View Full Version : Helpful? post for learning players: From a learning player

10-28-2007, 03:26 AM
I hope this thread is is acceptable to be posted here in micro NL. Having come up from building a bankroll winning freerolls at railbirds.com, to beating 10 and 25nl on PS and FTP, to now multi tbling 50nl and looking up. I hope this is a helpful way of looking at the thought process of being a winning player, as I know this would have been helpful to me. I have borrowed the term "REM" as the "backbone" of my explanation from the 2+2 book, Professional No Limit Hold 'Em: Volume one, by Ed Miller, Sunny Mehta, and Matt Flynn. I suggest this book to anyone I speak to about keeping up with good poker books, and while what I have written below is not a direct quote from the book whatsoever, I highly suggest you use their book as reference for this "REM" topic. (As they have undoubtedly put much more thought into it than I have /images/graemlins/crazy.gif ) Enjoy..... and comments pls

The REM process in nl hold em stands for Range Equity and Maximize. Focusing on Range, we can use something like PokerStove to input our hand against our opponent's "Range" of hands to determine the most +eV (Expected Value) action (check, bet, call, raise, fold). This particular program will "run" the hand out millions of times to give the most exact numerical equity values possible.

This is the difference between a winning and losing player. Understanding and becoming comfortable with the equity the hands we will be dealt over and over during the long-term against the range of our opponents which we can determine by their actions, as we have seen over and over.

In every hand there is a perfect play, on every street. Folding when we are beat to minimize our losses, bluffing when we are beat to force our opponents fold the better hand (a seperate topic because of bluffs either "working" or not), and betting enough to "Maximize" our profits. *Max/Minimize are collectively refered to as Maxmimize as they are a function of one another.

Focusing on using experience and patterns to tighten the ranges of your opponents holdings, executing the most +eV line against those ranges (using the equity differential between all parties involved) in order to maximize your profits. In other words, ca$h out as much of that equity differential as possible when you're holdings are favored over your opponents, and minimizing your losses when the equity of your opponent's range is favored.

10-28-2007, 03:28 AM
wow @ ur avatar

10-28-2007, 03:47 AM
i'm way too dumb for these threads lately. wtfatar btw

10-28-2007, 07:48 AM
avatar temporarily need be removed for reasons of focus? lolADDaments