View Full Version : Why I Am A Semi-Sociopath

David Sklansky
11-09-2007, 07:49 PM
I usually spend the first few minutes of my waking hours watching CNN Headline News. I don't believe there is any other source that offers exactly what they do. A quick summary of what is happening now, pretty much repeating every twenty minutes or so.

For the last two days they have almost totally suspended this important service to televise live, the OJ PRELIMINARY HEARING. And there is no way they would do it if they didn't know that that is what most people wanted! Even most of their regular viewers.

Tell me why I should care about what happens to those people when a misfortune befalls them that is indirectly related to their misplace priorities. (They can't at least watch a summary of the hearing or watch it in its entirety on an entertainment show?) I don't actually wish those people harm. But if I had the choice of helping them or a struggling student in Bangledesh, I'll choose the latter, even if the former had a grandfather who fought for us in WWII.

11-09-2007, 07:53 PM
I think most of us will agree with you. I don't think this is sociopathic at all. I do believe in universal compassion, but I don't believe in equal compassion.

11-09-2007, 07:58 PM
Its lowest common denomenator cheap garbage, most people would prefer something different.


11-09-2007, 08:00 PM
I don't actually wish those people harm.

[/ QUOTE ]

....hmmmmmm. then perhaps I am a sociopath.


11-09-2007, 08:18 PM
Tell me why I should care about what happens to those people when a misfortune befalls them that is indirectly related to their misplace priorities.

[/ QUOTE ]
Because misplaced priorities is only a small part of the equation.

That said, I agree with your general premise. Western society and average white people in general lack a lot of the humanity you find in less wealthy countries. I'd rather help the struggling Bangladeshy too.

11-09-2007, 08:29 PM
I don't understand how this makes you a semi-sociopath. Why wouldn't any decent person prefer to help a struggling student than those guys? And what diference should it make who their grandfather was?

TV news has only a fraction of the audience it once had. Three times as many people listen to Rush Limbaugh on a regular basis as watch the #1 ranked evening news show. I think the average age for a viewer of the evening news shows is in the 60s. So you're right when you say that CNN knows they'll do better broadcasting the OJ hearing than their regular news summary. But it's not a "service" they're providing, it's the business they're in to try to make money.

11-09-2007, 08:41 PM
I think most of us will agree with you. I don't think this is sociopathic at all. I do believe in universal compassion, but I don't believe in equal compassion.

[/ QUOTE ]


11-09-2007, 08:48 PM
You realize this is for the exact same reasons as your cuffs thread right?

Anyway, people love to see a public figure get dragged out and interrogated in front of everybody. And OJ is certainly someone that has a lot of history and is an important public figure at this point.
But they should still have the scrolling thing at the bottom, did they not?

11-09-2007, 08:50 PM
A semi-sociopath because you like to watch junk food TV? Last time I watched cable, Donald Trump was on CNBC giving such useful information like "you've got to have passion." I now possess the magical formula.

I don't get this American obsession w/ outliers esp. of the celebrity variety. Who cares if Paris Hilton served 12.3 hours in jail or whatever. Even sadder, why do I even know anything about this?

Stu Pidasso
11-09-2007, 08:56 PM
I usually spend the first few minutes of my waking hours watching CNN Headline News. I don't believe there is any other source that offers exactly what they do. A quick summary of what is happening now, pretty much repeating every twenty minutes or so.

[/ QUOTE ]

You will know more of what is happening around the world in less time if you just visit the following websites.

CNN (http://www.cnn.com/)
FOXNEWS (http://www.foxnews.com/)
BBC (http://news.bbc.co.uk/)

You're less likely to be captivated by garbage news when you get your news from a written source.


11-09-2007, 10:24 PM
Tell me why I should care about what happens to those people when a misfortune befalls them that is indirectly related to their misplace priorities..... But if I had the choice of helping them or a struggling student in Bangledesh, I'll choose the latter, even if the former had a grandfather who fought for us in WWII.

[/ QUOTE ]

What if the former was a Veteran of the Iraq war? And even in your (silly) case one can argue that helping the American citizen when a misfortune befalls them is far better than helping someone in Bangladesh that you have no connection with, other than both of you being humans. WE are Americans. We accept the American way of life. We stand together. etc, etc, etc, if you would prefer helping foreigners to Americans perhaps you should move to Bangladesh.


11-09-2007, 10:49 PM
WE are Americans. We accept the American way of life. We stand together. etc, etc, etc, if you would prefer helping foreigners to Americans perhaps you should move to Bangladesh.

[/ QUOTE ]
How would that help them?

BTW what a silly post, stand togther, American, blah blah blah


11-09-2007, 11:09 PM
Yey, for nationalism. We're the best, eff the rest. Damn Indians and their call centers.

11-09-2007, 11:27 PM
Yey, for nationalism. We're the best, eff the rest. Damn Indians and their call centers.

[/ QUOTE ]
Neigh, must buy always buy british, you know stick together and all that. Anyone who buys Microsoft might as well move to the USA.


11-10-2007, 06:35 AM


WE are Americans. We accept the American way of life. We stand together. etc, etc, etc, if you would prefer helping foreigners to Americans perhaps you should move to Bangladesh.

How would that help them?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sklansky is a mllionaire. Spending his money in Bangladesh would probably tripple their economy.

BTW what a silly post, stand togther, American, blah blah blah

[/ QUOTE ]

You think being an American and standing together is silly. Well I think you are silly...blah, blah blah, blah


11-10-2007, 06:43 AM


WE are Americans. We accept the American way of life. We stand together. etc, etc, etc, if you would prefer helping foreigners to Americans perhaps you should move to Bangladesh.

How would that help them?


Sklansky is a mllionaire. Spending his money in Bangladesh would probably tripple their economy.

[/ QUOTE ]
sure, but why should he move there he could help them far more without moving there (unless they need a gambling consultant in loco)


BTW what a silly post, stand togther, American, blah blah blah


You think being an American and standing together is silly. Well I think you are silly...blah, blah blah, blah

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes that's the level, silly isn't it?


