View Full Version : Ony better hands will call - advice?

11-28-2007, 04:16 PM
I am quite interested in the situations where betting/raising/shoving, and only better hands would call. I have trouble recognizing these.

Any thoughts?

11-28-2007, 04:30 PM
Well it depends on your hand e.g. you have 7.2o on a board A8JK3 your river bet probably will be called only by a beter hand but that you know already.But usualy its said about medicore hands, which and not worth a value bet e.g. you have KT on the board like 82T9Q you won't get called by a worse hand there, tho yes someone might get call you down with A8 there if you bet 1 BB into 10 BB into pot so bet sizing is important too.If you hold T9 on a 728AJ and the pot is 2BB's and you shove the river you will only be called by better hands tho if you make a reasonable bet of 2bb you might get called by punch of hands you beat.
I hope I got the basics for you, if you didn't understand something then ask.