View Full Version : NL$25 Video: How bad do i suck?

NL Newbie
10-15-2007, 02:46 PM
Reply with anything you think i do incorrectly etc. Not alot of interesting hands but some.

Its mainly pre/flop stuff, i played around 20/18 my normal NL$100 and NL$200 figures before i cashed out /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/frown.gif /images/graemlins/blush.gif

So if you can reply also with something like

2.46Mins KQ hand - Well i think fold.

[/ QUOTE ]
Etc etc.

Video link

10-15-2007, 02:52 PM
DOwnloading now, sleep soon report back in the morning. Looking forward to it.

10-15-2007, 05:40 PM

10-15-2007, 05:47 PM
i'll check it out in a bit

10-15-2007, 06:09 PM
downloaded, but i get a message that says unknown format. What do i have to download to play the file?

10-15-2007, 06:26 PM
downloaded, but i get a message that says unknown format. What do i have to download to play the file?

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Windows Media Player.

I just started watching and so far I like your accent.

10-15-2007, 06:56 PM
Downloading, will watch later.

Dallas Dru
10-15-2007, 06:57 PM
couldnt get it to download.. will try later... im excited to see it

10-15-2007, 07:06 PM
ill watch.

although all slots to my country are taken or somethin

10-15-2007, 10:05 PM
downloaded, but i get a message that says unknown format. What do i have to download to play the file?

[/ QUOTE ]

I downloaded and installed WinRAR to extract the file, it's compressed into an RAR format. You can download WinRAR here (http://www.rarlab.com/rar/wrar371.exe).

10-15-2007, 11:07 PM
Just watching it now -

Raising AJ UTG at 6-handed table is not close unless people think you're FOS.

3.20 - A6 suited OTB unopened is an AUTOMATIC raise.

10-15-2007, 11:18 PM
I'll take a look too.

10-15-2007, 11:23 PM
I just started watching, but as soon as I started it I recognized your screen name from FTP and I have a note on you saying you are somewhat easy to 3bet out of your hands and likes to call 1 street and then fold to second barrels etc.

10-15-2007, 11:42 PM
You are definitely right that players try all kinds of awful bluffs and top pair is more valuable, at the start. LOL like the hand at 2:25 where donk shoves with no pair, no draw. Standard.

AK even if player won't fold to c-bet is still very strong. You should 3bet close to every time IMO.

At 4:40ish with 87o, I don't mind check behind on flop but you should c-bet the turn with OESD here most of the time even though he's short. Because he is short. Players tend not to c/r blank turns when you check behind flop. They will bet out turn with hand here most of the time. And, you can bluff/shove river when/if he checks.

5:30 you got another shortie with a pair and turned flush draw. Fire another barrell and call push. I think your c-bets are a bit too small as well.

9:30ish AQ in BB opponent donks flop. I can see call, raise, fold all viable options. Without reads I like fold best to generate weak image and get them to make plays at me.

10:30ish 98o from CO 3-way K95 flop. You don't have much value from betting in that a worse hand cannot call but I c-bet here because probably do have the best hand and there are too many bad cards on turn. Plus, I want people to respect c-bet less.

10:50 I can't see how much SB has, looks short, but I'm not folding Q9s in position preflop.

NL Newbie
10-15-2007, 11:55 PM
I just started watching, but as soon as I started it I recognized your screen name from FTP and I have a note on you saying you are somewhat easy to 3bet out of your hands and likes to call 1 street and then fold to second barrels etc.

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Yeah, i turned into a huge weak tight pussy. Fixed that now, thats why i broke even for so long.

Which was caused by running horribly bad and getting coolered a heap.

10-16-2007, 12:01 AM
I don't like the chat talking about ditching 22-33 because of "set over set"'s..
set over set sucks but it's just coolers
m12 definitely bet the J8s on the flop in 4 way hand, narrow down the field since you are not drawing to the nuts.
m14 I call the minraise w/ the Q4s in the blind battle because I have position and it's a decent hand headsup.
m22 cbet AK on that flop for several reasons. You often have the best hand so value, information, and even if he calls often he will fold to a cbet some time, don't let him catch up, especially not for free.
m27 he's not openshoving A9 on the river often enough. I like the hand and the fold is great.
m34 I think you raise a bit too much on such a dry flop, raise to like 6.50 and there are not a lot of turncards you hate.
m37 AK again and no cbet? you cbet w/ any hand except AK ^^. You have good equity in the hand vs his calling range and you wouldn't mind taking it down straight away.

