View Full Version : Harvard Conference Announcement

11-06-2007, 12:41 PM
Harvard Law School's Global Poker Strategic Thinking Society is hosting a conference this Saturday entitled "Innovative Thinking: The Educational Value of Poker" featuring Jim McManus, Mike Sexton, and Dr. Alan Schoonmaker.

The conference will be a convening of academics, teachers, students, and other interested parties to analyze and discuss the educational value of poker. Jim McManus will present his new book “The History of Poker”, analyzing past American luminaries, from senators to presidents to generals, for whom poker has been a significant aspect of their education. Mike Sexton will discuss the explosion of the popularity of poker, the lessons that poker teaches, and the manner in which the intense popularity of poker makes it possible to reach students. Alan Schoonmaker will present his article, co-written with David Sklansky, “Poker is Good for You”, analyzing the lessons of poker. The conference will be open, and anyone interested in the study of poker and in investigating the utility of poker is encouraged to attend.

For more information or to register for the conference (it's free), visit http://gpsts.org/conference.

I'm very disappointed that I won't be able to attend this conference myself, and I very much hope that someone from 2+2 can bring back a thorough report.