11-10-2007, 06:44 AM
eff the rest

[/ QUOTE ]

Being proud to be an American and standing together in no way implies f...ing everybody else. Saying that one leads to the other is ignorant ranting.


11-10-2007, 11:06 AM

It's not semi-sociopathy. It's logical apathy.

Something naturally emergent in people smarter than the norm.


Americans as a collective group are brash bullies, but individual Americans are pretty good folk once you get to know them. That's just a societal paradox.

11-10-2007, 12:31 PM
It depends on the reasons you watch the News. If you are watching to gain information for some future action on your part, it matters. For example, if the news in going to effect your decision on buying/ selling stocks or if by viewing a news report you decided to send some money to that struggling kid, then you are different that those who watch OJ.

If you are watching merely to be informed on current events and/or in order to pontificate your opinion on such, then you are basically the same. Here it is like some of my buddies who insist on watching a game because they have money on the line; as if their watching will affect the outcome. (Then again I could be wrong here; perhaps the double slit experiment applies to sports book.)

11-10-2007, 02:43 PM



WE are Americans. We accept the American way of life. We stand together. etc, etc, etc, if you would prefer helping foreigners to Americans perhaps you should move to Bangladesh.

How would that help them?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sklansky is a mllionaire. Spending his money in Bangladesh would probably tripple their economy.

BTW what a silly post, stand togther, American, blah blah blah

[/ QUOTE ]

You think being an American and standing together is silly. Well I think you are silly...blah, blah blah, blah


[/ QUOTE ]

What exactly makes an American life worth more than the life of someone from Bangladesh? Humans are humans, and human life is valuable wherever you go. That's one of the reasons I'm against wars, as one of the prerequisites for engaging in war is the belief that the lives of your own people are more valuable than the lives of the people you intend to kill during war.

11-10-2007, 02:55 PM



WE are Americans. We accept the American way of life. We stand together. etc, etc, etc, if you would prefer helping foreigners to Americans perhaps you should move to Bangladesh.

How would that help them?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sklansky is a mllionaire. Spending his money in Bangladesh would probably tripple their economy.

BTW what a silly post, stand togther, American, blah blah blah

[/ QUOTE ]

You think being an American and standing together is silly. Well I think you are silly...blah, blah blah, blah


[/ QUOTE ]

What exactly makes an American life worth more than the life of someone from Bangladesh? Humans are humans, and human life is valuable wherever you go. That's one of the reasons I'm against wars, as one of the prerequisites for engaging in war is the belief that the lives of your own people are more valuable than the lives of the people you intend to kill during war.

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably the fact they're better educated and more productive in building society. The average Bangladeshi isn't even building rafts, even though they should.

Survival of the fittest. Value is a human concept. Sure, the Bangladeshi have feelings, but they aren't contributing.

That's the dispassionate answer. It'd be nice in an ideal world for every life to have equal societal value, but that just ain't so in this day and age. But if you think we're getting there day by day, well, it's a process that'll take patience.

Getting angry about it is a waste of energy. The Bangladeshi don't care about your outrage either.

11-10-2007, 04:56 PM

Rest assured. I believe most posters here are of the opinion that you are certainly not a semi-sociopath.


11-10-2007, 05:19 PM
What exactly makes an American life worth more than the life of someone from Bangladesh?

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Worth more? in what way? What makes your fathers life worth more than Saddam Husseins? Answer that and you will answer your own question.

Humans are humans, and human life is valuable wherever you go.

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This is not an arguement on the value of human life. It is an arguement of priorities. It seems that Sklansky prefers helping others rather than his own even when his own are just as needy as others. He has the right to do that. HIS OWN fight to ensure that he has the right. Yet he prefers not to help them. Yeah he isnt a sociopath. Right.


11-10-2007, 06:44 PM
It seems that Sklansky prefers helping others rather than his own

[/ QUOTE ]

"His own?" Because they happen to live in relative close geographic proximity, they're "his own?" [censored]. A smart, rational person in Bangladesh has much more in common with David than a dumb [censored] in Vegas.

Hell, a good proportion of my "own" would string me up just for my sexual preferences or religious beliefs.

even when his own are just as needy as others.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bwahaha. Americans are "just as needy" as Bangladeshi now?

HIS OWN fight to ensure that he has the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

No. Not in the last 60 years has any American fought to ensure the freedom of other Americans. (Or to ensure freedom at all IMO). Even back then, it was the British and the Soviets who did all the work. And now the Europeans have much more freedom than we do.

Yet he prefers not to help them. Yeah he isnt a sociopath. Right.

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG he's not a jingoistic [censored]! Clearly he's suffering from APD!

David Sklansky
11-10-2007, 06:44 PM
"This is not an arguement on the value of human life. It is an arguement of priorities. It seems that Sklansky prefers helping others rather than his own even when his own are just as needy as others. He has the right to do that. HIS OWN fight to ensure that he has the right. Yet he prefers not to help them. Yeah he isnt a sociopath. Right."

Where are you getting this from? My point is that I am more interested in helping people who are trying to better themselves than people who are only interested in entertaining themselves while expending little effort in learning or accomplishing things. If this second person gets in hot water and tries to claim that he deserves equal consideration as the first guy who was born into horrible circumstances, because his grandfather (not himself) fought for our country, that excuse will fall on deaf ears.

11-10-2007, 07:06 PM
Pokervintage, your xenophobia has clouded your judgement in this thread and made you look a dick.

11-10-2007, 07:10 PM
No. Not in the last 60 years has any American fought to ensure the freedom of other Americans.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was going to seriously answer your rantings but from the above statement I can only conclude that you are an idiot. Tell those that died in the Vietnam war and the Gulf War and Iraq and are dying now that what they are doing is not for you and your family's freedom. Then please go live somewhere else.


