View Full Version : Ron Paul was the only presidential candidate to come out for the PPA

Sweet James
10-26-2007, 04:58 PM
I really like this guy and he's behind the Poker Player's Alliance 100%. Paul believes the govenerment overstepped its bounds by regulating the internet and hampering free trade when they banned online cards. The poker players alliance made some progress in DC these past few days in trying to get this law reapealed and you can read a summary here: http://www.gambling911.com/Ron-Paul-Poker-Players-Alliance-102607.html

10-26-2007, 08:47 PM
Ron Paul is the greatest President that will never be.

Sweet James
10-27-2007, 04:05 PM
Ron Paul is the greatest President that will never be.

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I disagree. Name recognition and media disinformation are his two problems right now. He's got money though and is launching major ad campaings as we speak, so you might be surprised in the coming weeks.

If only half of PPA's 800,000 members just forked over $100 bucks he'd have war chest bigger than any other republicans.

10-27-2007, 05:49 PM
It'd be great if Doyle Brunson endorsed Paul.

It would really boost his popularity amongst poker players.

Doyle was a republican until the online poker ban.

10-27-2007, 07:03 PM
I really like this guy and he's behind the Poker Player's Alliance 100%.

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Jackson Lee, Sheila TX-18 is also 100% for the PPA but I'm not sure how much either help in the long run. Don't get me wrong I'll take all the suport I can find.



10-28-2007, 07:29 AM
go Ron go

10-28-2007, 11:13 AM
Yes, lets just hitch our wagon to the looniest, nuttiest person in the race. Poker is the only issue, [censored] America, right? Recession, genocide, proliferation and Islam for all, but damnit lets vote for the poker candidate. He is an awful nice fella, but one crazy, Texan, paranoid president is enough every 32 years.

10-28-2007, 11:44 AM
Yes, lets just hitch our wagon to the looniest, nuttiest person in the race. Poker is the only issue, [censored] America, right? Recession, genocide, proliferation and Islam for all, but damnit lets vote for the poker candidate. He is an awful nice fella, but one crazy, Texan, paranoid president is enough every 32 years.

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How dare you speak ill of LBJ!

Them's fighting words!


10-29-2007, 01:47 PM
Yes, lets just hitch our wagon to the looniest, nuttiest person in the race. Poker is the only issue, [censored] America, right? Recession, genocide, proliferation and Islam for all, but damnit lets vote for the poker candidate. He is an awful nice fella, but one crazy, Texan, paranoid president is enough every 32 years.

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This is just not so. he has some radical ideas,but he is not crazy...This is what the media keeps trying to sell to the voters. Search him on the net and youtube and really listen to what has to say and you might not agree with him but I am sure you will find he is not a nut.

10-29-2007, 02:31 PM

This is just not so. he has some radical ideas,but he is not crazy...This is what the media keeps trying to sell to the voters. Search him on the net and youtube and really listen to what has to say and you might not agree with him but I am sure you will find he is not a nut.

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10-29-2007, 03:22 PM
This is just not so. he has some radical ideas,but he is not crazy...This is what the media keeps trying to sell to the voters. Search him on the net and youtube and really listen to what has to say and you might not agree with him but I am sure you will find he is not a nut.

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The Bandit Fish
10-29-2007, 08:41 PM

This is just not so. he has some radical ideas,but he is not crazy...This is what the media keeps trying to sell to the voters. Search him on the net and youtube and really listen to what has to say and you might not agree with him but I am sure you will find he is not a nut.

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See this is amusing. His ideas are not radical. They're based upon the principals the country was founded on.

Well I guess they may be radical compared to the heap of crap we have these days.

10-29-2007, 09:04 PM

This is just not so. he has some radical ideas,but he is not crazy...This is what the media keeps trying to sell to the voters. Search him on the net and youtube and really listen to what has to say and you might not agree with him but I am sure you will find he is not a nut.

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See this is amusing. His ideas are not radical. They're based upon the principals the country was founded on.

Well I guess they may be radical compared to the heap of crap we have these days.

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When I use the word radical, I did not mean that in a negative way. I mean radical in the sense that they are so different from what we hear from the other candidates. In fact, if this country ever needed a radical departure from its present course it is now.

