View Full Version : Playing agressively preflop/OOP against LAG opponents - marginal hands

10-23-2007, 10:47 PM
Scenario: Your table is filled with 40/50 VPIP players. You are on the SB with 9/10s, with 2 limpers behind and a loosey goosey BB. Do you raise it here or do u limp as well? Or do you fold? What about a A/9 or K/10?

Sometimes I find it hard to decide what to do here since if I raise, I assume to get called by one or 2, or maybe even 3 other opponents. If I miss the flop, and my opponent is a calling station, I have to let go of my hand.

What do you do here?

10-23-2007, 10:53 PM
Just complete and take a flop, for the most part. You'll be out of position versus multiple callers, with no easy way to manipulate the pot size or the action. Save your SB raises for big pairs and aces, and try to find the raise-size most likely to isolate one (or two) opponents, even if it's a little large, especially with the big aces.

I am stating the obvious when I say that on a dream table such as the one you described, you should be trying your T9s / A9s / KTs raises on the button, seeing how people respond, and adjusting for the best results (i.e. a raised pot in position versus one or two loose/bad players.)