View Full Version : Tell me about...raising draws

11-20-2007, 09:08 PM
Tell me things you know about raising draws!

Do you do it often, or just occasionally?
Combos or any?
How does position affect it?
How do you continue if you get called?
Is there a specific type of player it works on/fails against?
Is there a specific board texture you need?
Do you only do it vs. what appear to be c-bets?

I didn't find anything in the stickies about this.

eastern motors
11-20-2007, 09:22 PM
I do it often.

Definitely combo draws. With 12 or more outs I want to bet big on the flop to maximize fold equity. The draw is just a backup plan.

With a weak FD I will fold OOP. I generally try to play smaller pots if I am OOP. If I have a combo draw I would like to get AI on the flop so I don't have to play OOP.

Getting called depends on board and villain. On an A-high board I ofter put villain on TP and assume he would raise with better on a drawy board. If he'll fold to a second barrel I might bet. I might take a free card in position.

Betting draws works against players that fold. Don't better non-combo draws against calling stations. They'll call you after you hit so just wait to see if you do.

Board texture needs to give me a draw. Even better if it is unlikely to have hit villain and he isn't the type to float with overcards etc...

No. But raising c-bets with draws is +EV.

11-20-2007, 09:38 PM
easternmotors put it pretty well, I'd like to add the following tho.

Betting on draws is good play when you are against donkeys, they usually pay you off when you hit because they dont put you on a draw when you are the agressor.

11-20-2007, 09:51 PM
do it to merge ranges. Make villian have to be like "hmmmmmm, does he have a set? or a draw?"

fold equity

bigger pot now = bigger pot when draw hits.