View Full Version : How is ID meant to work?

03-06-2006, 04:41 PM
Say there is some animal body feature that someone who believes in ID rather than evolution says came about vvia ID. How does the ID influence manifest itself?

Take peacock tail feathers someone posted as an example of ID, but it could be anything considered ID produced.

Does the animal with this body feature suddenly (or slowly!) appear out of nothin Does the intelligence alter the sperm/egg to produce the new design for whatever purose the intelligence has in mind. Or someother way? Just how do you ID supoporters believe the intelligent design appears on the earth?

03-06-2006, 09:04 PM
how do you ID supoporters believe the intelligent design appears on the earth?

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Because there is clear evidence of design, obviously.

Take, for example, feta cheese. Feta cheese is amazing; an amazing combination of saltiness, bitterness, deliciousness and goatiness, all packed into a tiny little crumbly white chunk. It is not only delicious by itself, it also has physical properties possessed by no other substance that can be found on earth. Or example, feta cheese can turn a salad into a Greek salad. Truly remarkable indeed!

Feta cheese is, quite simply, a miracle. Science cannot explain why it is so amazingly delicious. It has stood the test of time. You might even say that its....perfect?

The fact is, no human or random chance could design such an amazing thing as feta cheese. The probability of it happening by chance alone is 0.00000000000000000000000001%...seems pretty unlikely, huh? Clearly, something had to design it.

Oh, and there's no evidence for the big bang, for evolution, or heliocentricism.

03-06-2006, 09:15 PM
Feta cheese is, quite simply, a miracle.

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Interesting assertion.

Though not quite the position I would have taken, it sure beats a “differential reproductive success” explanation.

03-06-2006, 09:20 PM
Feta cheese is, quite simply, a miracle.

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I really wish there were no God, because I hate feta cheese.

03-06-2006, 09:57 PM
Feta cheese is, quite simply, a miracle.

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I really wish there were no God, because I hate feta cheese.

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You are so going to hell

03-07-2006, 12:09 AM
Feta cheese is, quite simply, a miracle.

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I really wish there were no God, because I hate feta cheese.

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Feta omlettes rule. I'm gonna have to start buying more of it.

You are so going to hell

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03-07-2006, 01:30 AM
Feta cheese is, quite simply, a miracle.

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I really wish there were no God, because I hate feta cheese.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are so going to hell

[/ QUOTE ]

Better to reign in hell than to be served feta in heaven.

03-07-2006, 01:59 AM
Better to reign in hell than to be served feta in heaven.

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I think being served feta is hell.

03-07-2006, 03:04 AM
Feta cheese is, quite simply, a miracle.

[/ QUOTE ]

I really wish there were no God, because I hate feta cheese.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are so going to hell

[/ QUOTE ]

Better to reign in hell than to be served feta in heaven.

[/ QUOTE ]

Funniest thing i have read in months.

03-07-2006, 03:23 AM
"A feature that is adaptive today may not be tomorrow. So natural selection often finds itself amending outmoded features. This ongoing adjustment to circumstances can give organic life a certain jerry-built quality. (It's the reason most people have back trouble; if you were designing a walking organism from scratch rather than incrementally adapting a former tree-dweller, you would never have built such bad backs." (robert wright)

03-07-2006, 03:30 AM
Neither would you design the eye as the human eye is, with a blind spot in the center of vision!

03-07-2006, 03:46 AM
"A feature that is adaptive today may not be tomorrow. So natural selection often finds itself amending outmoded features. This ongoing adjustment to circumstances can give organic life a certain jerry-built quality. (It's the reason most people have back trouble; if you were designing a walking organism from scratch rather than incrementally adapting a former tree-dweller, you would never have built such bad backs." (robert wright)

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The capacity for making Brie de Meaux, on the other hand, seems to have been adapted without dysfunction from the lower apes, thanks to the refined pallet of the evolutionary selection process.

Marko Schmarko
03-07-2006, 04:13 AM
Is anyone planning on actually answering OP's question?

Does the animal with this body feature suddenly (or slowly!) appear out of nothin Does the intelligence alter the sperm/egg to produce the new design for whatever purose the intelligence has in mind. Or someother way? Just how do you ID supoporters believe the intelligent design appears on the earth?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's an interesting question, and I'm curious.

