View Full Version : Making stupid decisions

11-20-2007, 05:32 PM
I deposited 50$ last summer on PS and started playing the 2NL game. I built my roll till I had 125$ and started playing 5NL. I'm a winner at this limit and soon making the transmission to 10NL. So far so good....

I now want to take poker more serious and I really want to improve my game. What I realized when analyzing my game, is that I often make decisions while I'm playing and afterwards I'm thinking what a stupid one that was. Everything is just much clearer to me when I'm not playing. For example if I play a hand and I'm getting to the river, I'm not very aware of the fact that he raised pf from early position. I think I act too much on first level thinking....

I know it's a bit vague, but is there anyone who recognizes this and knows how I can fix this big leak. One thing I brought to my game is always take at least 8 to 10 seconds before calling.

Thanks in advance!!


11-20-2007, 05:37 PM
Write out a checklist of all the things you need to consider before making your action. Print this out and keep it next to your screen at all times. Make sure to go through this checklist before taking any action. Also, do not play too many tables at once.