View Full Version : 10NL on auto-pilot

10-14-2007, 11:54 AM
Summary: I am a multi-tabling drone and I lose a lot of value.

Not that important but somewhat related:
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The 10NL level comes rather easy for me and I have been running at around 15BB-5BB for a period of around 100K hands there (depends on day of week and how numb I am), 9-6 tabling. When I'm bored and playing the 5NL (zomg) I am around 30BB/100 but that's just so *uh*.

However – despite being a decent winner there – I am on autopilot most of the time (when playing 5+ tables) and have lot of trouble with playing my big hands profitably. My overall strategy is just to cbet-2nd-barrel and 3rd barrel a lot unless there's some serious resistance and I play my big hands pretty much the same: Just bet out big.

Some common scenarios...

Note: On all cases, no reads on villain; I usually try to adjust when I do have one.

1. Passive game, 2 limpers and I complete with KTs on the SB. I flop a flush on a Q52 board and lead out 3/4 pot.
2. I raise JJ from MP, button calls and I fire standard cbet (like .50 into .70) on a flop of J82 rainbow.
3. I re-raise AKs big from the blinds against MP opener, flop comes A-rag-rag and I fire 3/4 pot.
4. I defend with 88 against MP opener, flop comes 8Kx rainbow and I lead out 3/4 pot, villain min-raises and I insta-shove.

So these lines are probably not optimal (read: bad). My questions for all the multi-tabling drones out-there:
* What lines do you take on these hands?
• Do you use the HUD reads when selecting your lines?
• How much do you slow play? (I never do, except for flops that are really hopeless like KK on a K33 flop against a single opponent. I will lead 33 on a 33T board against several though, because it’s going to be so fun if another T comes on the turn)

Also, some preflop related questions (7+ tables):
• Do you open stuff like JQo,22 UTG?
• Do you open stuff like JTo from the button? If you’re called from the blinds and flop nada do you auto c-bet flop or turn without a read?
• Two limpers and you’re with 78s on button – anyone here does *not* raise?