The Bandit Fish
10-30-2007, 01:03 AM
When I use the word radical, I did not mean that in a negative way. I mean radical in the sense that they are so different from what we hear from the other candidates. In fact, if this country ever needed a radical departure from its present course it is now.

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I understand this since you're obviously a supporter of Mr. Paul, but when most people see the word radical used to describe someone they get mental images of suicide bombings or maybe the crusades if they're a history buff.

Oh, it definitely is a departure from the crud we hear spewed by the majority of the demagogues out there, but I don't really see his views as being radical (perhaps thats because I share some of them).

I guess guess these days actually paying attention to the Constitution is radical. I mean we've already seen the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth thrown out, and that just looking at the Bill of Rights.

10-30-2007, 02:41 AM
I met Ron Paul last week. He's a great guy in person, and he's on our side (and on the side of freedom).

Victor Ramdin, Andy Bloch, Rep. Ron Paul, Howard Lederer, Chris Ferguson, and me

Gobias Ind.
10-30-2007, 02:50 AM

Victor Ramdin, Andy Bloch, RuPaul, Howard Lederer, Chris Ferguson, and me

[/ QUOTE ]

10-30-2007, 10:34 AM
Yes, lets just hitch our wagon to the looniest, nuttiest person in the race. Poker is the only issue, [censored] America, right? Recession, genocide, proliferation and Islam for all, but damnit lets vote for the poker candidate. He is an awful nice fella, but one crazy, Texan, paranoid president is enough every 32 years.

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He's not in any way loony. Didn't someone say that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing and expecting a different result?

That being said, he is un-electable. Which means that in the end, his candidacy and support is pretty irrelevant, unfortunately. But that's not a reflection on his ideas. Its a reflection of a system where the the money flocks to the big ticket idiots and then the media covers those with money and media coverage begets more money, repeat over and over until we end up with the slightly mentally challenged son of an ex-president as president followed by the first lady turned president who was cheated on by the former president.

I, for one, have stopped making fun of European and South American politics. American politics have become less credible.

10-30-2007, 12:51 PM
For every sensible thing he says, he says two crazy things. His supporters are nutbags, racists, xenophobes, junkies, and loonies. Its like the old school Libertarians have discovered the Internet and we have to see them now. Everything is not a conspiracy. I listened, I went to two meet-ups. Jesus, these people want to own machine-guns, grow opium, not pay taxes, and kick out anyone not straight and white from the country. Every other RP email I get is about going to the next gunshow. Not one peep out of RP to stop hate speech and insane behavior from his supporters at all kinds of public functions. Rip apart every existing institution because James Madison neglected to mention it.
Im all for limited government, principled leaders, and sound non-interventionist foreign policy. But, you have to live in this world and govern the government we have. The man isn't up to it, never was, and never will be. He is a country doctor who doesn't like how the country is going with a sunny disposition. That in no way means he deserves support to run the country. I'd vote for Hillary first and I cried the first time I had to vote for a Democrat for governor.

10-30-2007, 01:16 PM
Sen. Phil Gramm was the ideal limited government presidential canidate who was also unelectable. Abraham Lincoln would be unelectable today.

10-30-2007, 01:16 PM
His supporters are nutbags, racists, xenophobes, junkies, and loonies.

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....and you're a little kid.

10-30-2007, 02:13 PM
For every sensible thing he says, he says two crazy things. His supporters are nutbags, racists, xenophobes, junkies, and loonies. Its like the old school Libertarians have discovered the Internet and we have to see them now. Everything is not a conspiracy. I listened, I went to two meet-ups. Jesus, these people want to own machine-guns, grow opium, not pay taxes, and kick out anyone not straight and white from the country. Every other RP email I get is about going to the next gunshow. Not one peep out of RP to stop hate speech and insane behavior from his supporters at all kinds of public functions. Rip apart every existing institution because James Madison neglected to mention it.
Im all for limited government, principled leaders, and sound non-interventionist foreign policy. But, you have to live in this world and govern the government we have. The man isn't up to it, never was, and never will be. He is a country doctor who doesn't like how the country is going with a sunny disposition. That in no way means he deserves support to run the country. I'd vote for Hillary first and I cried the first time I had to vote for a Democrat for governor.

