View Full Version : Believing in the church

03-06-2006, 01:40 AM
I was brought up as a catholic. I went to a catholic gradeschool, and attended mass atleast twice a week. I believe in God and all of that stuff, but i just cant stand the catholic church. Ontop of all the child molesting priests, i just dont like their rules about how eating meat on a friday is a sin, or how not attending their church every sunday is a sin.

im just not buying what theyre selling. Your gonna tell me that a murderer, rapist, or a priest who molests kids, who comes to church every sunday follows the catholic church's rules is going to be forgiven by God, but then some guy who isnt a catholic but believes in God, and has been a kind person all his life, but doesnt follow the catholic church's rules is going to hell?

im not trying to doubt God or anything, but the catholic church is a joke IMHO.

03-06-2006, 08:21 AM
I have always said this,
If you are earnestly seeking God, it doesn't matter which church you are apart of.
But saying that, if you feel somethings wrong with a teaching or something's not sitting right, it's probably God talking.
As well, you must trust that God has justice sorted out. It's is easy to believe that he's bigger than it all. Well he made it, didn't he...

all the best.

03-06-2006, 08:24 AM
If you are earnestly seeking God, it doesn't matter which church you are apart of.
But saying that, if you feel somethings wrong with a teaching or something's not sitting right, it's probably reason talking.

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03-06-2006, 08:50 AM
I'm only new to this.

And fyp means...

03-06-2006, 08:51 AM
ah, fixed your post.
Clever me.

03-06-2006, 09:16 AM
I was brought up as a catholic. I went to a catholic gradeschool, and attended mass atleast twice a week. I believe in God and all of that stuff, but i just cant stand the catholic church. Ontop of all the child molesting priests, i just dont like their rules about how eating meat on a friday is a sin, or how not attending their church every sunday is a sin.

im just not buying what theyre selling. Your gonna tell me that a murderer, rapist, or a priest who molests kids, who comes to church every sunday follows the catholic church's rules is going to be forgiven by God, but then some guy who isnt a catholic but believes in God, and has been a kind person all his life, but doesnt follow the catholic church's rules is going to hell?

im not trying to doubt God or anything, but the catholic church is a joke IMHO.

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I am not Catholic, but I can see that you are twisting their teachings here.
If they think that not going to their church (etc) is a sin, that is not the same thing as saying that if you don’t go to their church you are going to hell.

03-06-2006, 09:25 AM
I am not Catholic, but I can see that you are twisting their teachings here.
If they think that not going to their church (etc) is a sin, that is not the same thing as saying that if you don’t go to their church you are going to hell.

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I am not sure if I should ask you, since you are not a catholic!! But I feel that catholics should either define exactly was would one do to deserve hell... like defying catholic beliefs or not so, In which case atheists or other denominations may have a chance.

By the way the same question applies to other denominations. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

03-06-2006, 10:06 AM
I am not Catholic, but I can see that you are twisting their teachings here.
If they think that not going to their church (etc) is a sin, that is not the same thing as saying that if you don’t go to their church you are going to hell.

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I am not sure if I should ask you, since you are not a catholic!! But I feel that catholics should either define exactly was would one do to deserve hell... like defying catholic beliefs or not so, In which case atheists or other denominations may have a chance.

By the way the same question applies to other denominations. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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I generally ignore you MidGe, because you are a troll, but I think you might be asking a legitimate question here.
Before I got married, I didn’t go to church. I probably would have been considered an agnostic at the time. So, the preacher insisted that we take pre-marriage counseling with him if he was going to marry us. I certainly had no problem with that, since anything to help our chances of a happy, forever lasting marriage was something I was up for.
He was a Pentecostal preacher that my wife knew through her job. I thought that was one of the more strange denominations since the girls all wear their hair really long and are not to wear pants, only long skirts. That was all I really knew about them.
So, as well as the counseling... I took the one on one opportunity to grill him with many of the same questions I see by the atheists here in this forum. It was enlightening to find out that I had been told, and told others, plenty of lies about “those Christians.”
I didn’t ask specifically about Catholics, but different denominations generally DO NOT believe that the other denominations are going to hell. That is misinformation passed around, perhaps even unknowingly.

03-06-2006, 02:22 PM
If you are earnestly seeking God, it doesn't matter which church you are apart of.
But saying that, if you feel somethings wrong with a teaching or something's not sitting right, it's probably reason talking.

