View Full Version : Small blind play, tourney vs cash differences

10-21-2007, 08:44 AM
Evening all, i am up 40%roi at stars 6-15 dollar tourneys, so have some idea of how to play.

Have started playing $ games at party, .10/25.

In the tourneys, when folded to me in the sb, my default play was to raise 3bb, bet 4 on flop regardless, then consider my hand (ok, maybe not everytime, but certainly until some1 played back at me)

Doing the same thing on party $25, and just looked at my stats, and i am getting KILLED in the sb.

In summary,

Tourney(stars) 40k hands, (7.3k in sb), I have WON .02bb/hand, ie 2bb/100 hands. pf raise 35%, raise first in 30%

$25.6max nl party 6.5k hands, 1.2k in sb pf raise 26%, raise first in 21%, I am losing .3bb/hand, ie a massive 30bb/100 hands

I kinda get the idea i have more folding equity in a tourney (part. a lot of these would be small stack shoves with any2), but am at a loss as to my atrocious blind play.

FWIW, my feeling is the average 25nl party player is a fair bit better than the 5dollar stars tourney players. I also tend to tighten up very quickly after someone realises i am auto raising. Obviously, i get a hand in the sb once in a while, and get paid off well.

I raise or fold everything when i am first to enter, and am playing 50-100blinds deep.

What should i be raising in sb (6max,when all fold to me)? What should i be folding in the sb (obviously a [censored] more than i am atm)

All help much, much appreciated!

10-21-2007, 09:39 AM
Nothing is standard in the blinds, it depends quite a lot on the player to your left and also on the two to your right. If the BB does not defend his BB much, you can indeed just raise most cards, but don't overdo it. Fold about the 30% of your worst cards, and open up with the rest.

And if it's a calling station who always wants to see a flop, it does not work well. I prefer limping then and betting out on about 70% of all flops and check-fold the rest.

The key trick to stealing is to do it very often, but not so often that BB will get sick of it and put an end to it. Folding the worst junk will help you keep a decent honest image.

But the most pots I steal are actually from CO/button openers who have a high (30-ish) steal %. I generally 3-bet about any hand that is equal or better than their opening range, even while I end up 3-betting while out of position with hands like JTs, ATo and junk like that, hands which I would not even play UTG or UTG+1. Restealing seems quite +EV, but yet again the trick is to not do it too often so people won't get too suspicious.

These are my position stats, and the SB is the position I'm the least worried about. It used to be in the green till a few days ago, but I got involved in a few large pots I guess. As you can see, there is only one position from where I raise more hands than in the SB, which is on the button.


should i be raising in sb

[/ QUOTE ]
Playability of the hand matters most. Hands like K3o or J6s are just junk, while hands like 47o or 58s are perfectly legitimate opening hands. But if you raise too often, those hands become -EV since villain will look you up too often.

10-21-2007, 11:51 AM
Every hand is playable if folded to you in the SB. 72o (worst possible hand) has a 35% chance against a random hand (about 2 to 1) while you only have to put in half a BB in a 1,5 BB pot which is 3 to 1.

So if folded to you always at least call. Other then that I play it pretty tight considering I dont have position after the flop so raising with mediocre hands can put you in a tough spot post-flop.
Post flop I bet 1/2 pot ALWAYS in blind battles! If BB calls 2 out of 3 times you are still break-even but he doesnt, not even half of the time. Easy money :-)

10-21-2007, 12:59 PM
Every hand is playable if folded to you in the SB. 72o (worst possible hand) has a 35% chance against a random hand (about 2 to 1) while you only have to put in half a BB in a 1,5 BB pot which is 3 to 1.

So if folded to you always at least call. Other then that I play it pretty tight considering I dont have position after the flop so raising with mediocre hands can put you in a tough spot post-flop.
Post flop I bet 1/2 pot ALWAYS in blind battles! If BB calls 2 out of 3 times you are still break-even but he doesnt, not even half of the time. Easy money :-)

[/ QUOTE ]
If the BB checks it down every time, your first point is true. Most will not, so despite having good odds, your chances of winning the pot OOP when all you can flop is a low pair is very small. Fold your [censored], raise everything else.

10-21-2007, 01:57 PM
The difference is BB has great implied odds and can call with a super wide range if you raise only 3bb. He has position, you often have nothing, and a good villain is going to attack you on the flop with air often. They'll pounce on 1/2 ps cbets with anything.

In a tourney, you're usually not playing as deep as 100bb and stack is much more valuable with no reloading. Position is still more important, but initiative does go up in value relatively in tourney play.

I can call, and often do, with any 2 reasonable cards when villain's raise to 3bb and I only have to call 2% of my stack HU with position. People stack off very light in BvB, so my marginal hands go way up in value. Villains will often float you with any piece of flop in BvB play.

If I'm sb, I raise 4bb and bet 2/3 to 3/4 psb for my cbets. I double barrel turn scare cards more often than in other positions as well.

10-21-2007, 02:56 PM
Not sure if this is a level or genuine.

Either way, it's pretty horrible.

Overall, I fold my sb/bb around 85/75%.

If it's folded to me in the sb, I either raise 3 or 4x or fold.

Never open-complete in the sb, unless you have a very specific read and are going for a limp-reraise.

Don't even bother playing hands like K6o, A2o or 45o.

Every hand is playable if folded to you in the SB. 72o (worst possible hand) has a 35% chance against a random hand (about 2 to 1) while you only have to put in half a BB in a 1,5 BB pot which is 3 to 1.

So if folded to you always at least call. Other then that I play it pretty tight considering I dont have position after the flop so raising with mediocre hands can put you in a tough spot post-flop.
Post flop I bet 1/2 pot ALWAYS in blind battles! If BB calls 2 out of 3 times you are still break-even but he doesnt, not even half of the time. Easy money :-)

[/ QUOTE ]

10-21-2007, 03:00 PM
BTW JoostR, judging from you other 4 posts, you seem too passive (not wanting to get it in with combos, etc).

10-24-2007, 01:47 AM
thanks for the replies guys, seems like i am on the right track, but need to be raising about 25% instead of 35%

Ill have to tone it down a bit, and play a few more thousand hands