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Way to show your extreme ignorance. Well done

10-30-2007, 04:43 PM
For every sensible thing he says, he says two crazy things. His supporters are nutbags, racists, xenophobes, junkies, and loonies. Its like the old school Libertarians have discovered the Internet and we have to see them now. Everything is not a conspiracy. I listened, I went to two meet-ups. Jesus, these people want to own machine-guns, grow opium, not pay taxes, and kick out anyone not straight and white from the country. Every other RP email I get is about going to the next gunshow. Not one peep out of RP to stop hate speech and insane behavior from his supporters at all kinds of public functions. Rip apart every existing institution because James Madison neglected to mention it.
Im all for limited government, principled leaders, and sound non-interventionist foreign policy. But, you have to live in this world and govern the government we have. The man isn't up to it, never was, and never will be. He is a country doctor who doesn't like how the country is going with a sunny disposition. That in no way means he deserves support to run the country. I'd vote for Hillary first and I cried the first time I had to vote for a Democrat for governor.

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Well, then vote for Hillary. Her track record seems to indicate a propensity for limited government and principaled governing. LOLOLOLOLOL. What were you saying about nutbags and loonies?

10-30-2007, 05:22 PM
Youre blind, illogical, or just spamtrolling like the rest of RP's people.

-He calls himself a freedom candidate, but he won't let gays serve in the military.

-He is SO smart he professes to not believe in evolution.(When asked at Republican Debate to raise hands who did, no one did)

-Abolish the Federal Reserve. I can put up with some social bigotry, but fiscal irresponsibility. Gold standard? Give the country to China and not even ask for some poisonous toys in return. You can't get around that anyway you spin RP the loon. You say constitution, responsibility, small government, or whatever you want. Thats just plain nuts. Stupid. Ranks lower than the political cant from Hollywood Stars. Everytime someone who lives in the real world thinks of supporting him, he says that utter garbage. Is he going to set interest rates from the Oval Office? Dig up gold to pay off our debt under the Rose Garden? Just give me an answer besides its unconstitutional or there is a conspiracy
when I ask you why he wants to destroy the modern economy. Please. Maybe you think their evil institutions but 95% of America tunes out when he launches into that rant.

Not once in any group respond email from the RP meetup sites has ANYONE once confronted an anti-gay or anti-Mexican remarkm and there have been plenty. People are on it who have said despicable things trying to run for local office as REpublicans or Libertarians.
This is why the mainstream media is sick and tired of Ron Paul. Every criticism, and most are legit criticisms, is met with insults, wisecracks and refusals to answer. Facts and realities don't mean anything to him or his campaign. You can only say things are "bad" policy or "unconstitutional" for so long without answering how you will fill the void when you eliminate all these institutions and treaties.

Maybe you don't grasp it, but there is an audeince out there for a lot of the principles he espouses, but they turn a deaf ear because he sounds like a lunatic. He surrounds himself with them. Its always listen to him, just listen, well I [censored] listened and Im sick of what I hear. Have fun giving him money and time, but please don't pretend this is in any way a serious attempt to govern this country. All the issues you want addressed from the war on drugs to poker to small government are going to be laughed at if RP is your frontman. Im waiting anxiously for the day a real, serious, COMPETENT Libertarian candidate shows up, not latching onto the next in a procession of fools.

10-30-2007, 06:33 PM
Well put legislurker. I'm a pot-smoking poker-playing republican, and RP doesn't have my vote even if he's the republican nominee.

He seems to have this idea that a super-strict interpretation (HIS super-strict interpretation, no less!) should trump common sense.

His logic and reasoning skills are suspect. He rejects evolution. He is a medical doctor and wants health plans to be forced to cover "alternative medicine". "Alternative medicine" is anything that can't be shown to be 1) safe and 2) effective, but he wants to force your health premiums through the roof (compared to already through-the-roof premiums) so that gullible people don't have to use their own money to pay for acupucture, touch therapy, homeopathic treatments, and magic potions.

And yes, he is quite intolerant, even by conservative standards. I would go so far as to say he is the most bigoted of the candidates based on what I've heard.

But worst of all is his idea of abolishing the federal reserve. It takes more effort than most are willing to put forth to understand the vital function of the federal reserve in our economy. For those who take the time to understand it, the prospect of someone like Ron Paul becoming president is truly scary.

