View Full Version : Just lucky?

03-22-2006, 06:53 AM
Hey people, so I was doing a bit of reading yeterday, and came across an interesting dialogue between Octavian and Lepidus. They were discussing luck, skill, and greatness. The conversation was recorded as a side note by Thucydides.

This discourse between the two autocrats centered on the concept that luck itself was the thing that conferred true greatness, and indicated honest status. It is natural and obvious that luck plays a huge role in what happens to us and our loved ones, and one can act correctly and still fail miserably because of luck and circumstance(Cesar Borgia).

Being a rational modern person, I typically dismiss such drivel off hand, but was compelled to consider the implications if such was taken to be true. What compelled me, was the fact that I'm lucky, and always have been. Not just kinda lucky, but stupid lucky, at the most important times. I have made many hasty decisions, been stupid on numerous occasions in defiance of my own discretion, and have yet to suffer even the lightest of reprimands or deleterious effects. This is not by any special effort of my own, it just naturally happens that no matter what happens, it happens at the right time. It isn't that bad things don't happen to me, they do. What's remarkable is the timing . When I know a bad thing or situation is about to come up, I immedaitely start looking for the mitigating factor that is invariably dropped in my lap.

Now I am thinking that this will do me ill in a sense, because I look for my crutch any time there is impending trouble, and every time it appears, and it seems now that the possibility itslef of fortune not going my way is fading. So this means I lose some incentive to prepare and give exaustive effort to what endeavor I should choose.

What I ask is, how does luck itself affect you and your lives, in a pervasive way? I know everyone will pull the right card every now and then, unless you're miserably weak-tight, but that's not so much what I'm saying. What trends in your life can be attributed to luck, or if not luck something other than your own rational faculty?

I have always prided myself on working harder than my peers, and have done so in many cases. I atributed my successes to this, but then upon inspection, found that so much of what is identified with me has been given to me straigh from the hand of fortune, with requisite work of course. This shakes my view of the world, is it really just dumb luck?


03-22-2006, 07:05 AM
I have always prided myself on working harder than my peers, and have done so in many cases. I atributed my successes to this, but then upon inspection, found that so much of what is identified with me has been given to me straigh from the hand of fortune, with requisite work of course. This shakes my view of the world, is it really just dumb luck?

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I think you would enjoy the book Fooled by Randomness (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1587990717/103-5914817-7679052?v=glance&n=283155) by Nassim Nicholas Taleb (http://www.fooledbyrandomness.com/).

Your statement is probably counter-intuitive but correct.

03-22-2006, 07:16 AM
You mentioned this same article in my last thread, and I said I preffered you explanation to reading raw text on the subject. But if it comes up in two successive, unrelated threads, then I'll devote my time. Unforunately bacuse I am at work, I may not be able to read it before tomorrow.
Unless it is a book I must go out and buy, in which case I shall have to rely on your severly abridged explanations.


03-22-2006, 07:22 AM
Sorry cambraceres,

I forgot about my reply to another tread of yours. If you concern is as stated, then, I think, the book will be most interesting to you, but I regret having repeated myself in similar circumstances. I try not to. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

03-22-2006, 07:26 AM
No biggie, I wouldn't have given the book another thought had you not mentioned it again, so in that respect your advocacy has been a success.

If someone wants to say something of value more than once, I won't be trying to fight about it.


03-24-2006, 02:25 PM
You found a parking spot right in front of the store you wanted to go to. So were you lucky or was it because you drove around the block 8 times before you got the spot?!?

03-25-2006, 06:06 PM
Well, you have 2 *s so it appears your luck is running out somewhere.

03-25-2006, 09:02 PM
You make your own luck.


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03-25-2006, 09:08 PM
You make your own luck.


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How much of our ability to make our own luck is itself a matter of luck?

Our intelligence, attractiveness, disposition, natural health, level of opportunity etc etc could all be down to luck.


03-25-2006, 09:21 PM
How much of our ability to make our own luck is itself a matter of luck?

Our intelligence, attractiveness, disposition, natural health, level of opportunity etc etc could all be down to luck.


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You're right, I think. The circumstance we start out with seems to be down to luck. From there it seems to me to be a matter of "rolling with the punches" and "landing on your feet". (I'm a regular cliche' machine today /images/graemlins/crazy.gif)

03-26-2006, 08:07 PM
You make your own luck.


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How much of our ability to make our own luck is itself a matter of luck?

Our intelligence, attractiveness, disposition, natural health, level of opportunity etc etc could all be down to luck.


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And lucky to exist at all, just because your parents had sex at that particular time and the right sperm made it through. If your dad misses one traffic light, you aren't around.