10-16-2007, 12:07 AM
You seem to put a lot of value in good reads and have a lot of info on your opponents etc. One thing I noticed at these stakes is that a lot of people seem to be scared to death of getting 3-bet preflop esp. when out of position. And you seem to play reasonably tight so I think it's profitable to identify these players who fold to 3-bets a lot and who also open-raise a lot and periodically 3-bet them with any two cards in position - basically take advantage of your image and all that info you have.

Also that J8 hand at about 12 minutes. Betting that flop has a lot of advantages apart from getting value. It makes you a lot harder to read if you bet these flops and builds a pot for when you back into a sneaky hand. I would bet a flop like this basically 100% of the time in that kind of situation, only exception being if opponents are extremely aggro which is rare. Betting this flop and getting flat-called by top pair etc. with reasonably deep stacks and calling stations as opponents (which is usually the case) is a good result I think.

10-16-2007, 12:07 AM
poker stove is not being gay, you try to give him A9s when the 9 is already on the board ^^ fwiw

10-16-2007, 12:11 AM
12:40ish You yawn. Don't play tired. Heh.

13:50 You get minraised by SB with Q4s and think about raising. I like this, and you should do it a certain amount of the time IMO. Even just calling and raising flop. Obv fold mostly.

14:40ish QT flop top pair, c-bet and Ace on turn. Check call turn is good line too against certain opponents as you explain later. River bet is too thin OOP, with position against that fish I think it's close to standard though.

21:05 Wow nice soul read.

22:10 Value bet/cbet AK on that flop especially if he peels flops. Bet the turn. Call river with Ace high.

26:30 I'll bet OESD here into that many people quite often since we have button. Checking behind is cool too. You have the nuts on turn. I'll even overcall his shove there a ton, minraise is funny too. Worst river card ever. Good fold.

Blind protection is overrated in 25nl for most part. I don't let SB steal from me because I have position but otherwise they can have it mostly. Throw in a couple light 3bets against button and jazz, but generally whatever.

I'll edit more thoughts into this over next few mins.

10-16-2007, 12:17 AM
I think you give villain a too big of a range when he shoves there, with the other player already being all in, he's not bluffing, and I doubt that he just shoves with trip nines.
I think it's close but I like the fold.

NL Newbie
10-16-2007, 12:39 AM
OK, gotta catch up with you guys - Appreciate your feedback, this is awesome <3!

I'm going to reply to everything i essentially disagree with/think its close/want to discuss further. So if you've said "A6s Btn standard raise" as DR has then i agree with you and won't quote and say "i agree" as it's going to kill my fingers typing so much. /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I don't like the chat talking about ditching 22-33 because of "set over set"'s..
set over set sucks but it's just coolers

Heh, yeah i just threw it out there. However if they are over large sample i may adjust my play

m12 definitely bet the J8s on the flop in 4 way hand, narrow down the field since you are not drawing to the nuts.
As said in video, i feel this is close, cutting the field down isnt a great thing unless say i had the GSD also which would be good specially if it wasnt to the nuts. However winning position seems good.

m14 I call the minraise w/ the Q4s in the blind battle because I have position and it's a decent hand headsup.
Yeah i reraise with reads alot, calling seems weak though - I like raise>fold>call imo, i dont think calling is terrible we win post flop a tonne too and win a cbet

m22 cbet AK on that flop for several reasons. You often have the best hand so value, information, and even if he calls often he will fold to a cbet some time, don't let him catch up, especially not for free.

I decided to take free card IP, i feel cbet with my read would be a waste of chips. against anyone else, easy cbet and he also slowplayed. But definatly agreed vs unknown.

m27 he's not openshoving A9 on the river often enough. I like the hand and the fold is great.

I ran pokerstove on this, hmmm interesting hand which i think i shall post actually.

m34 I think you raise a bit too much on such a dry flop, raise to like 6.50 and there are not a lot of turncards you hate.

Well QT is out, but i agree its pretty dry. Noted /images/graemlins/wink.gif Although he sucks, so its close :P

m37 AK again and no cbet? you cbet w/ any hand except AK ^^. You have good equity in the hand vs his calling range and you wouldn't mind taking it down straight away.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks mate, appreciated.

12:40ish You yawn. Don't play tired. Heh.


13:50 You get minraised by SB with Q4s and think about raising. I like this, and you should do it a certain amount of the time IMO. Even just calling and raising flop. Obv fold mostly.

See above, i like reraise with read for sure.

14:40ish QT flop top pair, c-bet and Ace on turn. Check call turn is good line too against certain opponents as you explain later. River bet is too thin OOP, with position against that fish I think it's close to standard though.

yeah fairly, my turn bet looks a bit weaksauce. Perhaps 3.50 would do the same job but warn off a bluff raise? looks stronger?