03-07-2006, 04:48 AM
ID doesn't deserve a serious response

03-07-2006, 08:20 AM
I don't think the great designer would have designed the egg and sperm. I think he would have worked on the end product.
I also think of transitional animals like the butterfly, these different stages were thought up and put in place. That freaky fish that emits light in the deep of the ocean. The brightly coloured fish where there is no light to see it..
God's just a bit eccentric, I imagine him enjoying painting or speaking these things into existence.. Of course no one will understand how he did this...
He could of taken millions of years to design an animal.. I don't really care, no-one can know.

03-07-2006, 02:37 PM
Is anyone planning on actually answering OP's question?

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The details of the appearance of the species haven’t been established through any method.

03-07-2006, 05:07 PM
I don't think the great designer would have designed the egg and sperm. I think he would have worked on the end product.
I also think of transitional animals like the butterfly, these different stages were thought up and put in place. That freaky fish that emits light in the deep of the ocean. The brightly coloured fish where there is no light to see it..
God's just a bit eccentric, I imagine him enjoying painting or speaking these things into existence.. Of course no one will understand how he did this...
He could of taken millions of years to design an animal.. I don't really care, no-one can know.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup, that's the answer. Don't think about whether there's any scientific basis for ID, just blindly believe and never question it. Our puny human minds cannot possibly fathom the will of God. Bla bla bla...

03-08-2006, 07:47 AM
That's not what I said, it was a very specific question.. I wasn't making a case for ID..

I can see how evolution 'frees' people of religious ideas, I see how just accepting this 'theory' is so satisfying. It's science! "I'm not capable of thought or search my self, I'll just believe that". This blind gullable belief works both ways, it's just the theist isn't so proud in my experience.
It's stupid to just accept anything..period. Why should we be able to understand the complexity of life? Does it make you feel more enlightened or superior to me because you have answers...

03-08-2006, 08:33 AM
I can see how evolution 'frees' people of religious ideas

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You got is arse about dude, evolution doesn't impose a religious idea... nothing does that except ignorance.

03-08-2006, 08:37 AM
It's stupid to just accept anything..period. Why should we be able to understand the complexity of life? Does it make you feel more enlightened or superior to me because you have answers...

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It just happens to turn out that we can understand how complexity arises from simple processes. Whats more it turns out to be very simple and easy to understand, so simple that it takes real determination to fail to understand it.

There are lots of hard problems that are beyond easy understanding and possibly beyond any understanding but the existence of complexity isn't one of them.


03-08-2006, 08:43 AM
It just happens to turn out that we can understand how complexity arises from simple processes. Whats more it turns out to be very simple and easy to understand, so simple that it takes real determination to fail to understand it.

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03-08-2006, 04:50 PM
how do you ID supoporters believe the intelligent design appears on the earth?

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Because there is clear evidence of design, obviously.

Take, for example, feta cheese. Feta cheese is amazing; an amazing combination of saltiness, bitterness, deliciousness and goatiness, all packed into a tiny little crumbly white chunk. It is not only delicious by itself, it also has physical properties possessed by no other substance that can be found on earth. Or example, feta cheese can turn a salad into a Greek salad. Truly remarkable indeed!

Feta cheese is, quite simply, a miracle. Science cannot explain why it is so amazingly delicious. It has stood the test of time. You might even say that its....perfect?

The fact is, no human or random chance could design such an amazing thing as feta cheese. The probability of it happening by chance alone is 0.00000000000000000000000001%...seems pretty unlikely, huh? Clearly, something had to design it.

Oh, and there's no evidence for the big bang, for evolution, or heliocentricism.

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My post is asking believers in ID HOW they think a new design does or might come into being. I'm not asking them to explain why they think their belief is reasonable or justified. An edit now I see`the sarcasm..but useful to elucidate my post as no ID supporter has apparantly replied

03-08-2006, 05:16 PM
Does it make you feel more enlightened or superior to me because you have answers...

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Yes, it does.

03-08-2006, 05:22 PM

I can see how religion 'frees' people of scientific ideas, I see how just accepting this 'creation story is so satisfying. It's the bible! "I'm not capable of thought or search my self, I'll just believe that". This blind gullable belief works both ways, it's just the skeptic isn't so proud in my experience.

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It's stupid to just accept anything..period. Why should we be able to understand the complexity of life?

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We've developed an understanding of physics, chemisty, biology, psychology etc. through the same empirical observations and syntheses that is superior to those known during biblical times.

If you don't make an attempt to understand things through investigative analysis (which is basically what science is), then aren't you limiting yourself to "just accepting anything?"

Does it make you feel more enlightened or superior to me because you have answers...

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I can't think of a better reason to feel more enlightened.