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that's the best FYP I've seen all week /images/graemlins/smile.gif

03-06-2006, 04:49 PM
I have always said this,
If you are earnestly seeking God, it doesn't matter which church you are apart of.
But saying that, if you feel somethings wrong with a teaching or something's not sitting right, it's probably God talking.
As well, you must trust that God has justice sorted out. It's is easy to believe that he's bigger than it all. Well he made it, didn't he...

all the best.

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been burnt/executed for professing their Christianity by other Christians certain they Gcahnged His mind, or were Christians then talking a load of bull?

And no He didn't:)

03-06-2006, 05:04 PM
I've always thought Roman Catholicism was one of the more tolerant religions when it comes to other people's belief systems. A friend of mine is some wacky protestant denomination, and she says Ghandi is in hell. I don't think there's many Catholics who believe that.

03-07-2006, 12:54 AM

I am not sure if I should ask you, since you are not a catholic!! But I feel that catholics should either define exactly was would one do to deserve hell... like defying catholic beliefs or not so, In which case atheists or other denominations may have a chance.

By the way the same question applies to other denominations. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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From what I know of catholicism (no longer practising)...its that everyone is going to hell. People don't do things that get them sent to hell. Rather, people do things that lead god to save them. IE having absolute faith, asking for forgiveness, yada yada. Dunno if that helps at all.

As for believing in the church...I am against organized religion, as I honestly feel it is completely man-made and TOO many of the teachings come directly from man, and not from god. However, that doesn't believe I don't believe in god, because I do. I just separate organized religion with god.

03-07-2006, 01:15 AM
"The" Church. What about the Orthodox Christians and churches? Rome is one of 5 major Christian centers. The other 4 belong in the East and make up the still unified and original Orthodox Catholic churches. Their priests can marry and have children too. I think this is a key issue that helps bring stability to the Orthodox. Nothing is more powerful than family when it comes down to it.

03-07-2006, 08:29 AM
What are you referring to Trantor?

03-07-2006, 11:39 PM
I've always thought Roman Catholicism was one of the more tolerant religions when it comes to other people's belief systems. A friend of mine is some wacky protestant denomination, and she says Ghandi is in hell. I don't think there's many Catholics who believe that.

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How can you remain friends with someone so hateful?

03-08-2006, 12:07 AM
I was brought up as a catholic. I went to a catholic gradeschool, and attended mass atleast twice a week. I believe in God and all of that stuff, but i just cant stand the catholic church. Ontop of all the child molesting priests, i just dont like their rules about how eating meat on a friday is a sin, or how not attending their church every sunday is a sin.

im just not buying what theyre selling. Your gonna tell me that a murderer, rapist, or a priest who molests kids, who comes to church every sunday follows the catholic church's rules is going to be forgiven by God, but then some guy who isnt a catholic but believes in God, and has been a kind person all his life, but doesnt follow the catholic church's rules is going to hell?

im not trying to doubt God or anything, but the catholic church is a joke IMHO.

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I think you have misunderstood something. A few weeks ago I listened to the Bishop of my diocese say that it is possible that non-christians, perhaps even atheists, can be saved. It was something about the supremacy of personal conscience (I may have garbled that phrase a bit, but that's the gist of it).

03-08-2006, 12:25 AM
I am not sure if I should ask you, since you are not a catholic!! But I feel that catholics should either define exactly was would one do to deserve hell... like defying catholic beliefs or not so, In which case atheists or other denominations may have a chance.

By the way the same question applies to other denominations.

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You're not going to like this answer, but it is not for any human to decide who is saved and who is not. Thus, any christian who says he knows who will be saved and who will not is mistaken, IMHO.

03-08-2006, 12:42 AM

I think you have misunderstood something. A few weeks ago I listened to the Bishop of my diocese say that it is possible that non-christians, perhaps even atheists, can be saved.

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Gee, that gives me warm fuzzies. Did he then command his followers to flock to the 2+2 message boards to spread the Word?

03-08-2006, 10:33 AM

I think you have misunderstood something. A few weeks ago I listened to the Bishop of my diocese say that it is possible that non-christians, perhaps even atheists, can be saved.

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Gee, that gives me warm fuzzies. Did he then command his followers to flock to the 2+2 message boards to spread the Word?

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/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Umm... No.