View Full Version : Is this spew?

11-19-2007, 03:47 AM
50NL, 6 handed 100bb eff.

Villain just sat down. Short history in a small number of hands, my PAhud has him at 31/20/4 over 60 hands. Seems aware, likes to steal and has folded to my 3bets preflop, except one time he 4bet over me kinda small. Post flop he has been pretty straightforward.

folded to steal happy villain who pops it up to $1.75

I flat it on the bb with JhTh

flop Ks3s4s (pot 3.75)
I check
Villain checks

turn 6d (pot 3.75)
I check
Villain bets 3
I raise to 9
Villain calls

river 4h (pot 21.75)
I bet 14

OK, thought process at the time, is his turn bet is stupid. He cbets any draw worthy hand here, top pair he also bets. Sets also have to bet flop as do any weak two pairs he could have been trying to steal with. The only hand I see him betting the turn with after the flop is checked through is mid pairs. I give it a healthy raise and when he calls I put him on a flush draw, but now that I think about it he cbets with his FDs as I said above. Can he call here with a mid pair? Maybe mid-pair with a FD draw. River pairs the board and I can't see any hand that helped him with that card except for K4s, or maybe 64s but I doubt it since I have been repopping his button raises. So I decide to bet because thats the only way I can take it down. What do you guys think?

11-19-2007, 03:50 AM
Feels like just leading the turn would be better, i think villain is probably calling river too since he called the turn so i would give it up on that board.