View Full Version : Standard or bad? JJ pre 25nl

10-16-2007, 12:41 PM
Sorry i didn't save the HH

On the button with JJ 6 max
Folds to hero, hero 4bb
SB folds
BB makes it 3.50
Hero makes it 10.00

I understand this may seem kind of basic, but i am double checking my self. thanks in advance.

10-16-2007, 12:49 PM
For me I think it depends on your image, table dynamics etc. If you've been openraising the button a lot and they're playing back at you then the 4bet can be good, but if it's a tight player I just call.

You're No Daisy
10-16-2007, 12:55 PM
Pretty standard, as I learned last week, except I was in the BB. Do you have any reads on the BB that would help us out. For example, is he a rock? If so, a reraise is just spewing chips. If his preflop raise percentage is low and his fold BB to steal is high (meaning he folds his BB to a raise a lot), this is JUST a call. Some might even think it could be a fold (but I'd never fold this on the button unless villain shoved). If his preflop raise percentage was higher than 15% and his fold BB to steal is high (i.e. he's a blind defender) a 3-bet might be in order.

These are the things you need to be thinking about when making a play like this.


10-16-2007, 12:59 PM
You really need to tell us effective stack sizes, and what range you put BB on.

Assuming 100BB, and AQ+,TT+ you are behind his 3bet, and should call for set odds.

If he's 3betting light at all, kinda rare at 25NL, then you are ahead, but you are going to be in a reverse implied odds situation on the flop if you 4bet, push nearly any flop. I'd still call and play poker.

If he's short (<=60BB) and even slightly loose, I'd just jam it. Otherwise I call in position.