View Full Version : How to exploit an annoying LAG

10-17-2007, 03:22 PM
I had position on a player who was roughly 30/20 . He was raising from position usually - so obviously knew what he was doing - my guess is that he was a CardRunners member. The problem for me was that I was trying to play a TAG style - but because of his raises - I was forced to tighten up - whenever I did have a hand and 3-bet - it killed any action and he folded . Once I loosened up my 3-betting range - then he started calling and I was weak - and without hitting good flops was vulnerable.

So, is the best thing to do - just leave ? or is there a way to exploit this? In hindsight, I've been thinking that 3-betting once in a while with good hands might be good along with just calling with premium hands, encouraging more action and hoping he c-bets into me - but I dread multiple callers in a pot when I have a hand like pocket Aces, for example.

Any ideas ?

10-17-2007, 03:31 PM
First you 3-bet light until he starts playing back, like you did. Then, when he starts calling/playing back, tighten up and only 3-bet premium hands.

I also like just calling PF sometimes and raising his c-bet on the flop, or floating flop and making a play on the turn. Does he always c-bet turn? If not, it should be easy to take away pots until he catches on and starts CRAI on turn, and then you tighten up again.

Bascially, you have to take advantage of your FE vs his wide range, until he catches on and starts playing back, at which point you tighten up and take advantage of his skepticism about the strength of your hands. This can be higher variance, but fun to try. If you are on a tight bankroll, switch tables. But in these situations I like to stick around and try out different lines. Makes it more interesting and good learning opportunity.

10-17-2007, 03:41 PM
First you 3-bet light until he starts playing back, like you did. Then, when he starts calling/playing back, tighten up and only 3-bet premium hands.

I also like just calling PF sometimes and raising his c-bet on the flop, or floating flop and making a play on the turn. Does he always c-bet turn? If not, it should be easy to take away pots until he catches on and starts CRAI on turn, and then you tighten up again.

Bascially, you have to take advantage of your FE vs his wide range, until he catches on and starts playing back, at which point you tighten up and take advantage of his skepticism about the strength of your hands. This can be higher variance, but fun to try. If you are on a tight bankroll, switch tables. But in these situations I like to stick around and try out different lines. Makes it more interesting and good learning opportunity.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think this is good advice. It's especially good since you have position on him most of the time, however if there aren't any other weak players at the table you should probably switch.

10-17-2007, 03:56 PM
cold call suited connectors and semi connectors in position. Fold when donked into unless you hit. If he checks a flop, take it as weakness and bet it out, you will often take it down.

10-17-2007, 04:05 PM
fight fire with fire. 3 bet a lot, cr a lot, 4 bet alot, float in position a lot, raise with position.