11-10-2007, 07:24 PM
Even most of their regular viewers.

Tell me why I should care about what happens to those people when a misfortune befalls them that is indirectly related to their misplace priorities. (They can't at least watch a summary of the hearing or watch it in its entirety on an entertainment show?) I don't actually wish those people harm. But if I had the choice of helping them or a struggling student in Bangledesh, I'll choose the latter, even if the former had a grandfather who fought for us in WWII.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where are you getting this from? My point is that I am more interested in helping people who are trying to better themselves than people who are only interested in entertaining themselves while expending little effort in learning or accomplishing things.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well if that is your point then fine. But that's not what your statement in the OP says. You say most viewers of CNN. Well most viewers of CNN are no less interested in the news of the day than you are. To classify them as entertainment slobs because they listen to the OJ saga is at best unjust stereotyping. I disagreed mainly with this presmuption. It appeared to me from your comments that you dismissed the sacrifices of parents an grand parents so that their grand children and children did not have to sacrifice. Americans of this generation are a reflection of those Americans that came before them. Their ancestors worked to create a world in which current Amercans can behave as they wish. We should respect the sacrifices of those that came before us and reward it even if we have to show that appreciation to their off springs. You summarily discount those sacrifices. You are wrong, in my opinion, to do so.


11-10-2007, 07:26 PM
No. Not in the last 60 years has any American fought to ensure the freedom of other Americans.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was going to seriously answer your rantings but from the above statement I can only conclude that you are an idiot. Tell those that died in the Vietnam war and the Gulf War and Iraq and are dying now that what they are doing is not for you and your family's freedom. Then please go live somewhere else.


[/ QUOTE ]
Now two boys have been found rubbing linseed oil into the school cormorant. Now some of you may feel that the cormorant does not play an important part in the life of the
school but I remind you that it was presented to us by the Corporation of the town of Sudbury to commemorate Empire Day, when we try to remember the names of all those from the Sudbury area so gallantly gave their lives to keep China British. So from now on the cormorant is strictly out of bounds. Oh... and Jenkins... apparently your mother died this morning. [He turns to the Chaplain.] Chaplain.

11-10-2007, 07:39 PM
Thank God that England lost these colonies. Halaluyah!


11-10-2007, 07:43 PM

Rest assured. I believe most posters here are of the opinion that you are certainly not a semi-sociopath.


[/ QUOTE ]

But, it’s that upper echelon of smart folk who’s opinion is probably the right one.

11-10-2007, 07:44 PM
Thank God that England lost these colonies. Halaluyah!


[/ QUOTE ]
nah you need to thank the cheese eating surrender monkies.

11-10-2007, 11:05 PM
Thank God that England lost these colonies. Halaluyah!

[/ QUOTE ]

nah you need to thank the cheese eating surrender monkies.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what I said! Don't mincemeat my words.


11-11-2007, 12:55 AM
No. Not in the last 60 years has any American fought to ensure the freedom of other Americans.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was going to seriously answer your rantings but from the above statement I can only conclude that you are an idiot. Tell those that died in the Vietnam war and the Gulf War and Iraq and are dying now that what they are doing is not for you and your family's freedom. Then please go live somewhere else.


[/ QUOTE ]

You honestly think this is an argument?

11-11-2007, 01:39 AM
I was going to seriously answer your rantings but from the above statement I can only conclude that you are an idiot. Tell those that died in the Vietnam war and the Gulf War and Iraq and are dying now that what they are doing is not for you and your family's freedom. Then please go live somewhere else.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your proof that Americans are the good guys is...Vietnam. Good show.

11-11-2007, 04:58 AM
Your proof that Americans are the good guys is...Vietnam. Good show.

[/ QUOTE ]

You too are an illinformed know it all. The American soldiers that went to Vietnam indeed believed that they were serving their Country. They believed they were doing good. Because their leaders led them astray makes their sacrfice no less commendable. Yes Vietnam Vetrans are GOOD GUYS! And yes I say my choice is indeed a "GOOD SHOW!" You sir know nothing.


11-11-2007, 06:58 AM
Your proof that Americans are the good guys is...Vietnam. Good show.

[/ QUOTE ]

You too are an illinformed know it all. The American soldiers that went to Vietnam indeed believed that they were serving their Country. They believed they were doing good. Because their leaders led them astray makes their sacrfice no less commendable. Yes Vietnam Vetrans are GOOD GUYS! And yes I say my choice is indeed a "GOOD SHOW!" You sir know nothing.


[/ QUOTE ]
Good logics, I think you'll agree with the following.

The guys who blew up the world trade center were good guys, they believed that they were doing a good thing. They thought that they were serving their COUNTRY! These are just their leaders who led them astray. But it doesn't make these terrorists bad.

11-11-2007, 08:31 AM
We aren't discussing veterans. We're discussing the Vietnam War, and how it protected American freedom. You can skip to the Gulf War or the War in Iraq first if you like.

The fact is that the only threat to American freedom in the last 60 years has been the US government itself. You've presented no rational reason that I should view the US as superior to other nations, or Americans as superior to people from other nations.

11-11-2007, 08:32 AM
Your proof that Americans are the good guys is...Vietnam. Good show.

[/ QUOTE ]

You too are an illinformed know it all. The American soldiers that went to Vietnam indeed believed that they were serving their Country. They believed they were doing good. Because their leaders led them astray makes their sacrfice no less commendable. Yes Vietnam Vetrans are GOOD GUYS! And yes I say my choice is indeed a "GOOD SHOW!" You sir know nothing.


[/ QUOTE ]

That they BELIEVED it is sort of irrelevant wouldnt you say? Can you give me an example of a group of soldiers who DIDNT believe that? Like...ever? In the history of man? I doubt it. Is your position that every military action has always been to protect the life and safety of the folks back home? Come on now, you can do better than this.

11-11-2007, 08:32 AM
We're discussing the Vietnam War, and how it protected American freedom.

