View Full Version : Live Sick Hand with quads 300 bb deep

11-30-2007, 06:32 PM
So i was playing very LAG and destroying the table so far tripling my stack to 300bb.
Vilain is in the cash game since a lot of hours and hes been winning a lot being 500bb deep.
Vilain is not the kind of guy to make big bluffs.
He's very bad and passive.
Table is full of fish and i know everybody at the table.
7 handed.
We ( me & vilain ) havent tangled at all since im in ( 1 hour )
Hes not raising a lot preflop and never 3-betting without JJ+ AK maybe AQs but i really think he call with it.He's on the passive side but not extreme passive post-flop.
Blinds 25c/50c i got something around 150$ he covers.
Im on the CO with 66 , everybody fold to me and i raise it up to 2$ ( my standard raise this day )
SB fold and Vilain re-raise to 6$ from the BB.
I call.

Pot: 12,25$

Flop : 6-6-K ( rainbow )

He checked and i bet 9.50$ very fast trying to make it looks like a bluff
He check-raised me to 20$ total ( 11.50$ more ) , i play with this guy since one year and i think its the first time i see him do that. ( take note that its the first time i play cash game against this guy , normally playing sit-n-go for fun and less money and i know he got no experience in cash but anyway )

I decided to call the bet cause hes the kind of guy to fold AK thinking *omg this guy as a 6*, even if im c-betting none-stop since 1 hour.


Turn: K

He checked in a strange way , and i started to think well if hes got the king hes dead but if hes got AA i really need to extract some value on the turn.

I bet 22$ ( this guy knows nothing about pot-control and pot-odds )
He called ( this means AA or K or nothing else )

River: K
He nervously shove and its something like 110$.
I never seen him overbet bluff in one year , i know hes not capable of doing such a thing , and his face was red like a tomato when he shoved.

Any thoughts is welcome.

and before someone ask it , yes this is a real hand and it was a lot of pressure on me with my quads on river.

Chicago Twister
11-30-2007, 06:41 PM
I hope your question is "should I fist-pump?"

11-30-2007, 06:43 PM
Weren't you banned?
Bet more on the turn plz with the plan to get it in by the river.
It's live, people do stupid things, hence I'd call even though I wouldn't be feeling happy.

Note that if you'd bet properly on the turn then the river would be trivial, with the stacks committed, which is kinda what you want since cards like this won't hit often.

11-30-2007, 06:45 PM
I was just ban one day.
and i will never be ban again so get used to me.

My turn bet was STRICKLY to extract value from AA.
I tell you again , this guy DONT BLUFF , never.
This guy is a bit of a station but NEVER when its getting big.

11-30-2007, 06:47 PM

Note that if you'd bet properly on the turn then the river would be trivial, with the stacks committed, which is kinda what you want since cards like this won't hit often.

[/ QUOTE ]

Like i said , normally i would just shove OVERbet the turn cause its a gold situation.But i really wanted AA to call a last bet , and i coulnd be afraid of that last K .

Honestly , against this player , i think my turn bet is near perfection.Cause its AA or AK at this point , nothing else and you can believe me on this , but now the big question i dont know the awnser is is he shoving AA on river...it would be pretty stupid , but i know this guy is somewhat stupid tho.



Chicago Twister
11-30-2007, 06:50 PM
Go ahead, fold. You obviously didn't post this hand to get advice so there's no point in continuing.

<---- BBV is over there

11-30-2007, 06:51 PM
this is not true at all , i really want people's opinion given the description of the player ( and im sure a lot of player here have faced that kind of players , if they think AA is possible enough to make a call profitable at this point )

Chicago Twister
11-30-2007, 06:52 PM
My honest advice to you is to never in your life fold quads. I'm quite serious. I don't care how well you know the player.

11-30-2007, 06:56 PM
im dotn agree but i understand.
I dont look at my hand as quad but as what it is on the board against possible holding.And now im in the [censored] a high % of the time , but i dont know what %...

11-30-2007, 06:59 PM
Fold face up IMO.

(Unless there is a BBJ, then call and turn your cards over one at a time)

11-30-2007, 07:03 PM
I mucked and he showed an ace.
I took all his money after anyway.

Chicago Twister
11-30-2007, 07:03 PM
Ok, fine. Suppose I'm wrong and you should fold here. Even if you never fold quads your whole life as I suggest, how much will you lose over your lifetime to quads over quads?

But if I'm right and you fold anyway you'll be making a huge error.

Now, which error is bigger?

11-30-2007, 07:04 PM

Honestly , against this player , i think my turn bet is near perfection.

[/ QUOTE ]

You made a single "perfect" bet once ?? - congrats have a cookie.

Sadly your posting abilities are nowhere near as perfect.

i) BBV is <------- that way - hell there's even uNLs own BBV thread.

ii) Grow up and please quit being such an attention whore you've already made 3 followup posts to your OP and are arguing with people in this thread already.

iii) its a home game and you "destroyed the table" to get your 300bb stack - so call and if you lose destroy it some more and rebuild.

iv) you have flopped quads in a live game in a hand where you put villain on AK or AA on the turn on a 66KK board AND YOU DON'T RAISE ???????? /images/graemlins/confused.gif ????????? - and you claim this bet to be "perfection"

11-30-2007, 07:04 PM
i know where your coming from but this situation is too rare to count it in the general EV.

Chicago Twister
11-30-2007, 07:05 PM
I mucked and he showed an ace.
I took all his money after anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

Never fold quads. PS - You might have MUBS.

11-30-2007, 07:06 PM

iv) you have flopped quads in a live game in a hand where you put villain on AK or AA on the turn on a 66KK board AND YOU DON'T RAISE ???????? /images/graemlins/confused.gif ????????? - and you claim this bet to be "perfection"

[/ QUOTE ]

i cant raise he didnt bet.

and hey , sorry for my posting abilities , im learning english dude.
why all the hate , im not arrogant.

11-30-2007, 07:08 PM
Easy fold, he has AK.

Btw it looks like you're on crack and coke by the way you wrote this post.

You gotta bet more on the turn, at least like 35. If you're trying to build the pot, you didn't do a very good job of it. Your flat call of his c/r on the flop looks very suspicious, but against a bad player I suppose it's ok.

11-30-2007, 07:09 PM
Im not english...cmon guys.Im trying.

and for my flat call i was floating a lot so im not sure if its suspicious or not...