10-30-2007, 07:25 PM
Well put legislurker. I'm a pot-smoking poker-playing republican, and RP doesn't have my vote even if he's the republican nominee.

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I took my last bong hit decades ago, but otherwise we seem somewhat similar.

He seems to have this idea that a super-strict interpretation (HIS super-strict interpretation, no less!) should trump common sense.

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With you so far.

His logic and reasoning skills are suspect. He rejects evolution. He is a medical doctor and wants health plans to be forced to cover "alternative medicine". "Alternative medicine" is anything that can't be shown to be 1) safe and 2) effective, but he wants to force your health premiums through the roof (compared to already through-the-roof premiums) so that gullible people don't have to use their own money to pay for acupucture, touch therapy, homeopathic treatments, and magic potions.

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Modern medicine let alone western medicine doesn't have even 1/2 the answers and many surgical and chemical cures are much more expensive than treatments that have been known for thousands of years.

And yes, he is quite intolerant, even by conservative standards. I would go so far as to say he is the most bigoted of the candidates based on what I've heard.

But worst of all is his idea of abolishing the federal reserve. It takes more effort than most are willing to put forth to understand the vital function of the federal reserve in our economy. For those who take the time to understand it, the prospect of someone like Ron Paul becoming president is truly scary.

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You get an A+ for the economics. Ron Paul is a complete idiot here.


10-30-2007, 07:44 PM
-He is SO smart he professes to not believe in evolution.(When asked at Republican Debate to raise hands who did, no one did)

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Source for this? From my recollection the question was, "Who does not believe in evolution?" and Ron Paul did not raise his hand.

10-30-2007, 07:57 PM
His logic and reasoning skills are suspect. He rejects evolution. He is a medical doctor and wants health plans to be forced to cover "alternative medicine". "Alternative medicine" is anything that can't be shown to be 1) safe and 2) effective, but he wants to force your health premiums through the roof (compared to already through-the-roof premiums) so that gullible people don't have to use their own money to pay for acupucture, touch therapy, homeopathic treatments, and magic potions.

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Modern medicine let alone western medicine doesn't have even 1/2 the answers and many surgical and chemical cures are much more expensive than treatments that have been known for thousands of years.

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Two big issues here. (Not trying to be argumentative here, this is just a pet issue of mine, I've seen too many people swindled by "alternative medicine" hucksters)

First, insurance shouldn't be forced to pay for treatments that don't work. Alternative medicine is alternative because it hasn't been demonstrated to be safe and effective. Regardless of whether "western medicine" has an answer or not, the rest of us shouldn't be forced to pay for it if it can't be shown to be safe and effective.

Second, having an answer isn't the same as having a correct answer. Likewise having an old answer isn't the same either. Treatments that work will stand up to medical and scientific scrutiny, the rest will remain "alternative" medicine.

Eastern medicine did get a few things right, but they didn't have the benefit of a science-based approach that would help distinguish between what works and what doesn't. So much of the eastern "answers" are patently absurd, but were and are readily accepted. An "answer" should be treated more skeptically if it's old, because it is more likely to have its roots in superstition.

There are very few treatments that are thousands of years old, but are more safe or effective than the modern science-based medical alternatives. The only one I'm aware of is marijuana.

10-30-2007, 09:58 PM
-He is SO smart he professes to not believe in evolution.(When asked at Republican Debate to raise hands who did, no one did)

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Source for this? From my recollection the question was, "Who does not believe in evolution?" and Ron Paul did not raise his hand.

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scroll down to reply 12 I think it is. I watched the debate but thought Id backcheck it to be sure. Person says his staff conrimed he doesn't believe in evoltuion. For someone to take enough science to be a doctor and to just "believe" the fossil record is false is absurd. Does the Theory of Evolution have holes? Yeah. Do I have questions about it Id liek answered? Yes. But I don't think anyone can argue that evoltuion occured, that natural selection goes on, and that the Earth is really [censored] old. For someone to want to be Prez and say that is disgusting to the nth power. RP held his head down during the question like he was debating how to answer. Take that how you like it. Maybe he wants to disband science too because it isnt in the Constitution.