[/ QUOTE ]


11-11-2007, 08:33 AM
Your proof that Americans are the good guys is...Vietnam. Good show.

[/ QUOTE ]

You too are an illinformed know it all. The American soldiers that went to Vietnam indeed believed that they were serving their Country. They believed they were doing good. Because their leaders led them astray makes their sacrfice no less commendable. Yes Vietnam Vetrans are GOOD GUYS! And yes I say my choice is indeed a "GOOD SHOW!" You sir know nothing.


[/ QUOTE ]
Good logics, I think you'll agree with the following.

The guys who blew up the world trade center were good guys, they believed that they were doing a good thing. They thought that they were serving their COUNTRY! These are just their leaders who led them astray. But it doesn't make these terrorists bad.

[/ QUOTE ]

My prediction for his response:

"LOL now you are comparing American soldiers to Muslim terrorists I can tell you are a loony I'm done posting in this thread" as the point you are trying to make is conveniently ignored.

11-11-2007, 08:48 AM
I predict a backpedal and semantic quibbling when we mention his original post about how David's "OWN" fight to protect his freedom.

But who's up at this hour anyway? Are you already at the point in med school where you aren't allowed to sleep?

11-11-2007, 08:56 AM
Interesting facts I have learnt from this thread:

- Preferring to help one person over another on the basis of that person's actions or character makes one a "sociopath".

- There is such a thing as "white people in general".

- Americans are more deserving of help than other people by virtue of being Americans.

- If someone believes they are fighting for their country, that automatically means they are "defending their country's freedom", regardless of who they are fighting or why they are fighting them.

- One can draw analogies between Vietnam veterans and the 9/11 terrorists because the terrorists were "fighting for their country". Saudi Arabia?

- Politics belongs in SMP.

11-11-2007, 09:20 AM
Interesting facts I have learnt from this thread:

- Preferring to help one person over another on the basis of that person's actions or character makes one a "sociopath".

- There is such a thing as "white people in general".

- Americans are more deserving of help than other people by virtue of being Americans.

- If someone believes they are fighting for their country, that automatically means they are "defending their country's freedom", regardless of who they are fighting or why they are fighting them.

- One can draw analogies between Vietnam veterans and the 9/11 terrorists because the terrorists were "fighting for their country". Saudi Arabia?

- Politics belongs in SMP.

[/ QUOTE ]
You missed one;

People forced to fight by governments are automatically defending their countries freedom.


11-11-2007, 09:20 AM
I predict a backpedal and semantic quibbling when we mention his original post about how David's "OWN" fight to protect his freedom.

But who's up at this hour anyway? Are you already at the point in med school where you aren't allowed to sleep?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. I am posting from the student lounge at 8 am on a Sunday. My life pretty much sucks.

11-11-2007, 07:16 PM
It seems that Sklansky prefers helping others rather than his own

[/ QUOTE ]

"His own?" Because they happen to live in relative close geographic proximity, they're "his own?" [censored]. A smart, rational person in Bangladesh has much more in common with David than a dumb [censored] in Vegas.

Hell, a good proportion of my "own" would string me up just for my sexual preferences or religious beliefs.

even when his own are just as needy as others.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bwahaha. Americans are "just as needy" as Bangladeshi now?

HIS OWN fight to ensure that he has the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

No. Not in the last 60 years has any American fought to ensure the freedom of other Americans. (Or to ensure freedom at all IMO). Even back then, it was the British and the Soviets who did all the work. And now the Europeans have much more freedom than we do.

Yet he prefers not to help them. Yeah he isnt a sociopath. Right.

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG he's not a jingoistic [censored]! Clearly he's suffering from APD!

[/ QUOTE ]



We all owe a debt to the russians who are seldom remembered. Their dead outnumber any other nation's starkly.

11-12-2007, 06:53 AM
They thought that they were serving their COUNTRY

[/ QUOTE ]

And what Country is that?


11-12-2007, 07:01 AM
People forced to fight by governments are automatically defending their countries freedom.

[/ QUOTE ]

In the U.S. we have an all volunteer military. No one is forced to enlist. American soldiers volunteer to Defend this country and its citizens (freedom). If you don't understand that you do not understand the U.S. Military. I do not claim to understand the motives of soldiers in other countries but in this country they serve and they die for our freedom. You can critisize if you like but that is with out a doubt the truth!


11-12-2007, 07:08 AM
People forced to fight by governments are automatically defending their countries freedom.

[/ QUOTE ]

In the U.S. we have an all volunteer military. No one is forced to enlist. American soldiers volunteer to Defend this country and its citizens (freedom). If you don't understand that you do not understand the U.S. Military. I do not claim to understand the motives of soldiers in other countries but in this country they serve and they die for our freedom. You can critisize if you like but that is with out a doubt the truth!


[/ QUOTE ]

ummm...pretty sure he was responding to your stance on the soldiers who died in vietnam. Who are you to determine what they were fighting for when many of them did not voluntarily join the military?

11-12-2007, 07:30 AM
ummm...pretty sure he was responding to your stance on the soldiers who died in vietnam. Who are you to determine what they were fighting for when many of them did not voluntarily join the military?

[/ QUOTE ]

What! This is certainly nonsense. I entered the U.s military in 1965. I retired from the militaty in 1985. Even during the Vietnam War soldiers that were drafted and did not leave the country but entered the military believed they were doing so in Defense of Freedom. Freedom not only for the Vietnamese people but for the free world. They served, fought and died for that belief. Now was that a hundred percent of those soldiers? I don't know. I don't speak for all of them, you are correct. But I knew and served with quite a few during the entire Vietnam War and I can tell you those I served with believed our leaders when they told s we were protecting our country's freedom and the freedom of the free world. For the record, I was in the U.S air force during the war but did not serve in Vietnam.

