View Full Version : Calling with Suited Connectors

10-17-2007, 02:27 PM
Better to do so vs Tight players? or Loose players?

What are your reasons for your choice?

10-17-2007, 02:30 PM
I don't look at their vpip when i decide whether to limp behind a limper or two with sooted connectors, I look more at their flop aggression and their went to showdown %. If people are showing down too much and their aggro factor is high, I know they are going to pay me off more often when i hit and are easier to trap because they bet a lot.

10-17-2007, 02:30 PM
Too vague of a question... tight/passive post flop? Loose agg? Loose passive?

I think position and bet sizes are way more important than the type of opponent... though ideally you want to play against loose/passive, ie someone who will stack off w/top pair/overpairs even on scary boards but who will give you free cards...

Really too vague though.

10-17-2007, 02:35 PM
This question seems a little vague, but ...

I think it's usually better against tight players. You want them to have a range that doesn't overlap with yours, and gets stuck when you hit.

10-17-2007, 02:35 PM
Ok, Edit.

What type of opponent traits do you look for when deciding to call with suited connectors.

10-18-2007, 11:30 AM
Ok, Edit.

What type of opponent traits do you look for when deciding to call with suited connectors.

[/ QUOTE ]

Opponents that go too far with overpairs/top pair. Passive players that will give you free cards but will also pay you off...

Really though suited connecters are good hands against most opponents.

10-18-2007, 12:04 PM
I think there are two issues that are important: player type and position.

I would much rather to call SC against a tight player than a loose one. A loose player may has a SC or low PP and is not going to have a big enough hand most of the time for you to get paid.

A tight player is more likely to have an overpair or TPTK that will pay off.

I think position is just as important, if not more so, than the type of player. Drawing OOP sucks. If you are IP against a loose player, he will probably miss a lot when he CB's and you can raise his CB. Consider 3b PF sometimes if you are OTB and the loose player opens in CO.

A tight player will probably shut down on the turn and give you a free turn/river card.