View Full Version : A question about equity adjustment and running hot-cold

10-21-2007, 02:00 PM
So my total winnings are 30BB right now, but according to Poker EV, my equity adjusted winnings are 172BB.

I'm just wondering if having winnings below equity is relatively normal, or running exceptionally cold, or what. And is this difference a big one, or is it just a small difference? I don't really understand the sizes, relatively.


10-21-2007, 02:08 PM
How many hands?
Does PokerEV say your Total winnings are at 30BB or your Showdown Winnings are at 30BB?

Post your graph, but it doesnt matter that much. It's one long session...
All will equal out...

10-21-2007, 02:10 PM
Over about 5K. Total is 26.3. Equity Adjusted is 173.7

10-21-2007, 02:26 PM
Is your green line $26.3 or is your blue line?

10-21-2007, 02:32 PM
Green, my total like I said.