There were many who did not serve and left the country to avoid the draft. Those that stayed understood the need for the draft and accepted that their country needed them They too could have left this country and not served. They didn't. They were not forced to stay and fight. Their country did not force them to stay. They did it of their own free will.


11-12-2007, 07:33 AM

most of those that went to Vietnam were misled whether volunteers or draftees. It is even more so with the Iraq war. The lies of the administration are obvios and thankfully the majority of US citizens are realizing it!

11-12-2007, 07:50 AM
most of those that went to Vietnam were misled whether volunteers or draftees. It is even more so with the Iraq war.

[/ QUOTE ]

What's your point?


11-12-2007, 07:54 AM
What! This is certainly nonsense. I entered the U.s military in 1965. I retired from the militaty in 1985. Even during the Vietnam War soldiers that were drafted and did not leave the country but entered the military believed they were doing so in Defense of Freedom. Freedom not only for the Vietnamese people but for the free world. They served, fought and died for that belief.

[/ QUOTE ]

Expanding your post. Belief and truth can be very far apart! And I am sure that any true believer in USA, and other countries, ideals, would rather know the truth than be deceived.

11-12-2007, 08:23 AM
When faced with two extreme versions of truth, I usually find that the real truth is somewhere in the murky middle.

Now all my experience is just anecdotal evidence, but I'll admit it is a principle I live by. I truly do enjoy being a moderate.

11-12-2007, 08:42 AM
David Sklansky is not a sociopath! He is, as I have always believed, a good guy!


11-12-2007, 08:46 AM
David Sklansky is not a sociopath! He is, as I have always believed, a good guy!


[/ QUOTE ]

Elegant, and point taken. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

11-12-2007, 12:59 PM
ummm...pretty sure he was responding to your stance on the soldiers who died in vietnam. Who are you to determine what they were fighting for when many of them did not voluntarily join the military?

[/ QUOTE ]

What! This is certainly nonsense. I entered the U.s military in 1965. I retired from the militaty in 1985. Even during the Vietnam War soldiers that were drafted and did not leave the country but entered the military believed they were doing so in Defense of Freedom. Freedom not only for the Vietnamese people but for the free world. They served, fought and died for that belief. Now was that a hundred percent of those soldiers? I don't know. I don't speak for all of them, you are correct. But I knew and served with quite a few during the entire Vietnam War and I can tell you those I served with believed our leaders when they told s we were protecting our country's freedom and the freedom of the free world. For the record, I was in the U.S air force during the war but did not serve in Vietnam.

There were many who did not serve and left the country to avoid the draft. Those that stayed understood the need for the draft and accepted that their country needed them They too could have left this country and not served. They didn't. They were not forced to stay and fight. Their country did not force them to stay. They did it of their own free will.


[/ QUOTE ]Could you describe the process of brainwash and indoctranation the US military put you thru?

11-12-2007, 01:02 PM
I usually spend the first few minutes of my waking hours watching CNN Headline News. I don't believe there is any other source that offers exactly what they do. A quick summary of what is happening now, pretty much repeating every twenty minutes or so.

[/ QUOTE ]

You will know more of what is happening around the world in less time if you just visit the following websites.

CNN (http://www.cnn.com/)
FOXNEWS (http://www.foxnews.com/)
BBC (http://news.bbc.co.uk/)

You're less likely to be captivated by garbage news when you get your news from a written source.


[/ QUOTE ]


11-12-2007, 02:32 PM

You will know more of what is happening around the world in less time if you just visit the following websites.

FOXNEWS (http://www.foxnews.com/)

[/ QUOTE ]

do yourself a favor and skip fox "news"

11-12-2007, 05:21 PM
Could you describe the process of brainwash and indoctranation the US military put you thru?

[/ QUOTE ]

And what would that have to do with anything? Once I became a big boy I decided what I would chose to believe or not believe. I chose the truth. How about you?


11-12-2007, 05:29 PM
Could you describe the process of brainwash and indoctranation the US military put you thru?

[/ QUOTE ]

And what would that have to do with anything? Once I became a big boy I decided what I would chose to believe or not believe. I chose the truth. How about you?


[/ QUOTE ]How about me, what? I'm gonna believe that you are not only a troll, but also a liar. And put you on ignore. I'm sure I'm gonna miss out on lots of "truths", about everyone that went to vietnam was there voluntarily. Give me a break sun. You have no idea what you are talking about.

11-12-2007, 05:42 PM
you are not only a troll, but also a liar

[/ QUOTE ]

Troll...o.k. But not a liar.

about everyone that went to vietnam was there voluntarily.

[/ QUOTE ]

Never said that. Never said that everyone that entered the military during the vietnam war did so voluntarily. They did have a choice though. Muhammed Ali is a prime example of exercising his choice not to go. Others fled the country. What has that got to do with whether those that served believed they were serving their country and fighting for freedom. I know that much. My guess is that you might be angry because you feel guilty for not doing the same as those that protect you.
Please feel free to x me out. That is your right. The right amecican soldiers have always vowed to and given their lives so you may do so.


11-12-2007, 06:48 PM
When faced with two extreme versions of truth, I usually find that the real truth is somewhere in the murky middle.

Now all my experience is just anecdotal evidence, but I'll admit it is a principle I live by. I truly do enjoy being a moderate.

[/ QUOTE ]

We had a thread about this once. The consensus was that truth is rarely in the middle. Of course, there were some dissenters.

I believe the truth is almost always either at one extreme or something nobody had even thought of. It's only in the middle in very limited cases.

Do you really find that the truth is usually in the middle, or does this just seem like a common-sense assumption to you?

11-12-2007, 08:53 PM
I don't think you're correct, avoiding the draft wasn't easy for many and many who could avoid it did. But assuming you're correct, is it a good thing that you so willingly fight these wars and blindly support your leaders?

put another way, how badly conceived and ineptly run would a war have to be before you would oppose it?


11-12-2007, 08:55 PM
Could you describe the process of brainwash and indoctranation the US military put you thru?