10-30-2007, 10:38 PM
I don't know what you're getting all worked up about. From the thread you linked (post#18):

After seeing the clip after asking “who does not believe in evolution.” I shot off this email to the Ron Paul campaign:

On 5/4/07, Ron Shank wrote:

Dear Ron Paul team:

Does Ron Paul believe in evolution? I didn’t see his hand raised in the debate when asked “who does not believe in evolution.”

Thanks for your quick reply.

Thank you,

Ron Shank

They quickly replied.

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Didn’t see his hand
Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 16:15:06 -0400
From: Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee
To: Ron Shank


Ron Paul did not raise his hand during that question, it was Tancredo, Huckabee & Brownback who raised their hands. Dr. Paul is physician and believes in evolution.

10-31-2007, 02:20 AM
I see a lot of distortions of Rep. Paul's positions here. True, not everyone embraces the idea of a smaller federal government. I personally happen to like him. Others don't. Both are certainly valid opinions.

Bulletproof Monk
10-31-2007, 03:59 AM

i obv cant vote but i will be glad if he gets in

10-31-2007, 09:44 AM
There are very few treatments that are thousands of years old, but are more safe or effective than the modern science-based medical alternatives. The only one I'm aware of is marijuana.

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I think we found the answer.

Since this is a legislative forum, I'll answer in legislative terms.

There is no lobby for natural treaments that cost a few cents when a major pharma company has one costing hundreds of dollars.

Yes, the US as most all countries has a long history of snake oil salesmen. BUT not everthing that makes its way through the FDA is safe or effective. That system was written by the pharma companies for the pharma companies.

Traditional medicine is fantastic for certain things, I would not skip the ER and go to an herbalist if I had been in a major accident, but there do exist a number of very old tried and true simple cures that are much better than anything you buy at Walgreens.

I could go into a hundred or more examples from personal experience but I doubt I'd get through the haze.


10-31-2007, 02:21 PM
Since this is a legislative forum, I'll answer in legislative terms.

There is no lobby for natural treaments that cost a few cents when a major pharma company has one costing hundreds of dollars.

Yes, the US as most all countries has a long history of snake oil salesmen. BUT not everthing that makes its way through the FDA is safe or effective. That system was written by the pharma companies for the pharma companies.

Traditional medicine is fantastic for certain things, I would not skip the ER and go to an herbalist if I had been in a major accident, but there do exist a number of very old tried and true simple cures that are much better than anything you buy at Walgreens.

I could go into a hundred or more examples from personal experience but I doubt I'd get through the haze.


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Yes I've heard this line before... conspiracy (overt or not) by the drug companies to keep their profits up and to keep people away from the cheap cures that work.

I agree that the FDA system isn't fail-proof, but the point is that it provides a systematic way of evaluating how well something works and whether it is safe. Sometimes it is safe only under certain conditions, but that's the intent of the process -- to objectively measure a treatment's efficacy and safety.

"Alternative medicine" has no such mechanism to determine whether something works or if its safe, relying almost entirely on anecdotes such as "examples from personal experience" -- indistingushable from the placebo effect.

"Head-on, apply directly to the forehead." Someone with a headache applies head-on directly to the forehead, and a while later the headache is gone. The headache must have been cured by the head-on, right? Never mind that head-on contains no medicine whatsoever. And never mind that most headaches will go away after a while anyway. Looking a little further into this great example of "alternative" medicine:
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HeadOn
Chemical analysis has shown that the product consists almost entirely of wax. The two listed active ingredients, white bryony (a type of vine) and potassium dichromate (a known carcinogen), are diluted to .000001 PPM and 1 PPM respectively.

[/ QUOTE ]

The bottom line is that if something works, it will stand up to proper double-blind testing. Most "alternative medicine" that has been subjected to proper scrutiny has failed miserably. The ones that don't fail lose their coveted and wildly profitable "alternative" status, and gradually become part of the evil empire of traditional medicine. Because of this, the hucksters of such remedies generally avoid proper scientific trials, and it's reasonable to assume that there are quite likely some valid treatments hidden in the mountain of fraud and gullibility. So how are you going to tell which alternative treatments are [censored] and which ones work? Easy, consult your horoscope.


10-31-2007, 02:26 PM
I see a lot of distortions of Rep. Paul's positions here. True, not everyone embraces the idea of a smaller federal government. I personally happen to like him. Others don't. Both are certainly valid opinions.

