View Full Version : Advice on stats

10-25-2007, 01:02 PM
I've been grinding away small profits in micro stakes for six months or so (about 7bb). This was through very basic ABC passive/agressive (when hands hit) play to trap with big hands.

But I've realised that I need to be more proactive with my play so I started to adopt a tight/aggressive play from position.

I know I only have a sample size of 5k here but my sng and former cash room lay was similar(ish) to this so you can judge it more like 50k worth of hands.

Just wondering if anyone had any general comments on things I'm doing right and leaks in my game.

Position Stats (http://bp2.blogger.com/_20Ftf80eSso/Rxe_ScI47RI/AAAAAAAAABs/6nCwXmN1P2Y/s1600-h/pos+stats.jpg)

Level stats (http://bp0.blogger.com/_20Ftf80eSso/Rxe_N8I47QI/AAAAAAAAABk/a_K0a_5sis4/s1600-h/levels.jpg)

Hand ranking stats (http://bp2.blogger.com/_20Ftf80eSso/Rxe_IcI47PI/AAAAAAAAABc/ljRRUCVJ6IQ/s1600-h/hands.jpg)



10-25-2007, 01:17 PM
i'd suggest posting this in the "Official UNL stats thread"
you'll probably get a better response there.

10-25-2007, 01:20 PM
Oh, sorry. I didn't realise there was one. Thanks.


10-25-2007, 01:31 PM
ur up 7BB in 6 months WOW