View Full Version : Bonus payout when.

03-08-2006, 11:29 AM
I don't get the Party accelor8tor bonus.

I've only been doing it for the past two weeks and I failed to make it the first week.

This week I played a lot of hands but still needed some and played a lot last night, but I finished playing around 22:00 EST.

In the morning I log on too see that my bonus points haven't appeared on my account yet, however my weekly target was back to zero.

I earned about a thousand points yesterday and these where updated at 10:00 AM EST however they do not seem to count on this new week bonus and I haven't yet gotten any bonus for last week.

Over kess than two weeks I've made more than twice my weekly bonus target but haven't gotten any bonus. I'm really confused.

03-08-2006, 11:38 AM