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And I am pleased to say you will see much more drastic distortion of his views. Someone said the other day about negative attacks on their campaign, “They don’t shoot at dead birds.” The media and those that run the Republican Party first tried to treat him like a dead bird and ignore him. That not being effective, they tried to paint him as a loony tune and crackpot. They had some success in this, but as more people hear him speak that approach is proving less and less effective.

Now the approach is distort his views and send everyone into a panic that if he is elected the world as we know it will end. Just as in entering the Iraq war, it is nothing but fear driven irrational behavior. If Paul was to become President, and that is a big if, he would not have the power to destroy the Federal Reserve. That would take an act of congress. It is not in his power. He cannot get rid of the IRS, the CIA, or the FBI. He cannot overturn Row VS Wade and he certainly cannot get the theory of evolution tossed out of our education system.

What he can do as President is bring home our troops. He can veto any budget that is not balanced so we do not continue to pass on our debt to future generations. He can let the patriot act expire and until then demand that all such endeavors be stopped. Most important to this forum, he can ask congress to repeal any laws regulating or limiting free use of the internet, including poker. If this fails, and he can instruct the DOJ to put this at the bottom of their list for enforcement since he will nominate the Attorney General to congress.

There is a lot of distortion on many of his views, but that is up to each person to research and come to their own conclusion. Nevertheless, all this fear about Ron Paul ripping government a part is just unfounded. As with all Presidents, he will get some of what he wants, but he is not dictator or king. He must have the support of congress and to some extent the support of the American people to do most of the things you seem worried about. I am sure, that even if of these issues did come up, it would be years down the road, after a full debate, before we would have to decide if they have merit.

There are some things I do not agree with Paul on. Others that I just do not feel I have enough knowledge to really come to educated opinion one-way or the other, but in all cases, this does not bother me, as they are not things that Ron Paul can change as president. On the things, he can change as president I agree with him completely. If someone supports Ron Paul on his stance on the internet and poker, I think they could very well cast a vote for him without having to worry about Paul making sweeping reforms in many of the topics discussed here.

10-31-2007, 02:35 PM

I agree that the FDA system isn't fail-proof, but the point is that it provides a systematic way of evaluating how well something works and whether it is safe. Sometimes it is safe only under certain conditions, but that's the intent of the process -- to objectively measure a treatment's efficacy and safety.

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I guess you believe in one man one vote as well.

Well as long as that man is a Supreme.....


11-01-2007, 09:27 PM
First let me say, I am no big Ron Paul supporter or really supporting anyone as yet, more against most than favioring one.

That said, here is I belive the first real RP article done by a main stream news source, TIME magazine.

Really a nice read.



11-02-2007, 01:17 AM
Perhaps you should let Ron speak for himself. There are many misguided opinions here. If you truly want to know the man and his positions better, take a stroll over here:

11-02-2007, 08:02 PM
Perhaps you should let Ron speak for himself. There are many misguided opinions here. If you truly want to know the man and his positions better, take a stroll over here:

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Let's take the man at his word.

Paul doesn't expect that he will win the nomination , and he has no interest in running as an independent again. But he also doesn't see himself endorsing one of the other Republicans in the general election. "Those people who support me wouldn't believe it," he says. "If I said, 'Giuliani's a great guy, and he'll reduce subsidies and bring the troops home'? I couldn't do that." Even nerd revolutions don't surrender.

Time mag.


11-02-2007, 09:40 PM
Ron Paul is the only hope for America, even when you don't consider poker.

11-05-2007, 10:37 PM
Here's the existing Ron Paul thread.

Also, the Ron Paul forum is a popular forum filled with folks who LOVE to spam sites. Hell, I spam forums with Ron Paul stuff from time to time (especially www.townhall.com (http://www.townhall.com) ). Seems we should tap into that enthusiasm. I started a thread at www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?p=356283&posted=1#post356283 (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?p=356283&posted=1#post356283) . Please comment there, and make sure to vote the thread 5-stars. Thanks.

Adam Selene
11-06-2007, 12:00 AM
The only U.S. presidential candidate openly opposed to the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA), has raised more than $3 Million dollars in just 18 hours, this November 5th. And the day isn't over yet.

SRC: http://www.egamingtoday.com/Article/RonPaul/Nov5th.html