View Full Version : how much do I suck at poker? 50k hands of microstakes

10-29-2007, 08:42 AM
I have played over 50k hands and I'm playing poker for 1 year.
I have payed 10 times in rake what I've gained from playing these hands.
here is my graph:
in BB:

I have also recorded a video of me playing:
video (http://rapidshare.com/files/63272530/krl.rar.html)

and here are some stats:

all levels http://aycu06.webshots.com/image/34005/2001227426635720683_rs.jpg

NL25 http://aycu22.webshots.com/image/32581/2001206485266330387_rs.jpg

pokerEV stats:
stars (NL50 and some 25 but not the stats above this)

everest poker EV (NL25)
http://aycu32.webshots.com/image/33431/2003954847307919840_rs.jpg http://aycu24.webshots.com/image/33983/2003963477204613943_rs.jpg

All input is more than welcome!

10-29-2007, 08:46 AM
PS: if you want more info or anything, ask!

10-29-2007, 08:49 AM
Do you have a style? You play:

50NL 18/13
50NL 31/6
20NL 22/12

That's incredibly different.

What's happening?

10-29-2007, 09:13 AM
I don't have a lot of 50NL hands, but I don't fixate me on those numbers either, should I?

10-29-2007, 09:47 AM
plz post your position stats (all levels, all hands in one table)

3.5BB/100 is good for the first 50k hands.

attempt to steal blinds is ... 20%. Thats nothing, you only steal when you have a hand. Learn to steal blinds and get it up to about 50%.

Your overall AgressionFactor(AF) needs to be higher. Chase less draws. Play them agressive (if you have foldequity). Use c-bets. Don't call a PFR oop and play fit or fold.
Your flop AF should be at least 4. Mine is between 7 and 10. Seldom call. Bet, raise or fold should be your standard. Don't trap with 2pair or better, simply bet and raise. This will kick it up.
Your Turn and River AF can be higher too.

Went to showdown is 38%. Thats waaaay too much. I guess you go too far with one pair hands and draws. This might be the reason why you win only 40% of the showdowns. Typical (for every style) is to win around 48 and 52% of the showdowns.

Voluntary put $ in pot (VP$iP)at NL10:
37% is very much. Play less hands. Raise if you do play.

your VP$iP and PFR% at NL25 6max look good.

please don't post stats from blind levels where you played less than 10k hands.

10-29-2007, 09:52 AM
Some basic advice here, the only stats that look decent are 18/13, little too nitty for me, but hey it works. You must steal more, get it to at least 30%. Randomly try to steal with off suit connectors, suited connectors, whatever. That is table dependent but it should work more often than not. Also, you have to play more aggressively. 31/6 is horrible no offense. Small sample size or not, thats just terrible. Youre playing too loose and wayyyy too passive. Even with the 22/12, you must raise more. It should be more like 22/19 at least if youre going to play that way. I think the minimum aggression factor is supposed to be 2, but that means youre just cutting it. Step up that pf and flop aggression for sure, as well as the turn. I dont have much aggression on the river right now which is something I am trying to work on, but thats fairly irrelevant here. You want your overall aggression at a minimum of 3 I would think. Mine is over 4 and I dont even consider myself to be that aggressive at all TBH.

10-29-2007, 09:56 AM
position stats :

I only get to those 3.5ptbb/100 because of my winning at NL10 and NL5