View Full Version : Won $ at Showdown Percentage Low?

You're No Daisy
10-24-2007, 11:58 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm running at 20/15/3.2 over the course of 6000 hands. I know the sample size is small but I started playing TAG on October 2nd. My first 7000 hands I was 26/9. I have almost 14,000 hands at NL2 in my PT database, but I'm choosing to only expose the stats from when I started playing TAG. I sent my buddy, whom I work with, and play with on UB my stats and he said my Won $ at Showdown was horrible at 46%. He went on to say I should be at least 50%. Is this true? If so, what potential leaks are in my game that I can plug up to get me to a higher percentage? Is this even necessary? Below are my general stats:

VPIP: 20.3
PFR: 15
AF: 3.2
Att. to Steal: 27.6
Won When Saw Flop: 38%
Went to Showdown: 24.25%
Won $ at Showdown: 46.29%
PTBB/100: 7.24

Positional Stats (VPIP/PFR):

Button: 27.8/22.6
CO: 21.6/18.6
MP: 16.4/13.3
UTG: 13.9/12.2
BB: 12.8/9.5
SB: 25/10.5

If anyone sees any glaring leaks or stats that don't jive, please let me know. As always, I'm grateful for all your comments/criticism.


10-24-2007, 12:07 PM
Hard to tell on stats for 7000 hands (v small sample size)alone but...

VPIP/PFR may be a little on the high side for this level. Most importantly UTG i think you wanna be a bit tighter, like 9/9. I would rather get more hands in from the c/o and button and be more cautios UTG.

Look at your $$ won from UTG and adjust if needed.

Your att to steal could be a little higher.

I think your WTSD and W$@SD are a little off from average, but this could be variance, i think you want these 2 to be ~23% and ~53%, at this level possible 21,22% and 53%, these stats are derived entirely from postflop play.

You're No Daisy
10-24-2007, 03:45 PM
Bump...would like opinions from the regulars.


10-24-2007, 03:49 PM
These are approximately the values I shoot for at 10NL and 25NL.

Won When Saw Flop: 38-40%
Went to Showdown: 21-22%
Won $ at Showdown: 50-51%

You may be showing down too much.

10-24-2007, 03:51 PM
meh mines closer to 50% but thats over 150K hands. I wouldn't get to caught up on stats over only 6K hands. Your att to steal is kinda low, usually like mine at least over 32%.