View Full Version : Canned response from Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) - not ALL bad

10-17-2007, 11:36 AM
I plan on writing another personal letter to my reps, but I recently sent the stock PPA letter in advance of the PPA D.C. get together. While I have absolutely no hope of making any headway with my Senators and Representative here in Georgia (BRIGHT RED STATE), I figured I'd give it a shot.

I got a canned response back from Saxby Chambliss which contained most of what I expected, but the end did show a slight glimmer of hope. I have bolded that part.

Thank you for contacting me regarding internet poker and the Unlawful Internet Gambling Act (UIGA). I appreciate hearing from you.

The UIGA was included in the final passage of H.R. 4954, the "Port Security Improvement Act of 2006," and was signed into law (P.L. 109-347) by President Bush on October 13, 2006.

I support placing a ban on internet gambling, and I supported the final passage of this bill. The National Gambling Impact Study Commission documented, and Senate and House hearings confirmed, that internet gambling was growing at an explosive rate. Because the internet can be used anonymously, the danger existed that access to internet gambling would be abused by underage children. In most instances, a would-be gambler merely needed to fill out a registration form in order to play. Most sites relied on the registrant to disclose his or her correct age and the sites made little or not attempt to verify the accuracy of the information. Underage gamblers could easily use their parents' credit cards or even their own credit and debit cards to register and set up accounts.

While I believe P.L 109-347 is a good law intended to protect children and reduce crime, I do understand the concerns of many internet poker players who will be affected by this new law. Should legislation regarding a poker "skill game exemption" come before the Senate for debate, I will give your views consideration.

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10-17-2007, 12:30 PM
I plan on writing another personal letter to my reps, but I recently sent the stock PPA letter in advance of the PPA D.C. get together. While I have absolutely no hope of making any headway with my Senators and Representative here in Georgia (BRIGHT RED STATE), I figured I'd give it a shot.

I got a canned response back from Saxby Chambliss which contained most of what I expected, but the end did show a slight glimmer of hope. I have bolded that part.

Thank you for contacting me regarding internet poker and the Unlawful Internet Gambling Act (UIGA). I appreciate hearing from you.

The UIGA was included in the final passage of H.R. 4954, the "Port Security Improvement Act of 2006," and was signed into law (P.L. 109-347) by President Bush on October 13, 2006.

I support placing a ban on internet gambling, and I supported the final passage of this bill. The National Gambling Impact Study Commission documented, and Senate and House hearings confirmed, that internet gambling was growing at an explosive rate. Because the internet can be used anonymously, the danger existed that access to internet gambling would be abused by underage children. In most instances, a would-be gambler merely needed to fill out a registration form in order to play. Most sites relied on the registrant to disclose his or her correct age and the sites made little or not attempt to verify the accuracy of the information. Underage gamblers could easily use their parents' credit cards or even their own credit and debit cards to register and set up accounts.

While I believe P.L 109-347 is a good law intended to protect children and reduce crime, I do understand the concerns of many internet poker players who will be affected by this new law. Should legislation regarding a poker "skill game exemption" come before the Senate for debate, I will give your views consideration.

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that does sound better than I expected it would. Seems like several politicians are softening up.

10-17-2007, 01:12 PM
That does sound pretty encouraging. A Skills game bill would be the nuts!

10-17-2007, 01:13 PM
Yes, a PPA member forwarded us this response. Please know that we are attempting to meet with the Senator or at least his staff during our Washington Fly-In.

10-17-2007, 06:43 PM
I'm glad to see this softening. I hope it's a harbinger of things to come.