View Full Version : Easiest way for U.S. resident to obtain European poker site account?

11-12-2007, 11:39 PM
Since the Safe Port Act went through, we all know the games on the U.S. sites have gotten really tough.

I was watching someone play on a European site (Eurolinx) and couldn't believe how fishy the games were. Now I'm dying to find a way to play on some of the European poker sites.

I know they won't accept U.S. customers since the legislation went through. My question is this:

What's the best/easiest way around it?

Should I go to Canada and set up a P.O. box and bank account, then use that to fund the poker account?

Would it be better to use my brother-in-law's information who lives in Peru?

I'm sure others are playing on these sites. What's the best way to go about getting around their rules and setting up an account?


This is not an appropriate topic for this forum. We will not discuss how to circumvent the law here. 42it