View Full Version : Feasible under the law?!?!

10-17-2007, 01:39 PM
A friend of mine, that is more than financially secure, is interested in starting a new business venture with my help!
he wants to start a company that would back local players ( tampa, fl ) and make commission on their profit.
he likes to do everything by the book ( go figure a poker player only doing things by the book ) so he wants to become incorporated and everything else that would come with it ( mind you, he is the business savy one not me... so I dont know what else comes with it ).
anyhow, my question or concern is that there wouldn't be a way to apporach this venture leagally; such as, becoming incorporated for a gambling company. Am I wrong on this? Does anyone know what the legality of this sort of venture is or is not?
Any help would be appreciated!

10-17-2007, 03:05 PM
As long as all the gambling done is legal gambling, as long as all the proper taxes are paid, as long as all the proper paperwork is completed, then his idea should be OK. Check with a local attorney first, however. Some states have some ancient (late 1800s) laws still on the books that make "professional gambling" a distinct crime. I dont think FL is one of them, but I would hire a FL attorney to check first.