[/ QUOTE ]

And what would that have to do with anything? Once I became a big boy I decided what I would chose to believe or not believe. I chose the truth. How about you?


[/ QUOTE ]

You believe that what soldiers BELIEVE they are fighting for is exactly what they really ARE fighting for. This seems like "the truth" to you?

11-12-2007, 08:57 PM
you are not only a troll, but also a liar

[/ QUOTE ]

Troll...o.k. But not a liar.

about everyone that went to vietnam was there voluntarily.

[/ QUOTE ]

Never said that. Never said that everyone that entered the military during the vietnam war did so voluntarily. They did have a choice though. Muhammed Ali is a prime example of exercising his choice not to go. Others fled the country. What has that got to do with whether those that served believed they were serving their country and fighting for freedom. I know that much. My guess is that you might be angry because you feel guilty for not doing the same as those that protect you.
Please feel free to x me out. That is your right. The right amecican soldiers have always vowed to and given their lives so you may do so.


[/ QUOTE ]


Madnak never said that all soliders joined up to kill babies.

11-12-2007, 08:58 PM
I don't think you're correct, avoiding the draft wasn't easy for many and many who could avoid it did. But assuming you're correct, is it a good thing that you so willingly fight these wars and blindly support your leaders?

put another way, how badly conceived and ineptly run would a war have to be before you would oppose it?


[/ QUOTE ]

Thats dangerous hippie pinko talk.

11-13-2007, 12:29 AM
I don't think you're correct, avoiding the draft wasn't easy

[/ QUOTE ]

Who said it was easy?

many who could avoid it did

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, and many didn't. It is the many that didn't that we are talkng about.

is it a good thing that you so willingly fight these wars .....?

[/ QUOTE ]

So willingly fight wars? Is there something I've said anywhere that leads you to believe that soldiers willing fight wars. In my experience noone seeks and desires peace more than a soldier that has to fight the War.

and blindly support your leaders

[/ QUOTE ]

An interesting way to put things. Because I and others chose to serve our country does not mean we blindly followed anyone. This sounds like a comment from someone not in search of the truth but someone who has a distate for the U.S. government.

how badly conceived and ineptly run would a war have to be before you would oppose it?

[/ QUOTE ]

I oppose all war. I do however, support those that fight the wars we wage. We being the U.S. I am a U.S. citizen. Our military performs a function that w the citizens of the U.S ask them to perform. Some even give their lives for us. Supporting U.S. soldiers is what I've been talking about not the wars their leaders get them into. You seem to want to turn this into a discussion about war.


11-13-2007, 12:44 AM

I don't think you're correct, avoiding the draft wasn't easy


Who said it was easy?

[/ QUOTE ]
You said those who fought fought willingly, that would only be true if it were easy not to fight.


many who could avoid it did


Yes, and many didn't. It is the many that didn't that we are talkng about.

[/ QUOTE ]
Supports the above, if many who could easily avoid the draft did avoid it then it suggest that many of those who fought and couldn't easily avoid the draft would have avoided it if it were easy and hence weren't willingly fighting.


is it a good thing that you so willingly fight these wars .....?


So willingly fight wars? Is there something I've said anywhere that leads you to believe that soldiers willing fight wars.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, you said people fought of their own free will.


and blindly support your leaders


An interesting way to put things. Because I and others chose to serve our country does not mean we blindly followed anyone. This sounds like a comment from someone not in search of the truth but someone who has a distate for the U.S. government.

[/ QUOTE ]
So you think its okay to refuse to support a war, good we agree. How about opposing a war is that okay? Don't start with the distaste argument again, its nothing to do with America past or present.


how badly conceived and ineptly run would a war have to be before you would oppose it?


I oppose all war. I do however, support those that fight the wars we wage. We being the U.S. I am a U.S. citizen. Our military performs a function that w the citizens of the U.S ask them to perform. Some even give their lives for us. Supporting U.S. soldiers is what I've been talking about not the wars their leaders get them into. You seem to want to turn this into a discussion about war.

[/ QUOTE ]
No im happy to support people who fight, one such support is to oppose stupid wars so that they don't have to fight in the first place.

I thought you were confusing support for the war with support for the troops, sorry if I'm mistaken but its very common to claim that those opoposing a war aren't supporting the troops. So its okay with you for an American to oppose a war being fought by America because they consider it inept, ill-conceived and not worthy of the sacrifices being made by the troops.


11-13-2007, 12:57 AM
I oppose all war. I do however, support those that fight the wars we wage. We being the U.S. I am a U.S. citizen. Our military performs a function that w the citizens of the U.S ask them to perform. Some even give their lives for us. Supporting U.S. soldiers is what I've been talking about not the wars their leaders get them into. You seem to want to turn this into a discussion about war.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's the backpedal. You accused David of being a sociopath because he didn't stand with those who fight to protect his freedoms. I said US soldiers don't fight to protect American freedoms, so your criticism of David makes no sense. Now somehow we've gone from arguing about whether soldiers fight to protect our freedoms to whether soldiers believe they're protecting our freedoms.

Not happening. We're discussing whether they are protecting our freedom, not whether they think they are. David ows them nothing because they think they're protecting him.

Commence semantic quibbling...

11-13-2007, 01:44 AM
I oppose all war. I do however, support those that fight the wars we wage. We being the U.S. I am a U.S. citizen. Our military performs a function that w the citizens of the U.S ask them to perform. Some even give their lives for us. Supporting U.S. soldiers is what I've been talking about not the wars their leaders get them into. You seem to want to turn this into a discussion about war.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's the backpedal. You accused David of being a sociopath because he didn't stand with those who fight to protect his freedoms. I said US soldiers don't fight to protect American freedoms, so your criticism of David makes no sense. Now somehow we've gone from arguing about whether soldiers fight to protect our freedoms to whether soldiers believe they're protecting our freedoms.

