely events based on our knowledge and cognative abilities coupled w/ the fact that you really dont remember your dreams vividly.

03-30-2006, 08:47 PM
I can't deal with "he's going to say X, and I'm going to respond Y".

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When that happens, I just don't respond the way I'm supposed to. Let the dejagremlims sort THAT out!

It is something about 'feeling' though. With Capras you have the memory without the feeling and it therefore seems phoney. With Deja vu you have the feeling without the memory and it therefore seems real.


03-30-2006, 09:31 PM
I only experience Vuja De.

03-31-2006, 12:27 AM
I guess the dream thing doesn't apply.. but I have dreams about the end of the world all the friggin time.. and it usually starts in places I'm in all the time.. I remember them.. but don't know how to avoid the situation that it comes up in..

Then when I come upon that situation a couple days later a have a mini freakout and think the worlds coming to an end..

Am I insane or wha?t

03-31-2006, 12:35 AM
I have the soup du jour about once a week.

04-02-2006, 07:56 AM
Is seeing your döppelganger a case of deja vu by definition ?

04-02-2006, 07:57 AM
I'd be freaked out if I saw my own doppelganger.