21:05 Wow nice soul read.
Lol, his low PFR and the call/check - I just was examining his call range to see if my bet had any merit. JJ was a concern

22:10 Value bet/cbet AK on that flop especially if he peels flops. Bet the turn. Call river with Ace high.

Problem is hes aggro and also slowplays. So having to call a river bet after i check turn could be -EV. River was meh, my odds are so poor so i decide to fold.

I'll edit more thoughts into this over next few mins.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you so far guys, i think we've highlighted a few potential leaks.

1: Weak tight (Well i knew that already, see blog :P)
2: bet sizing issues (Raising to big on a realtively dry board, and the 3>5 turn bet on the QT hand i feel may be a bit to small).

If you guys learnt anything then awesome, im sure ill be uploading more videos.

Excuse my language, accent and yawning /images/graemlins/wink.gif

10-16-2007, 12:50 AM
Bah I can't edit again.

34:00 You flop two pair and LAG 66/20/2.6 donks into you, with position. With an actual hand I expect to be c/r'd so I think majority of his range is air. Maybe second pair, etc. I call a bunch here. If get c/r'd now I don't slowplay, push. You see a lot of donks with no hand, no draw and c/r with something. Don't even worry about turn cards. You want a King, Ace to peel off so he keeps betting.

Don't worry about bottom set. But, at the same time you want to avoid playing for set value all the time IMO. I fold small pairs to raises a bit just because when they raise and you hit a set it doesn't mean they are stacking off and when you just c/f every time miss it's kind of spew. Especially if we're being raised by smart players in late position. Look how wide your range is, same thing.

38:00 The only reason you check here is to push. So, nice hand. I prefer just c-bet and take the pot even against shortie. You can't call push on this line, it saves money.

40:00 You are tempted to re-raise. I think you need to trust your instincts. They fold to 3-bets a lot in my experience, unless big hand. Especially this nit on button. His range is wide. You get feeling it is, go with it.

Treat shorties similar to large stacks because no one effectively plays short stack correctly. If you normally c-bet, do it. Unless opponent is some huge station. You do need to play tighter in general though so c-bet normally represents an actual hand. Or, find new table.

Also, when you show aggression and they raise/bet it normally means they have a hand. If you show no aggression and they bet, expect them to continue. Use this against them. Most 25nl players do not slow down. If you think they are floating to make a move and you have a good hand, check to them. When they donk into you after you raised PF and you have nothing let them have it most of the time.

On your straight hand you are giving opponent a huge range. But it's a dry sidepot. He's not bluffing here. It's almost never trips IMO. To clarify if you are just head's up things change. That really was worst card in deck though. He's not getting to the river with many nines.

NL Newbie
10-16-2007, 07:37 AM
You may be right about instincts, ill note that down actually and slowly begin to and see how i do.

Thanks guys, appreciate your time.

10-16-2007, 12:29 PM
4.40 -when you popped 87o from the CO. Flop was like j6T, you check fair enough. Turn 5. I bet this turn you didn't

5.40 - Were you raise J10cc from button. Flop is 10 A x . You bet flop and then you pick up a club draw on the turn and check behind? I think I bet here and call a shove. I mean, you said to yourself you are trying to rep the ace. Ace doesn't check the turn, if he CRAIS you all in you have a tone of outs.

12.40ish- J8cc hand were you flopped middle pair and a flush draw. You say that with the guy who raises the flop alot who you have notes on you might just check call. No way, I really hate this but I play my pair + monster draws hard. Like I personally like a CRAIS here nearly every time if I know a cbet is happening. IDK I'm not really worried that I'm not drawing to the nut flush it's pretty hard for him to have a FD aswell, not impossible but if he does you have a pair so prob ahead anyway!:P. A lead is not bad either but it gets tricky when you are OOP and they cold call you and you miss the turn.

11.30 - QT you played that well IMO. have to bet the turn and yeah just a generally standard/well played hand.

22.16- AK. Check flop is ok i guess but the guy seems pretty weak atleast fire the turn. I mean yeah you said he checked the flop with 2pr but he's not gonna do it every time. I nearly always cbet this flop or at least the turn.

26.06- when you limp button with JTo. I don't really like this tbh it's either a fold or raise depending on table. Pretty easy flop bet as well here tbh. I make it like 17 on the turn aswell. Good fold on the river.

34- Yea i usually flat this but I can understand if you are running bad why you pop it. Nh.

39- When that den haj guy raises ur button when you have QJhh. I repop against him all day everyday his range his so huge preflop not just from the button.

other than that though you didnt' get many big hands or much action.

nothing else i noticed tbh. Also I don't mean any of this as a bagging of your play just constructive criticism

10-16-2007, 01:50 PM
sorry for the question (will comment later):

How do you do these marked coulour line in your HUD Pop up?