Not happening. We're discussing whether they are protecting our freedom, not whether they think they are. David ows them nothing because they think they're protecting him.

Commence semantic quibbling...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I've tried to make this point in each of my last 4 or 5 posts and he, for some reason, fails to respond to them. It is actually quite a superb manipulation of the discussion on his part, however. It takes a deft approach to get from complaining about wars of aggression to spitting in the face of those who sacrifice life and limb so quickly.

11-13-2007, 02:07 AM
He probably has you on ignore because you're an ill-informed idiot.

11-13-2007, 02:08 AM
He probably has you on ignore because you're an ill-informed idiot.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is true but how else am I supposed to learn?

11-13-2007, 03:25 AM
I don't know, I'll let you know when he's done "learning" me.

David Sklansky
11-13-2007, 04:05 AM
I oppose all war. I do however, support those that fight the wars we wage. We being the U.S. I am a U.S. citizen. Our military performs a function that w the citizens of the U.S ask them to perform. Some even give their lives for us. Supporting U.S. soldiers is what I've been talking about not the wars their leaders get them into. You seem to want to turn this into a discussion about war.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's the backpedal. You accused David of being a sociopath because he didn't stand with those who fight to protect his freedoms. I said US soldiers don't fight to protect American freedoms, so your criticism of David makes no sense. Now somehow we've gone from arguing about whether soldiers fight to protect our freedoms to whether soldiers believe they're protecting our freedoms.

Not happening. We're discussing whether they are protecting our freedom, not whether they think they are. David ows them nothing because they think they're protecting him.

Commence semantic quibbling...

[/ QUOTE ]You are mischaracterizing my position. My original post was indicating disgust toward people who make little attempt to better themselves but still have a nice life because they live in a rich country. I went on to say that if they got into hot water, I would have less sympathy for them than I would someone from a poor country who was trying a lot harder. Then, merely as an aside, I mentioned that my feelings wouldn't be swayed if they tried to get more sympathy and help by pointing out that their GRAND father fought in World War II. I could have just as easily used some other silly plea, such as that they cry during sad movies. My post had nothing to do with soldiers etc.

11-13-2007, 04:29 AM
When faced with two extreme versions of truth, I usually find that the real truth is somewhere in the murky middle.

Now all my experience is just anecdotal evidence, but I'll admit it is a principle I live by. I truly do enjoy being a moderate.

[/ QUOTE ]

We had a thread about this once. The consensus was that truth is rarely in the middle. Of course, there were some dissenters.

I believe the truth is almost always either at one extreme or something nobody had even thought of. It's only in the middle in very limited cases.

Do you really find that the truth is usually in the middle, or does this just seem like a common-sense assumption to you?

[/ QUOTE ]

It is more a reflection that in politics debating people often tend to polarize into extremes for the wrong reasons, but even so both sides may touch important points in the issue.

Maybe a better way of saying it is that I rarely buy into in a truth that is presented without room for disagreement or compromise. Such bias is often a sign of not being able to question your own viewpoint.

11-13-2007, 05:16 AM
My post had nothing to do with soldiers etc.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not saying it did. Vintage said that you should always choose Americans over Bangladeshi, because they are your own kind. He used soldiers to support this argument.

The only thing relevant about your position is that you would help people based on merit rather than country of origin.

11-13-2007, 05:25 AM
You are mischaracterizing my position.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes I understand that.

My post had nothing to do with soldiers etc.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whether or not it was your intention, you did use soldiers (WWII) to emphasize your position. A sensitive subject to me especially on Veterans Day.

My original post was indicating disgust toward people who make little attempt to better themselves but still have a nice life because they live in a rich country. I went on to say that if they got into hot water, I would have less sympathy for them than I would someone from a poor country who was trying a lot harder

[/ QUOTE ]

What you said was and I am paraphrasing, You would help some poor Bangladesh kid who was stuggling rather than some lazy fellow. I assume you mean some lazy fellow countryman. Then you made a comment adding something like that even if his Grand father had served in WWII it would not sway your decision. Now you can weasel your way out of this and say you didn't mean anything by it but you did use a soldier to emphasize your point.

You said his Grand Father being a soldier was irrelevant.

I could have just as easily used some other silly plea, such as that they cry during sad movies

[/ QUOTE ]

Other silly plea? Well, excuse me but I don't consider ancestoral pride as a silly plea. Certainly not an excuse for laziness but it just may be a reason for a bit of consideration when down and out. That's all I was saying.

Quite frankly the way you explain your position here one has to wonder why you would bring it up. It really makes no sense and is not very important. Had you discussed the merits of Oprah Winfree building a girls school in Africa instead of Chicago we might have had some important points to discuss.


11-13-2007, 05:28 AM
It is more a reflection that in politics debating people often tend to polarize into extremes for the wrong reasons, but even so both sides may touch important points in the issue.

Maybe a better way of saying it is that I rarely buy into in a truth that is presented without room for disagreement or compromise. Such bias is often a sign of not being able to question your own viewpoint.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll grant that.

I think a lot of people take the position of "look at this end of the spectrum, look at that end of the spectrum, the truth must be right in the middle!" I have issues with that approach.

11-13-2007, 05:28 AM
Vintage said that you should always choose Americans over Bangladeshi

[/ QUOTE ]

How about finding the quote where I said or implied this. When you can't find it how about an apology.


11-13-2007, 05:56 AM
How about finding the quote where I said or implied this. When you can't find it how about an apology.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, and you never said David was a sociopath. You actually said he wasn't a sociopath.

I have the understanding of context necessary to identify the general thrust of a coherent post.

