View Full Version : On fixing leaks...

11-21-2007, 02:24 PM
Hi all,

So, I've finally had some time to pour more hands in, and have been frustrated by my mostly break-even play.

I decided that instead of just posting hands, I'd take a look through poker tracker and pokerEV to see if I could find what was wrong, but most of it looks pretty normal.

For those that haven't done it yet, take a look through Pokey's Pokertracker Thread (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=4946669&page=0&fpart=1&v c=1).

PokerEV's graph shows that my winnings at showdown are about what they should be, but I'm losing money overall. That is, I'm losing money in pots where I didn't go to showdown but put money in. The problem is, I'm not exactly sure how to find these leaks.

Here are some critical statistics on me that may help:

(5k hand sample from this month where I'm really focusing on taking good notes and paying attention)

Basic Stats
VPIP: 18.5
PFR: 16.1
Went to SD: 20.3%
Won $ at SD: 47%
<font color=" blue">Should I be seeing more showdowns?</font>

Broken down by position:
BTN: 25/22 (+.04bb/hand)
CO: 22/21
MP: 19/18
UTG: 15/15
BB: 10/7 (-.39 bb/hand)
SB: 16/12 (-.05 bb/hand)

<font color="blue">I also think I might be c-betting too much: </font>

First Action After a Preflop Raise:
Raise: 2.27%
Bet: 63%
<font color="blue">
(Pokey said raise+bet should be &gt; 40%. Am I way too high here?)

Aggression Factor by Street
Preflop: 5.9
Flop: 8.48
Turn: 2.86
River: 1.81

<font color=" blue">I believe my river aggression here may be too low. Probably missing a lot of value bets?</font>

An experiement
I'd like to see if I'm folding big pairs (TT+) too much overall. Could a winning player please check their stats against mine for the following:

Under the General Info tab, click the [Filters] button. Now, under -Showdown-, choose "Folded Before Showdown". Next, click the [Select Specific Hands] button on the top. Check AA,KK,QQ,JJ,TT here. Press OK.

What is your total BB/hand number? I'm seeing -6.64bb/hand here. Of this 6k sample, there are 14 hands where I folded TT-AA before showdown, and 32 hands where I played TT-AA and saw a showdown. I won at showdown 17 of those 32 times.

Could someone give me comparison numbers for these big pairs?

Other ideas on what to look for might also be helpful to find spots where I'm likely ahead but ended up folding.

11-21-2007, 02:37 PM
Also, I'd like to check out went to showdown #'s on big pairs:

Under the General tab, just pick the following hands and look at the WtSD column (% went to showdown).

Here are mine: (all based on around 20-25 hands)
AA - 33%
KK - 25%
QQ - 27%
JJ - 57% (smaller sample size)
TT - 23%

Are these way too low?

11-21-2007, 03:37 PM
How often do you defend your BB? The -.39 BB/hand seems to suggest you're defending light. Check out some of your hands where you lose big in the BB.

I fold BB to steal 84% and am up .14 BB/hand in the BB over about the same # of hands this month.

What's your win % on your pairs? It looks like you go to showdown a lot with JJ - almost twice as often as with the rest of your big pairs.

11-21-2007, 03:46 PM
Orange just showed me his WtSD numbers, and his percents for QQ-KK are roughly 50% higher than mine, which leads me to believe I'm leaving a lot of money on the table with overpairs.

The JJ % is probably just a sample size problem (only like 12 hands)

11-21-2007, 03:57 PM
You don't seem to understand the importance of position enough. My VPIP on the button is a little over 30 while it's 10.5 UTG, you should raise more hands on the button and less UTG/MP. Other than that I don't know, stats only get you that far, winning is much more about playing each hand the right way and making the correct decisions depending on the situation post-flop, something stats don't really show you. Posting hands FTW.
Edit: Your flop aggression is really high, perhaps you c-bet too much in multiway pots?

11-21-2007, 04:08 PM
Here are my general stats for my most played level this month, as I try to rebuild my bankroll:


And my position stats:


11-21-2007, 04:28 PM
what is your W$WSF%?

11-21-2007, 04:44 PM
OP your flop AF is way too high i bet 90% of flops and mine is bad at 6 you must "auto" c/bet every flop? Your flop and turn AF should be closer together.
Im running at 8 PTBB/100 over last 6k (novembers) hands only at NL10 though just moved over from limit so dont wanna step up just yet.

11-21-2007, 04:50 PM
I cbet most of the flops, i bet 99.8% of the flops HU.
My AF is at 7 or something. I dont think your AF on flop is too high.

I guess your postflop play sucks. You dont value bet good enough and probably fold too often, especially on the flop.

11-21-2007, 05:10 PM
wow just realized sample size...lets not think too deeply on this one.

11-21-2007, 05:14 PM
Dude .. we can compare numbers all day long,but ...

Hand analysis is where it's at

Ranges and board textures etc.

You can't just go ... oh based on my numbers I think I c-bet too much

Or rather, you can .. but what then ?

Just not cbet some flops at random ... etc ?

Pokeys great post is full of pokertracker advice, but does not contain much actual poker advice.

11-21-2007, 08:08 PM
wow just realized sample size...lets not think too deeply on this one.

[/ QUOTE ]

AZ - I just extended my sample size out a few months back for ~ 20k hands and it's pretty similar - so these numbers aren't too far off.

11-22-2007, 05:07 AM
I cbet most of the flops, i bet 99.8% of the flops HU.
My AF is at 7 or something. I dont think your AF on flop is too high.

I guess your postflop play sucks. You dont value bet good enough and probably fold too often, especially on the flop.

[/ QUOTE ]

You play 26/22/7 ????
That's insane. There no shame in calling every once in a while.

11-22-2007, 05:36 AM
wow just realized sample size...lets not think too deeply on this one.

[/ QUOTE ]

AZ - I just extended my sample size out a few months back for ~ 20k hands and it's pretty similar - so these numbers aren't too far off.

[/ QUOTE ]

Going beyond numbers, I forgot to bring it up earlier . . . take a look through hands and see where you haven't won as much as you should, and then go back and replay hands. Sometimes, you see mistakes, and sometimes, you just realize things happen and you lose a big pot where you should have won. AK's a loser for me this month, because I played for stacks against a T8 PF and lost. Reviewing individual hands will help you determine leaks and fix them.