Look, we all know you criticized David because he chose a Bangladeshi over an American on the basis of merit. I grant that "always" is strong, I doubt you'd support an American serial killer over a Bangladeshi Nobel laureate, but your point was pretty clear. You suggested that David should have favored the less-deserving American over the more-deserving Bangladeshi because we should "stick together" and the American is one of "his own." Nobody is going to forget that because you troll it up. Just to refresh the memory, your original posts:

And even in your (silly) case one can argue that helping the American citizen when a misfortune befalls them is far better than helping someone in Bangladesh that you have no connection with, other than both of you being humans. WE are Americans. We accept the American way of life. We stand together. etc, etc, etc, if you would prefer helping foreigners to Americans perhaps you should move to Bangladesh.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is not an arguement on the value of human life. It is an arguement of priorities. It seems that Sklansky prefers helping others rather than his own even when his own are just as needy as others. He has the right to do that. HIS OWN fight to ensure that he has the right. Yet he prefers not to help them. Yeah he isnt a sociopath. Right.

[/ QUOTE ]

(Does anyone think those last two sentences are anything but sarcastic? Anyone? No, put your hand down vintage, anyone else?)

11-13-2007, 06:25 AM
If you call me another name I will not respond to you again, ever. I referring to you use of "troll". If you think I am trolling then please turn me in to the moderator or dont read my posts. Sklansky knows me personally. If he wants me to stop posting all he has to do is ask or have Matt issue a ban.

Look, we all know you criticized David because he chose a Bangladeshi over an American on the basis of merit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Absolutely false. You cannot keep things straight now can you. Sklansky used a WWII grand father in his scenario to emphasize his position. He said (paraphrased) that he would not give any weight to helping the lazy bum just because his Grand Father fought in WWII. That is what I took exception with. That is why I said he should consider his own first becasue that Grandfather fought to keep Amecians free. I stand by that.

Yeah, and you never said David was a sociopath. You actually said he wasn't a sociopath

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. I did in a sarcastic way call him a sociopath. I meant it to because he discounted the WWII soldier's role in his scenario. I never said I didn't.

I want an apology because I am accused os saying that I thought he should favor Americans over Bangladehi's regardlees of the reason. I never said nor implied that.


11-13-2007, 06:52 AM
If you call me another name I will not respond to you again, ever. I referring to you use of "troll". If you think I am trolling then please turn me in to the moderator or dont read my posts. Sklansky knows me personally. If he wants me to stop posting all he has to do is ask or have Matt issue a ban.

[/ QUOTE ]

I said you're "trolling it up." Not that you're a troll, but that you're acting like one. I think you're positioning yourself based on the flow of the thread in order to jazz things up or support your ego, basically. I think your contributions to the forum are interesting and I have no desire to see you banned (nor do I think you're breaking any rules - you're not trolling to that extent).

But this is a good example of why I think you're playing up your responses. Here you act offended at a glancing reference, but when Doug said...

you are not only a troll, but also a liar

[/ QUOTE ]

...you responded...

Troll...o.k. But not a liar.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why is your response to my aggressive tone stronger than your response to his direct accusation?

I want an apology because I am accused os saying that I thought he should favor Americans over Bangladehi's regardlees of the reason. I never said nor implied that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough. I apologize, I didn't recognize the importance of the veteran status in the grandfather example. I thought you were referring to a family history in the US, not to fighting in WW2.

In terms of the argument this strikes me as splitting hairs, but the discussion has clearly soured so I think we should "agree to disagree."

11-13-2007, 07:09 AM
Why is your response to my aggressive tone stronger than your response to his direct accusation?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't like him. Besides what if anything has he contributed to this Forum anywhere? So who cares if he X's me. You on the other hand post, try, and contribute meaningfully and I don't want a pissing contest to start with you. My method was a bit over the top, I admit but that's me.



11-13-2007, 07:19 AM
That's cool. I like feisty debate, so I tend to escalate. I misread your earlier comment as a snide remark, so I was pretty arrogant in my tone. If I'd realized it was a sincere request for an apology I'd have responded differently. I'm sorry to have been unpleasant, I really didn't mean any offense.

11-13-2007, 02:13 PM
You are mischaracterizing my position.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes I understand that.

My post had nothing to do with soldiers etc.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whether or not it was your intention, you did use soldiers (WWII) to emphasize your position. A sensitive subject to me especially on Veterans Day.

My original post was indicating disgust toward people who make little attempt to better themselves but still have a nice life because they live in a rich country. I went on to say that if they got into hot water, I would have less sympathy for them than I would someone from a poor country who was trying a lot harder

[/ QUOTE ]

What you said was and I am paraphrasing, You would help some poor Bangladesh kid who was stuggling rather than some lazy fellow. I assume you mean some lazy fellow countryman. Then you made a comment adding something like that even if his Grand father had served in WWII it would not sway your decision. Now you can weasel your way out of this and say you didn't mean anything by it but you did use a soldier to emphasize your point.

You said his Grand Father being a soldier was irrelevant.

I could have just as easily used some other silly plea, such as that they cry during sad movies

[/ QUOTE ]

Other silly plea? Well, excuse me but I don't consider ancestoral pride as a silly plea. Certainly not an excuse for laziness but it just may be a reason for a bit of consideration when down and out. That's all I was saying.

Quite frankly the way you explain your position here one has to wonder why you would bring it up. It really makes no sense and is not very important. Had you discussed the merits of Oprah Winfree building a girls school in Africa instead of Chicago we might have had some important points to discuss.


[/ QUOTE ]


Leaky Eye
11-13-2007, 02:40 PM
You are mischaracterizing my position. My original post was indicating disgust toward people who make little attempt to better themselves but still have a nice life because they live in a rich country. I went on to say that if they got into hot water, I would have less sympathy for them than I would someone from a poor country who was trying a lot harder. Then, merely as an aside, I mentioned that my feelings wouldn't be swayed if they tried to get more sympathy and help by pointing out that their GRAND father fought in World War II. I could have just as easily used some other silly plea, such as that they cry during sad movies. My post had nothing to do with soldiers etc.

[/ QUOTE ]

You chose the audience of CNN Headline news as a representative sample of who exactly? They target their programming towards people who are inclined to watch it to begin with, and you are a member of that group.